Are You Pregnant? Probably not

A video guide from me telling you why you are probably not pregnant from mutual masturbation and humping.

I’ve written countless blogs about it, I’ve answered loads of questions on here, I’ve tried to set so many people’s minds at rest. Want to watch me explain it? With my boring voice and bad hair (I go to a different barbers now, yay Barber Streisand). You’re welcome!

I had sex I'm worried I'm pregnant

Here are some more relevant posts for you

Why Mutual Masturbation and Humping are Safe

Why This Kind of Sex Can Be Great

Why it’s Safer and Often More Enjoyable Than ‘Sex’ Sex

Why It’s Hard to get Pregnant

© Justin Hancock, 2024 Find out more about me and BISH here.


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I’m a proud member of the World Association for Sexual Health Find out more about who I am and read about my 25 years experience being a sex educator about me and BISH here. I also have resources, a podcast, and a coaching service for over 18s, as well as some of the best RSE teaching resources around. Find out out about my other work at

24 thoughts on “Are You Pregnant? Probably not

  1. Hey Justin. After my bf and I were humping without clothes on rubbing against each other I got a 4 day “period” and it was like medium heavy, do you think this was my period?

  2. Hi Justin. I’ve left comments under other topics but they disappear so I’m sorry if you’ve seen the same comment over and over. My bf and I were going through the motions of sex naked, he never went inside of me, and never finished, the first time I was on top of him, and felt his penis going up where my butt is so it didn’t go in, then the second time he felt his tip touching my bed so he knows he never entered me, and still never finished. But there was probably precum. I took a plan b two days later to be safe. But my period tracker app said my ovulation period was the day after I took my plan b. Is there a chance that I’m pregnant?

      1. Hi Justin, so the next Sunday after it happened I had started bleeding like how I normally would on my period. But it only lasted like 4 days and I didn’t have any cramps or anything, but by all my research I know that spotting and implantation bleeding is never enough to fill a tampon, let alone a super plus one. Do you think this was a sure period and I shouldn’t worry anymore?

        1. I think you shouldn’t worry any more. But the fact that you are this worried about having the kinds of sex that has pretty much no risk of pregnancy is something worth you paying attention to. What will you do next time? What have you learned about this? Do you get stressed about other stuff too? Do you tend to overthink? You might want to speak to someone in real life about these things

          1. Hi Justin, thank you for your comment. I’ve definitely learned to not do any of the things that worry me. And I don’t worry about anything else this bad besides a couple small things. I think that I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not mature enough to handle having sex. And I’d like to speak to a doctor about maybe having anxiety, but I’m afraid they’ll ask what I’m anxious about and I’ll have to tell them I’m sexually active and I don’t want my dad to know that because it’s pretty awkward. Doing my research and reading this blog has really helped me out with my nerves.

          2. There are lots of different kinds of sex that might make you less anxious. There’s more on that here OMG Yes, No, Hmm: work out what kind of sex you like and this Amazing Sex Without Having ‘Sex’ and you might find this useful Have the Best First Time Sex or this one How To Have Sex. You might also want to think about contraception at some point What’s the Best Contraception For You? Also a doctor isn’t allowed to tell your parents about what you talk about

          3. I’ve always used contraception, and I’m trying to get on birth control soon. I’ve just decided not to have sex until then. Thanks for everything

  3. hello bish, my partner and i doing dry humping 2 weeks ago, we keep wearing our clothes but we didn’t satisfy enough so i rub her vagina with my hand she still wearing her pants on and my hand is clean too.
    and then she gave me a handjob and i ejaculate next to her but i cover it with tissue. my semen driping to my stomach cuz that time we lying in bed
    is there any possibility that she can get pregnant from this?

  4. Sir
    My gf and I were making out in underwear. I did pre ejaculate a little in my underwear. We were also having third layer of cloth between us. Is there any chance of her being pregnant?

  5. I and my boyfriend made out on 30th of march this year. Neither did he penetrate nor ejaculate. But he was on the top and we weren’t even rubbing genitals. We were just naked . So i think once or twice his part might have touched mine. My periods are super irregular. I am really stressed out. I skip periods even for 3 months. So i can’t even predict. I am really worried. I have been reading in many articles which is really confusing . Yours was a something I got a bit relaxed but still that anxiety is there. So please respond if there is any chance

  6. Hello, Sir. Thank you very much for your explanation. I am indeed very freaked out for two weeks now after my first dry humping with my boyfriend. I even took plan B pill 2 days after we did it. But may I ask if there is actually a case(s) of pregnancy because of dry humping? Thank you!

      1. I just did a home pregnancy test (19 days post dry humping and the result is negative! Thank you very much! Now, I’m going to relax more and hopefully my period will come soon.

          1. Thank you. My period came 1.5 hrs after I got the negative pregnancy test. I now really get it when everyone says that stress level really affect periods. I know it’s hard to relax in such case, like my case also last time, but seriously, you have to relax!!

  7. Sir me and my future wife were dry humping on underwear and I cum or say I came a little away from her vagiana and she wasn’t wet too and she is not having her period 3 months like it was before only doing this thing can you just tell is their anything serious about pregnancy

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