I’ve recorded a free video and audio of me reading Can We Talk About Consent, check it out!
As you might know, 4 years ago I published my last book ‘Can We Talk About Consent? A book about freedom, choices, and agreement’. It was illustrated by the brilliant Fuschia Macaree and published by Frances Lincoln Books (an imprint of Quarto Books). Well, my publishers have given me the nod to read it to you for free. So if you would like to watch you can do that, for free, at my Patreon. If you prefer to listen than to watch while your mooching about your ends, I’ve also done an audio version here.
If you’re still on YouTube you can see the video here too (though they restrict my content to over 18s, which is not very helpful).
If you have found this useful please consider buying a copy or several. It’s available from all good bookshops like WHSmith, Waterstones, Blackwells, and it’s also available at Amazon. Your local independent bookshop will order it in for you too. If you buy it from my Bookshop affiliate page then I get an extra 10%.
It first came out in January 2021, right in the middle of a Covid lock down which prevented everyone from doing most of the things that the book talks about. So I think it was a bit overlooked at the time. Reading it aloud and going through the amazing illustrations reminded me that it’s actually pretty good. If you’re a fan of BISH you’ll be a fan of this.
You can find out more about it, and read some of the stellar reviews about it, at the Can We Talk About Consent page here at BISH, where you can also find links to some of the translated editions. As I say in the video, it’s popular in Italy!
Also if you think that having this kind of work out in the world is important, and if you think that we need reliable, expert, trustworthy, and honest sex education online, then please consider supporting the BISH Patreon (where you are now). BISH is funded solely by people like you, chipping in anything from £1 to £50 a month. You can find out more about BISH here.
Despite it being one of the leading RSE websites, it’s not well funded and doesn’t even pay for me to work on it for a day a week. So please be generous and chip in to keep the project going. A lot of you are adults with jobs, make this a job for me. You will get a quarterly report, updating you on what I’m doing, what’s popular, what I’ve been writing about, and some of the themes that arise from what people tell me about the website. Head here https://www.patreon.com/BISHuk. There are are other ways to support what I’m doing at BISH too.
Can We Talk About Consent? by Justin Hancock, illustrated by Fuchsia Macaree, published by Frances Lincoln Childrens Books © 2021
© Justin Hancock, 2024 Find out more about me and BISH here.
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[Practitioners, although this website isn’t aimed at you, I’m keen to hear your thoughts about BISH too as you may have made use of it in your work. If you do work in or around relationships and sexuality education could you do this survey instead please. Thank you!]
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This website is funded by people like you who find it useful. As you can see, there are no ads, it’s all free, and I’m not really selling you anything (apart from my book, which is great). Here are all of the ways you can support BISH from just £1 a month and help keep this website going.
Find out more about who I am and read about my 25 years experience being a sex educator about me and BISH here. I also have resources, a podcast, and a coaching service for over 18s, as well as some of the best RSE teaching resources around. Find out out about my other work at justinhancock.co.uk