Fertility Explained – chances of getting pregnant

So just what are the chances of getting pregnant? Here’s what other sex educators might not tell you about fertility.

Ok, I’m going to let you into a little secret. Just don’t tell any other sex educators I told you this. If you have penis in vagina sex without a condom or contraception, you won’t always get pregnant. In fact, it’s unlikely because chances of pregnancy are quite low. BUT WAIT!

Don’t run off to have bareback sex! This doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Some people have unprotected sex once or twice and they get pregnant straight away. However I’m just being honest with you.

Even though you should use contraception for penis in vagina sex, the chances of getting pregnant are lower than you might think. I’ll explain here, but first here’s a recap of how fertilisation works.

How fertilisation works

BISH fertility fertilisation

An egg is released from the ovary once in a menstrual cycle. If it meets with sperm while it is travelling down the fallopian tube then fertilisation and then pregnancy can start.

If a sperm meets an egg at this stage then there is a 33% chance of fertilisation. Fertilised eggs then need to stick to the lining of the womb in order for a pregnancy to start. The egg dies around 20 hours after being released. After that it is not possible to get pregnant until the next egg is released in the next cycle.

So, as you can see, it’s harder than you might think to get pregnant, but you definitely should use contraception if you don’t want to get pregnant (keep reading). Also there’s is a ‘time of the month’ when you can’t get pregnant. How to work that out though? Well it’s very very difficult because it’s all about the menstrual cycle.

How the menstrual cycle works

BISH fertility 28 day menstrual cycle
This is just a one off example. Only a small minority of people have cycles that look like this

Day one of a menstrual cycle is the first day of a period. Periods last for a few days and this varies. Eggs are released from the ovary (ovulation) roughly around half way through the cycle. In the example above a cycle that was 28 days long might have ovulation around day 14 / 15. In order for pregnancy to start, an egg has to be fertilised within a 20 hour time slot when the egg is alive. As sperm can live inside someone for 5 – 7 days then the time to avoid sperm getting into the vagina is from day 9 to 15. Once the egg has died it’s not possible to get pregnant until another egg is released which happens after the next period.

So if you knew when ovulation was definitely going to happen then you could decide for yourself if it ‘safe’ to have sex or not. However, it’s really really hard to do that.

Why you need contraception

BISH fertility menstrual cycles are random

If your cycles are *always* the same, you might be able to predict when you are going to be fertile and not fertile. But periods, and ovulation, are random. Because periods don’t always come when expected, the same is true for ovulation. Also ovulation is not always at the same time even if your menstrual cycle is the same. This means that people may be having unsafe sex when they think they are safe from pregnancy. If only our bums change colour when we ovulate – like baboons.

Some people are able to use this as a method of having sex and without having babies: however it’s very very hard to do and not super effective – click here for more. But but but, it’s not as effective as using condoms or other methods of contraception. For more advice and a clinic near you go here

‘I think I’m infertile’

Some people may have had sex a few times, not got pregnant and assumed that they were unable to have kids. Then they might think ‘I can’t get pregnant, so I won’t bother with contraception.’ They would be wrong. Remember, although pregnancy *can* happen the first time you have sex it would be unlikely. However if you have sex regularly over the course of a year then it is much more likely.

Are you panicking about pregnancy?

Check out my article (and illustration) Am I Pregnant? and also check out my article about How to Deal With Stress. Please stop emailing me to ask if you’re pregnant or not.

The evidence

Here’s a paper which shows how people think they are infertile when they aren’t (and that this might make them decide not to use contraception).

The authors of this paper reckons that there is a 3.1% chance of pregnancy from a single, random act of sexual intercourse (which can increase to up to 9% leading up to ovulation and decreases to 1% at other times in the cycle).

Hope that’s cleared that up ….

© Justin Hancock, 2024 Find out more about me and BISH here.


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152 thoughts on “Fertility Explained – chances of getting pregnant

  1. Hi, my bf came in me on the last day of my ovulation… what are the chances that I could be pregnant my period is not due for another week

  2. hi bish, is it possible for a period to be delayed even after ovulation has taken place in that cycle? i’ve heard that a late period means late ovulation, but i know i have ovulated but am still waiting for my period to come, i think its late cos of stress

    1. Try not to worry about this, periods are often random and can also be random due to stress or just being a young person. Ovulation happens around halfway through a cycle (as I explain above) so if you are having a longer cycle then it could be that ovulation (and your next period) are a few days later.

  3. Its been a few days since I had my last period. My boyfriend and I had sex and he said he came. What are my chances of getting pregnant?

  4. hi bish!! me and my bf have sex but! have protection like condom ultra thick!! before he release he told me that he’s going to nut but outside he release outside and inside of condom is there any chance that i get pregnant??

  5. Me and my boyfriend got carried away on 10th august . He touched my labia with his erect penis for a few seconds but there was no insertion , he later fingered me after a few minutes of this . He did not ejaculate anywhere near my genitals . But i am afraid of the chances of pregnancy from pre cum . Just to be on the safe side i emergency contraceptive within 24 hrs of the incident. Please help me , is there any chance of pregnancy?

      1. I sat on my boyfriends penis and he came in me. I then took a plan b I was one day away from ovulation and then five days later he then came in me (as he was pulling out) and what seem like and his cum leaked out of me but I’m not on birth control what do I do next it has now been

  6. Hi, just wanna ask.
    Me and my bf had sex 1 day after my period. The first day of my period started July 13 and it lasted for at least July 18 (because I still have spots during that time) so basically the end of my period is 19 and we had unprotected sex July 20.

    He has not cum inside me tho, we had an oral sex first and after he cum he peed and wash himself then he inserted it in me but did not finish at all. 4 days after which is July 24 I started to get watery discharge which means that my fertile days has started and my ovulation is very close. My calculated ovulation was July 27, and my unsafe days are July 24-30.

    Is there any possibility that I could be pregnant?

    I felt strange, however this might be the cause of my fertile days. I felt so dizzy and vomiting.

  7. Hello so I am wondering if I’m pregnant so basically my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex June 7th he ejaculated for the first time in me that day and I took a plan b about an hour after I don’t know if I was ovulating I used an ovulation chart and said I’m supposed to ovulate the 9th of June so the 7th of June was a fertile day of mine would the plan b still work ? And my cycle is 32 days my last period I got may 22nd and last around 6 days so my ovulation date would be June 9th correct and if I’m in my fertile days I could still use a plan b just as long as I am not ovulating ?

  8. My boyfriend nutted but he pulled out and put it back in me after he nutted but he still had a drop of it on the tip it’s been 6days this morning I felt dizzy but it would come and leave at times is that a symptom?

  9. I recently had sex but it was he who had contraceptive pills, what r the chances of me getting pregnant???

  10. My husband I are trying for our second child and I wanted to know he came in me three time with in a week on those days was my ovulation days are my odds good on conceiving

    1. I’m not really an expert on how to get pregnant, all I talk about here are the averages and estimates of pregnancy likelihood. I think that the general advice about getting pregnant is to have regular penis in vagina sex throughout your menstrual cycle and, after a few months, there’s a good chance that a pregnancy might start.

  11. Last week my girl was dry humping me and I came we both had clothes on and I put my hand near the cum and touched it touched my pants then was touching clothing then fingered her about 5 mins later is there any chance that she could get pregnant

  12. Hello so me and my fiancé had sex and he nutted in me twice it was my second to last day of my period. Is there a good chance I’m pregnant? I honestly don’t know if I’m fertile or how would I know?!

    1. It’s likely that you are fertile, it’s just that people are not given the proper information about what it takes to get pregnant. So it’s unlikely that you can get pregnant from this but it’s not impossible. You might want to think about getting a period tracking app so you know when you’re more fertile. Perhaps also think about using condoms, How To Use Condoms or using contraception What’s the Best Contraception For You? if you don’t want to get pregnant. If your fiance doesn’t care about whether you get pregnant or not (and you do) you might want to think about whether your fiance is right for you Partner Putting You at Risk

    2. Hi thank you for the reply. We are gonna try for a baby. But I think we both are a little confused as to when is the best time to try. When should I actually take a test. My periods are never the same month to month so could that effect getting pregnant?

      1. The general advice that couples are given is just to keep doing it on a regular basis. Make sure that ejaculation happens inside the vagina. If you do this, over the course of a year, there is am 85% chance that you will get pregnant. If your periods are random it’s going to be harder for you to guess when you are ovulating but it’s more likely that you will be ovulating some time after the last day of your period, so perhaps focus on those days. Hopefully the article above should explain that for you.

  13. Hi, i had unprotected sex with my wife 4days ago and had sex 5 times in one day, i did not ejaculate inside of her, and she is not on birth control, its the first time we have had sex in around 8months but im worried about if the precum had any sperm in and the chances of pregnancy?

  14. i don’t know if this will work but i’m not exactly the best age for pregnancy and me and my boyfriend were messing around and the condom broke right before he came .. and he came in me fully, i’ve been stressing looking up stuff to help me out with this and my question is , is ovulation day your most fertile day or is it the days that come before or after that day? and also is their a good chance i’m not pregnant even if it happened during ovulation?
    if anyone answers thank you 🙂

    1. You’re more fertile just before and during ovulation (this is because sperm can live for a few days inside you). The study I referenced above suggests that the highest chance of pregnancy for one time sex is 9% and that would be just as you are ovulating. However it’s hard to know when your ovulation day is because it can change from cycle to cycle.

  15. Me and my girl had intercourse and i am not sure if I nutted in her. She is on birth control and takes it at the same time everyday and has never missed a cycle she also took plan b after it’s happened. What are the chances she can get pregnant

  16. Hi, I looked at your article and was wondering if you knew anything about this. My friend was out on the Nexaplanon birth control implant technically 3 days ago and had unprotected sex. Her boyfriend finished inside her and he last menstrual cycle was on March 3-March 8. What do you believe her chances of pregnancy are?

  17. Hey Justin, I’m stressing out a bit right now. Two weeks ago on Valentines Day I went over to my girlfriend’s place. We didn’t have sex but I was in behind her humping her. She had her underwear on and I had my penis out. It’s good to mention that I was fingering her at the same time so my penis wasn’t directly over her vagina. I also didn’t ejaculate at all. But, I did have a bit of precum. Now, I remember checking the tip of my penis to see if I had precum and a dried my fingers on my pants and went back to fingering her. This week, she is supposed to have her period but we don’t know the exact date. She is showing no signs of pregnancy symptoms and was breaking out I believe roughly a week ago (pms?). I’ve also read that period tracking apps can be pretty inaccurate. Also I believe she was ovulating at that time. So Justin, my question to you is what are the chances my girlfriend is pregnant ? It’s been eating me away the last week and a half so I would like to get your opinion.

      1. Hello! I got my period this month on the 4th but my boyfriend has been cuming in me since I got off my period on 7 and on the 9th he nutted in me multiple times and today he nutted in me 2 times and I also be been cramping I’m trynna see if Is it a sign that I’m pregnant or Should I take a pregnancy test ? Thanks!

        1. As I said above the risk of pregnancy is between 0 and 9% per time depending on when in your cycle you had sex. So you might want to get a pregnancy test so you know what your options are. The sooner you know your options the better, particularly if you are considering having an abortion Abortion – The Facts The way you talk about your boyfriend cumming in you concerns me too: do you want him to do that? Does he care you might get pregnant? Do you want to get pregnant? Please have a read of this Partner Putting You at Risk

          1. Me and my girlfriend where having unprotected sex and she is very fertal and I came in her twice she just got off birth controll we are going to get plan b but she is freaking out

  18. Hello! I got my period last month but my boyfriend has been cuming in me this whole month and I just got my period yesterday. Could it be a sign that I’m not pregnant or is this what they call a “last period”? Should I take a pregnancy test after I get off of it? Thanks!

    1. If you got what feels like your period then you aren’t pregnant. In a minority of cases of pregnancy there can be implantation bleeding, which might feel like a light period (it’s not a period though). So this you could take a pregnancy test to be sure of pregnancy or not.

      1. Hey! So i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend… We went two rounds. First round he pulled out in time and the second time he said he didn’t pull out in time. My cycle is 23 days long and some times i don’t know when i’m ovulating. I don’t think i was ovulating. What are the chances of getting pregnant NOT during ovulation?

        1. It’s not possible to say that you were or weren’t ovulating because the ovulation day isn’t always the same. The only way to be sure about ovulation day is to check your vaginal temperature and look for the changes in vaginal discharge. For single acts of intercourse the average risk is 3.1% and that ranges between 0% and 9% (just before and during ovulation)

      2. I just got off my period on the 3rd, but it was super light the next morning and brown at night and brown on the 5th too, what does this mean? Is pregnancy possible?

  19. my boyfriend nutted in me the day i was ovulating, and after that he continued to nut in me but i haven’t gotten pregnant. do you have any tips or have any clue to why i haven’t gotten pregnant or how to get pregnant ?

    1. I feel like I have answered this question in the post above. If your boyfriend continues to nut inside you, throughout your menstrual cycle, regularly, for a year, there is an 85% chance that you will get pregnant. Pregnancy doesn’t happen everytime.

  20. I have been tracking my period/ovulation/fertile/non-fertile days using Femometer and regulating my temperature and using a ovulation kit to test when I’m fertile. I’m trying to avoid using birth control for holistic reasons but my question is: if my boyfriend ejaculates inside of me during my “non-fertile” days after my ovulation cycle, what are the chances of getting pregnant?

    1. So the average risk of pregnancy is 3.1% and the range of this risk is between zero and 9% (around ovulation). This study https://www.contraceptionjournal.org/article/S0010-7824(01)00191-3/fulltext (which I got the stats from) suggests around a 1% chance of pregnancy towards the end of a cycle because sometimes ovulation is delayed. However, in your case, if you are using a temperature kit to test when you have ovulated the risk of pregnancy would be more like zero at this stage because you know you have ovulated. Does that make sense? You probably already know that this method of contraception is pretty effective: it’s thought that only 3% of women using this method will get pregnant over the course of a year of regular sex. You can make it even more reliable by using a different method too. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3638203/

  21. Hello, so I’ve heard rumors about having too much sex with ejaculation is sometimes bad and too much all in one time frame that the egg needs to get a chance to fertilize and it’s not good to overload idk again this could be a rumor, so my question is I ended my period 4 days ago and between the 4 days ago and today we had sex 3 times out of those 4 days and he did not pull out, will it decrease my chances? According to my premom app i hit my fertility window as of today! I thank you for your time!

      1. Thank u for clarifying! And I’ve done some research and had a few or say to tell me they say it’s best not to do it eveyday and how it can lower your chances by doing it too much because it can lower sperm count and such! But u have answered my question and I appreciate you taking the time to reply! Thank u

  22. hi

    my friend asked me to inquire about his boyfriend coming inside her during sex after 3-4 days of period.

    what are the chances of her getting pregnant?

    1. It depends on how long her menstrual cycle is (and we don’t know how long this cycle will be till the next period starts). So it’s hard to know for sure. If her period was say 5 days long, then this would be around day 8 or 9 of her cycle. Ovulation happens around the middle of a cycle (for someone on a 28 day cycle this would be day 14) so any unprotected sex just before that is more likely to begin a pregnancy. The average for one time penis in vagina sex with internal ejaculation is 3.1% with a range of 0% – 9%. If it was less than 5 days ago she could try to get hold of Emergency Contraception Emergency Contraception

  23. hi

    I had sex with my boyfriend 3-4 days after my period and he came inside me. What are my chances in getting pregnant?

    thank you!

  24. Hey so me and my bf had sex many times april last year and i never got pregnant but he did cum in me so i thought i was infertile. On june 18 i had sex with another guy that wasnt my bf and he cummed in me. On july 1 i had sex with my bf again and he cummed in me but later on i notice that i was pregnant so they told me my due date was march 27, 2021. how do i know which guy is the father of my child, my bf or the other guy?

    1. I don’t know, is the honest answer. The usual length of pregnancy (and what they would have been calculating your due date on) is 40 weeks. So you could perhaps work it out for yourself.

  25. my boyfriend and i had unprotected sex and he came inside of me and the next morning i took the emergency contraceptives but i get nauseous really easily and have been throwing up when i eat but like two hours after i threw up and wasn’t sure if my body absorbed the pill so i took another one after and three hours i ate and ended up throwing up do you think my body absorbed the pill yet?

    1. Sorry I didn’t get to this in time (I can’t answer all questions and it’s not an emergency service). My answer would have been go to back to where you got the EC and to ask them about it.

  26. Hi, question about the likelihood of me being pregnant when my bf came in me on my fourth day of ovulation cycle and my 6th (ovulation day). I do have irregular periods so it’s hard to keep track but i use this app called Cherry to help me keep track of my period that’s how i know that those days were when i was ovulating and i did just end my period cycle about a week before our sexual intercourse.

    1. You have more information about this than I do. Ovulation only actually lasts for a day or so, but sperm can live for a few days inside someone. So that’s why there’s a risk of pregnancy from unprotected sex in the days leading up to ovulation. If you don’t want to get pregnant you should use a method of contraception: condoms, the pill, or dry humping. More on this here What’s the Best Contraception For You?

  27. My boyfriend came inside of me recently
    while I was on top, which was 3 days after my period and 7 days before ovulation. While we aren’t opposed to being pregnant do you think that I am also?

    1. I’ve got no idea if you are pregnant or not! All I can tell you is that sperm can stay alive inside someone for up to 7 days (but more likely up to 3 days). So IF ovulation was when you said it was then it is possible but not extremely likely. The problem is that it’s not possible to know for sure when you are ovulating because there aren’t obvious signs.

  28. Hi bish, my gf and I have been having penis and vagina sex a bit. Mostly we have other kinds of sex. We’re not using condoms and I don’t ejaculate inside her. I don’t pull out at the last second, we just enjoy some sex without expectations of cumming and I stop without getting carried away. We’re also using a bit of the rhythm method, i.e. only doing penis and vagina sex after her period. I rarely masturbate until ejaculation either. If sperm living in my urethra after ejaculation is a thing.

    However I do produce fairly excessive amounts of pre-cum. Is there anyway to find out if my pre-cum has sperm in it? Or anyway to get a better idea?

    1. Hi Eric. I’m not aware of any tests of pre-cum to see how much sperm there is. As you can see from this post https://www.bishuk.com/bodies/balls-and-cum-2/#pre-cum it’s not thought that there is not usually enough sperm in pre-cum to reliably get someone pregnant.

      Just a note on your rhythm method, I’m afraid you’re doing it wrong. As you can see from the article above, after the period ends is actually one of the most fertile times of the menstrual cycle. You need to time penis in vagina sex for after ovulation, which is harder to work out but it is possible. A menstrual cycle app like Clue might help you.

  29. my boyfriend and i had unprotected sex i guess you could say. but he was barely in me for about a minute and then pulled out and ejaculated on my stomach. i took a plan b but realized my period calendar predicted my ovulation was around april 1-3 and this incident happened on the 7th of april. therefore i took plan b after what my predicted ovulation time is which doesn’t do anything i’ve learned. my period usually comes around 16-18 of each month so a 31 day cycle. i’m guessing from what i’ve read from your article my chances of pregnancy are low??? what do you think? i had some brownish bleeding yesterday and none today. but i’ve heard that can be a side effect from plan b. no other side effects besides bloating and cravings like my normal period symptoms.

  30. I got the injection Contraception but when I got it I wasn’t on my period then 3 days later I had unproductive sex and I was at high risk of getting pregnant . I’ve missed 46 days but I had light bleeding for a few days .i confused if I’m pregnant or not

      1. Hello my bf came in me 2 days before I’m suppose to ovluate my period tracker is Pretty accurate and my periods are always on time what are the chances of me getting pregnant ? I’ve been off the nexpalon for about 5 months

        1. As I’ve explained in the article, the likelihood of pregnancy is a bit bigger around and just before ovulation. So it’s estimated to be about 8 – 9% possibility of pregnancy from one time sex.

  31. My bf came in me and we has sex the 3, 4, 5 of April and he came inside me all those days. I just ended my period the 1st of April. Is there a chance of pregnancy. I unable to get a plan b pill

    1. So for this there is a chance of pregnancy and higher than at other times of the cycle. If you can get Plan B emergency contraception that would be good. I know that it’s harder to get but there should be a local service or pharmacy that can provide that to you because it’s important. Check out my guide to sexual health services.

      I’m also concerned that your bf is coming inside you if he knows you don’t want to get pregnant. If he doesn’t care or is trying to make you pregnant then I think that’s abusive If he’s being careless or just a dick then he should stop being a dick. Getting sexual health services is tricky during coronavirus so he should do better. Loads more about contraception here.

  32. So my bf busted in me twice and the second one he kept it in and pushed it in a couple times but we did it a day before my period, can I still be pregnant? We agreed on having a baby but now I’m having second thoughts after the deed was done but I won’t be mad if I am.

    1. Hi I’m really hoping you’ll have an answer to my question . Me & my bf been together for a year and couple months , we always have unprotected sex & he always ejaculate in me but I never get pregnant . Could something be wrong ?

      1. It’s unlikely that there’s anything wrong. The studies suggest that if you have regular unprotected sex for a year there is an 85% chance of pregnancy. So it sounds like you’re in the 15% bracket. If you are definitely trying to get pregnant you might want to take some of the steps here https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/pregnancy/how-long-does-it-usually-take-to-get-pregnant/ Try not to stress, keep healthy, and it may well just happen.

  33. Hi I had got nutted in on day 6, 11, and 18 on my cycle and I’m now having slight cramps and it’s day 19 of my cycle could I be having implantation cramps or no?

    1. I don’t know I’m afraid. Cramping during a menstrual cycle is normal, particularly around ovulation (known as the mittelschmerz) and also your usual cramping when you have a period. If you want to get pregnant then keep having this kind of sex. If you don’t want to get pregnant then either ask your partner not to come inside you, or use condoms, or use another form of contraception, or have non-penetrative sex. You might also want to get a period tracker app such as Clue

      1. hi i had unprotected sex during my fertile window but the apps are saying after ovulation the guy had urinated 2 times that day before we had sex and there was no ejaculation how big of a risk do you think pregnancy is

      2. My boyfriend came inside of me 3 days after my period and then a day after and 2 days after that. Is there a chance I’m pregnant?

    2. Hi, my boyfriend cummed in me Twice on Saturday feb29 which was day 8 of my cycle. And I’m suppose to ovulate Saturday March 7 and my fertilize window started March 2nd. Could I be pregnant??

      1. If you re-read the post above you should be able to work out the answer. I’m not medically trained so I can’t tell you for sure if that is going to get you pregnant or not. All I can tell you are the facts about pregnancy: sperm lives for up to five days inside the vagina, ovulation happens around halfway through your cycle but cycles can change and you can only work out when you definitely ovulated at the end of the cycle. If you want to avoid pregnancy the best thing is to a) avoid penis in vagina sex (with ejaculation inside you), b) use condoms, or c) use another method of contraception. If your boyfriend knows that you are anxious to not get pregnant and he doesn’t care, then that is poor behaviour on his part.

    3. My boyfriend nutted in me 7 days before my ovulation date and the last day of my period how likely am I to get pregnant ?

      1. It’s more likely than at other times. So you should try to get emergency contraception from your local sexual health service if you can. ’m also concerned that your bf is coming inside you if he knows you don’t want to get pregnant. If he doesn’t care or is trying to make you pregnant then I think that’s abusive If he’s being careless or just a dick then he should stop being a dick. Getting sexual health services is tricky during coronavirus so he should do better. Loads more about contraception here.

        1. I had unprotected sex without ejaculation 5 days before my expected period i was extremely stressed and anxious as i was only able to take a pill the day before my expected period ….within those days I’ve experienced sore nipples, nausea and food aversion, fatigue, mild cramps as well as thick discharge ….i am now two days late ….possibility of pregnancy?

          1. I have answered this above. Penis in vagina sex without ejaculation is much less likely to cause pregnancy and 5 days before your period is not the most likely time for fertilisation to happen.

  34. Hi! I am actually trying to get pregnant and I have a few questions. My periods have ALWAYS been irregular, so I got on oral contraceptives and regulated myself for roughly 6 months. My last 2 periods have been spot on since ceasing to take the oral contraceptives. My app says I was ovulating anywhere from Dec 25th to Jan 8th. He came inside me roughly 7-10 times during this span. What are my odds of becoming pregnant? I am scheduled to get my period on Jan 17th and I normally have cramping, bloating, tender breasts beforehand- so far none of that! I did take a pregnancy test yesterday but I’m assuming it was too soon because I got a negative. I just want some feedback because I really want this and it would make me so happy to have some Porto is light shed on my situation.

  35. I had unprotected sex last nite , 5 days after my period and he nutted in me and like (not trying to be nasty) but he like pushes it in me and laid there for a couple minutes , do you think I have a chance to be pregnant? Anyway I could prevent this ? So I don’t get pregnant from
    Him doing this

    1. Okay first of all if you act quickly you can get some emergency contraception Emergency Contraception It might be called Plan B where you live. You have up to 5 days to get it and you can get it from a local sexual health service (they might be called Planned Parenthood where you live). It’s a simple pill that you swallow and it prevents a pregnancy by preventing eggs from meeting sperm, or preventing implantation in the womb. It’s not that I think you are definitely pregnant, but if he fully ejaculated inside you then there is a chance of pregnant.

      I’m really concerned about what he did. If he pushed the ejaculation inside you and tried to hold it in it sounds like he is trying to deliberately get you pregnant. As you don’t want to get pregnant I think this is a really serious violation of your boundaries and is really really non-consensual. I think it may also be against the law. When you speak to the sexual health service you could tell them about this if you wanted and they should be able to offer you some support or advice about what you can do.

      Once you’ve dealt with this incident you might want to think about this relationship and whether you should be having sex with someone who does something like this to you. It’s a sign of an unhealthy or abusive relationship if someone does things to you without your consent. There’s more about this here Signs of an Abusive Relationship So, if you felt able to, you could dump him because of this.

      1. O no it’s nothing like that , we talked about having a baby but now I’m second thinking it because I do not know if I’m ready yet ., I mean if I get pregnant I won’t be mad but I really don’t no if I am ready just yet even tho I told him I was … do you think there is a chance I can be pregnant? An we only did this once

        1. Okay. If he knew you were having second thoughts then he still shouldn’t have done that, but if you’re having second thoughts now I get it. So the chances depend on how long your menstrual cycle is but the overall chance of pregnancy from one time intercourse is between 0 and 9%. It’s more like 9% if ejaculation happened inside the vagina just before you ovulate (release an egg). You ovulate around halfway through your cycle and sperm lives for 3 – 5 days inside someone. If you have a short menstrual cycle (like 20 days) then it’s more likely that a pregnancy has started (because it’s more likely you are ovulating now if your period was about 5 days), if you have a long one (like over 30) then it’s not likely. It’s all explained in the article to be honest. If you have a smartphone you could get a menstrual cycle app like https://helloclue.com/ and then you can have more control and understanding of what’s going on.


  36. Hello I am really wondering if I could get pregnant. My boyfriend and I dry humped I was wearing underwear and 2 cycling while he was wearing brief and cycling. We humped at the last day of my period. After a day we humped I discharge yellow and I ask him if he releases precum or ejaculated but he says no.i am really worried if this leads me to pregnancy.plss reply asap

  37. Hi I was wondering is there a chance of pregnancy if your partner ejaculate in you for up to 14-16 days straight all the way up to your next period?

    1. Yes. It depends on when you ovulated and you can only work that out when you get your period. So if you had a 28 day cycle then you would have ovulated (released an egg) around 14 days ago. If you had a 21 day cycle then you would have ovulated around 10/11 days ago. If you had a 36 day cycle then you would have ovulated about 18 days ago. Your menstrual cycle can be random and it’s difficult to work out when you are most likely to get pregnant.

      If you are worried about your pregnancy risks this much then I think you should be having a conversation with your partner about it. If they aren’t happy about not ejaculating inside you, or using condoms, then they are not a good person for you to have sex with. You could also try to access some contraception for you too.

  38. My girlfriend and I had sex three days after her period. I know having unprotected sex is stupid but this was one of two times we had done it in a year and nothing has happened. But as we were finishing she sort of grabbed onto me and I wasn’t able to pull out. I’m super scared cause I can’t afford plan B until my next paycheck in a week. Should I be worried?

  39. Hi I just started my fertilization days. My app says I have 11% high risk of pregnancy. My boyfriend and I did it without protection. He didn’t finish inside me but I was wondering how bad can this be? I’m really worried about the precum. Can this affect my chances to get pregnant?

      1. My husband came inside of me for the first time (without a condom) last night, and I didn’t realize until after the fact that I was exactly in the middle of my cycle. (So probably ovulating?)
        We aren’t 100% opposed to having a child right now, but I would much rather not at this time, so I am a little bit anxious.
        After he came, we continued to have sex. Does that increase the chances of pregnancy? What exactly are the chances of pregnancy in this situation if it happens while ovulating?

  40. i had my panty on and my boyfriend was naked. He was humping and fingering me one after the other. After this, my panty was wet. I don’t know if it was pre cum or my vaginal discharge. Next we went to the washroom and I gave him a blowjob and he ejaculated. I then washed my hands and left. I might have touched my underwear for a second at that moment. I got my period 4 days later. 25 days have passed and I feel nauseous and dizzy. Could I be pregnant?

      1. So my period was Jan 26-30th of 2020 , My Flo calculator said on the 10th I have a High Chance Of Getting Pregnant. My boyfriend nutted in me on the 27th, 28th, 30th of January & then the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th, & 13th , So he did nut in me on the 10th … Im now feeling hot flashes I guess you can say , also I’m feeling like i’m going to throw up but nothing is coming , I’ve been moody & not been in the mood for sex lately .. Could I be pregnant? or could it be something else wrong? I just need an answer …

        1. What really concerns me here is that you don’t seem to want to get pregnant and also you’ve not been in the mood for sex lately. However your boyfriend has been ejaculating inside you and you’ve had sex at least 10 times. Just because you are boyfriend and girlfriend doesn’t mean that you have to have sex. In a good and consensual relationship you should be able to say what you do and don’t want and for your partner to respect that. Even if you weren’t sure about whether you wanted to have sex or not you were definitely sure that you didn’t want to get pregnant. This means at the very least he should have not nutted inside you, or used a condom, or (ideally) just not have penis in vagina sex at all. Is your boyfriend trying to make you get pregnant? Because that’s not very consensual. Happy to give you a longer answer if you want, just let me know.

  41. Me and my girl dry humped naked 3 days after ovulation and there might have been a little sperm on my penis and she took a morning after pill 16 hours later… she is experiencing mild lower abdominal pain for 6 days since taking the pill

    is it normal?

  42. Hi my name is celine and in april i had sex with my boyfrriend and i had to go back away april was tge last time i saw my period and i didnt see it for may neither june and i took a pregnancy test but it was negative am i pregnant and my boyfriend actuall cum inside for me…but i dont know if i am he cum inaide me many times but this time he did in april i didnt see my period from then and i took the test in june like tye first starting of june what should i do im afarid my period never did this beforw

  43. Hey I was wondering because me and my boyfriend had intercourses and he just pre-ejaculated in me(well that’s what he told me) … is there a chance I could get pregnant?

  44. My boyfriend gave me oral and afterwards I decided to go wipe myself with tissue. The tissue might’ve touched his penis (he didn’t ejaculate) for a split second before I wiped myself. Is there any chance of pregnancy? I had egg white (fertile) mucus 4 days ago

    1. If you re-read the article I think you’ll agree that it’s not possible to get pregnant from what you describe. Even if there was any sperm on the tissue, it would have died pretty quickly (because sperm needs semen to live). Also, if you were fertile 4 days ago then you are much less fertile now.

      1. IF there was precum, what are the chances there was sperm if the last time he ejaculated was a week ago? So sorry Justin, I’m just really stressed

        1. All these comments are popping me up !!! I have something to ask ….my boyfriend always seems to ejaculate on the floor because he isn’t trying to make me get pregnant. But I am worried because after I finish seeing my period the day after we had intercourse and he came in me.is it possible I could get pregnant? After he does i realised that i was bleeding fresh blood and I’m a likkle frantic .
          ……but I stop bleeding now….but could I get pregnant?

          1. I’m not sure I understand your question fully to be honest. If he ejaculated inside your vagina then there is a risk of pregnancy. As I explain in this article (the one you just read) that risk is quite low for one time sex (the average risk is 3.1% with the overall risk being from 0% to 9%). If the sex happened during your period then that is perhaps a lower risk of pregnancy than at other times, but it depends on how long your current menstrual cycle is.

            If this happened within 5 days you might be able to get some emergency contraception Emergency Contraception You can also find out more about getting advice from a sexual health service Sexual Health Services and I also think that your boyfriend should be taking better care of you by using condoms How To Use Condoms

  45. My husband and i would like to have a baby.
    I had sex two days before my period. My period lasted about 3 days it usually lasts about 5 days. (21 cycle).
    Aftrer a week, my husband and I tried again and we had sex 3 times but on different days.
    Could i be pregnant?

    1. As the article says, you are more likely to get pregnant after your period and before ovulation. So when you had sex 3 times but on different days, would be the time most likely to start a pregnancy. Advice from fertility experts is generally to just keep having penis in vagina sex (with ejaculation deep inside the vagina) on a regular basis. I can’t tell you if you are pregnant or not.

  46. i had sex with my boyfriend the third day of my fertile window .. and he cummed in me . i’m starting to feel nauseous and i’m having horrible cramps . i’m also having a burning sensation? am i pregnant

  47. Me and my boyfriend just had sex and he cummed in me for the first time . How likely is it that I’ll get pregnant?

    1. Sorry, but I have answered that in the article. It’s between 0% and 9%, depending on when it happened. This is a more basic guide You might want to think about getting emergency contraception

    2. I didn’t mean to reply to this but I couldn’t figure out how to make a separate comment. So me and my boyfriend had intercourse today and I ran out of my birth control about a week ago. And it’s 12 days until my period. He also came inside of me unprotected. Am I going to get pregnant?

      1. If you have not taken any birth control pills for over 2 days then it’s more likely that you can get pregnant (here’s a link to the NHS website about what to do about that). The effect of the pills would have worn off after a couple of days, so yes you could have got pregnant from this time and it would have been a good idea for you to have taken emergency contraception after the sex you had.

        I can’t tell you the exact likelihood of pregnancy because I don’t know when your ovulation happened. The article above should give you that information. If your period is late you will be able to take a pregnancy test. Hope that’s helpful.

        Justin (BISH)

  48. I and my bf were humphing naked I’m not sure if he pre ejaculated,so he was sitting down naked I pulled his P down so it won’t get in contact with my V,sat on the shaft naked twerked on it then stood up and wore my cloths and it happened 9 days after my period which has has 25days and above intervals, is there any chance of getting pregnant from this(not sure if he pre cum at all ),please reply Asap its making me suicidal …I’m from a deep Christian society and if I am it’ll be a disgrace??,pls reply Asap

    1. So please try to calmly read over the article again. In it I explain that it’s very very unlikely to get pregnant from what you describe. Also try and also this website

  49. My boyfriends condom came off inside me while we has sex, 3 days before ovalation.. can I be pregnant.. most the cum was in the condom

    1. As I’ve said in this post, it’s unlikely but it might be worth speaking to a sexual health service about emergency contraception and here’s more about going to a sexual health service

    1. You might be on day 14 but you can only work out if that was a higher risk day for pregnancy once you get your next period. Then you can work out whether you were ovulating around then or not. If you’ve had unprotected sex recently then check out Emergency Contraception

  50. sorry to be graphic, however me and my boyfriend sort of had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago it only went in for about 15 seconds and then we tried again 4 days ago and it was barely in for a minute but he didnt cum . im not entirely sure when my period is due but i think it is around this time of the month however it has not arrived yet, i cannot stop stressing and i feel sick all the time and paranoid as im only young and my mum would not approve.

    1. Hi Chloe
      It’s very unlikely that you are pregnant from this if he didn’t ejaculate inside your vagina (sorry to be graphic). Why do you keep doing this if you are so stressed about pregnancy? Perhaps you might want to talk about having different kinds of lower risk sex you could try or using condoms.

  51. So I had sex with a girl who has a boyfriend. I have been worrying about her period. Today I finally asked her and she said it was a week late. I used a condom, and I even pulled out before I ejaculated. She barely told me today that her and her boyfriend have been regularly having sex without condoms, using the pull out method. She finally told me that she had unprotected sex with him the same day I had sex with her. I just want to know where I stand in this possible pregnancy. I used a condom and pulled out before I ejaculated. They had unprotected sex and just pulled out before ejaculation. Help please! Thanks!

    1. Hey. It’s extremely unlikely that the sex you had with her will result in pregnancy. Condoms are like 98.5% effective, in combination with you pulling out this makes it nearly 100% effective (I’m talking 99.9999999999%). So *if* she is pregnant then it is very likely to be from other sex she’s having. If they’ve successfully been pulling out then it’s unlikely that she’s pregnant. Remember also (like I say on this page) that periods are random – they can be late for many reasons.

  52. So my period is four days late. I had unprotected anal sex at the beginning of my ovulation cycle however my period last month was six days late so my periods are clearly irregular. Also I was sick during my ovulation day which I know can effect when my period is I’m super scared all my friends say I’m freaking out for nothing but I’m 15 and it’s very scary

    1. The only way you can get pregnant from anal sex is if the semen leaked out of the anus again and into the vagina – this is very very very very very unlikely. As you say, your periods are not regular so you just have to try and wait. You might want to consider using condoms for anal sex (if you’re not already). Condoms can reduce any STI risk for anal sex (also it’s important to use water based lube with condoms too) and it might also help with your anxiety about unplanned pregnancy too. You might also want to think about other kinds of sex you may enjoy too. More about that here.

  53. hi!

    im a bit concern, I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend after a day of my period ends. I had my period from the beginning of April 5 until April 12. we had unprotected sex during April 13 at night. Although, he didnt ejaculate or cum the whole night due that he was really drunk. He’s penis was dry but im still worried that he could have had pre-cum while he was inside of me.
    The next morning, i took an emergency pill( 4 dose of marvelon) and 4 dose after 12 hours.

    is there a bigger risk of me getting pregnant? thanks

    1. If he didn’t ejaculate inside of you then it is very unlikely that you are pregnant. There’s more about this here. I notice that you took an every day contraceptive pill as an emergency contraceptive – although this can work it’s not usually recommended. Marvelon is the kind of pill which you can take every day to prevent pregnancy, you might want to think about if you are going to have penis in vagina sex – or condoms of course.

  54. Great piece. Good to hear a sex educator say that sex doesn’t always lead to pregnancy, but that you still need to protect yourself.

    It’s true that natural family planning is not as easy as popping a pill, or putting on a condom, and yes you need specialist support, but it’s a great option once you’re over 20 and your body has settled down. Teenage hormones are a bit tricky which makes it harder to read the standard fertility signs (i.e. changes to waking temperature and vaginal fluid).

    With specialist support natural methods can be over 99% effective. Without support, e.g. learning it from a book or an app, they’re only 75% effective – not great at all. Here’s more info from the fpa: http://www.fpa.org.uk/contraception-help/natural-family-planning

  55. i need i long time sex period my dick siza is 7 inch and it wirth is 3 inch and very strong in sex relation but i discharte very soon what i can do ?

  56. Hi Bish,

    Absolutely brilliant flyer, as always! Some feedback for you below…

    I just wanted to highlight that “penis in vagina sex” is not the only way to get pregnant. As Jake has quite rightly raised there is a possibility of pregnancy occurring through semen entering the vagina, perhaps on a person’s hand immediately after ejaculation. For example, a man and woman are masturbating themselves, the man ejaculates on his hand, he then puts his hand inside the girl’s vagina. Pregnancy has been known to occur this way and we teach young people about this it is something we always highlight.

    Hope this is useful.

    Thanks and keep up the good work!

    Sex and Relationship Education Worker

    1. Hi Nadia

      Thanks for your feedback.

      The chances of someone getting pregnant from this are so low that I think we need to put it in perspective. I get lots of young people that are very worried about the risks of pregnancy from masturbation: this is in part due to teaching around this. I’ve tried to answer some of these concerns here as it is one of the most frequently asked questions I get http://bishuk.com/2010/07/18/mutual-masturbation-and-dry-humping/

      I always hear that there are stories of people getting pregnant from just masturbation or even from anal sex, but I think we need to be careful of these stories in our teaching.

      Thanks for commenting, keep up the good work yourself.


      1. I had sex around 11:30pm 2 days after the ovulations day and got fingered with sperm on the fingers is there a possibility of pregnancy?

        1. I think I’ve explained that above. The risk of pregnancy is pretty low, especially if you did ovulate a couple of days before (even though it’s very hard to know exactly when you ovulated). If he didn’t ejaculate inside your vagina then your risk is near zero

  57. hi, so i want wondering if ejactulating on the girl’s clitoris could get her pregnant. my gf said she was ovulataing but we did not have “penis and vagina” intercourse. we were fooling around and while she was on top of me, i came. but she was simply just on top of the tip of my penis. it wasnt inside of her. please email me back!

    1. Hi Jake

      It is *possible* to get pregnant this way but it’s very unlikely. If you are concerned your gf could get emergency contraception (within 5 days) from a clinic near you (click the yellow button on the right), if you are in the UK.


      1. Hi bish,

        i was wondering if i could get pregnant after a day of my period ends. he did not ejaculate inside of me nor didnt cum the whole night.

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