Advice about how to talk about what it is that you are both into, not just cumming on faces (and about why we shouldn’t try to persuade anyone to do anything).
Here’s another rambling audio answer to a reader’s question. Here’s the question
Cumming on faces. So, in porn, the men always cum on the girls faces, i wanna do it with my girlfriend when we have sex but she might think it’s mean or something, it really turns me on tho. How do i pursuade her to let me?
Here’s my answer!
The short version:
- Sex shouldn’t be one person doing a thing to another but people doing it together
- Women can like sex just as much or even more than men – and that’s okay
- So instead of trying to ‘persuade’ her, you need to ‘ask’ her
- Don’t do it during sex
- You need to give her the opportunity to say no
- Doing it by texts might work
- Ask open questions like ‘how do you feel about cumming on faces?’
- Make this an opportunity to have a conversation about all the things you both might like to do
- Be patient, you’ve been thinking about this for a while, she might not have.
Now read this!
Yes, No, Maybe – working out what sex you might be into
How to talk about sex – how to communicate and listen to what you and your partner wants