“How I masturbate is by humping a pillow, is it normal though?” Read more for top advice and statistics on pillow humping.
“When i feel really horny i masturbate, but how i masturbate is by humping a pillow. See most people or girls masturbate by using their finger.. But when i tried it, it doesn’t make me feel “horny” well i’m uncomfortable with it and i’m more of a “humping pillow” person. Alright so this is my question. Is it normal? Because honestly i feel weird like i’m not like other girls who masturbate with their finger “in a normal way” so is it actually normal?”
Hi hi
Thanks for your excellent question. Hopefully my answer will help you and all the other people who are worried about this too.
The word ‘normal’ is a very big word to me, and means lots of different things to different people. So I’m going to break the word down into three different meanings and use that to answer your question.
Is it normal like, how many people do it?
The only research that I could find looking at the different ways that people masturbate was the Hite Report written in 1976. The report found that 73% masturbated with their hands/fingers and that 4% of them masturbated like you do. So if the report is still true today, then yes, only a small minority of women masturbate like you do.
But let’s say that over half of the world’s women masturbate reasonably regularly (as this study suggests), then I reckon that around 60 million women regularly masturbate like you do. I think if 60 million people are doing it then it sounds pretty ‘normal’ to me.
I mean, honestly, we don’t know how many people masturbate like you. It might be a lot more than 60 million. People are often not really honest with each other when they talk about sex. One of the reasons for this is that people are really worried about being ‘normal’ so they will say that they are doing something ‘normal’ even though they don’t actually (even if what they were doing was totally normal #normal).
Here are some stats on why people don’t always enjoy ‘normal’ sex
And because we don’t get taught very much about masturbation, we just think that whatever is considered normal is how we should do it. I reckon there will be a lot of people reading this article thinking ‘oh, humping a pillow, I didn’t know that was a thing’ and then might actually try it.
Is it normal as in, is it safe?
Yup. So long as you don’t rub so hard that you damage your skin. Also if you are worried about the health of your pillow, you might want to put a soft towel against it in case it gets really wet.
Is it normal as in, is this just generally okay?
Yeah it’s okay to masturbate this way. Everyone has their own thoughts and views about masturbation, and I’m not going to tell you what to think about that. But the act of humping a pillow is totally chill and something that people really like. There are some really nice quotes from 1976 about how people did this and how much they enjoyed it, just click on the Hite Report and scroll down to page 92 (some of it is a bit sexy, so you might want to read that in private).
The truth is that everybody’s body is different and works in different ways. You might like the softer sensation of the pillow, rather than using your finger. You might also like the way that the pillow presses against your whole vulva rather than just one specific spot. You might also like that you can thrust against it and that your whole body is involved. Some people like that it’s a bit more active for them. Think about what it’s doing for you. Imagine that you were being interviewed about it in 1976, what might you say?
How to Enjoy Solo Sex
The thing with sex is that you’re just allowed to like what you like. Society comes up with words like ‘normal’ to try to stop people liking what they like, but actually, in private, people can just do whatever they like (so long as it’s consensual, ethical, and safe). So try to forget about the word ‘normal’ and instead try to just like what you like and keep humping your pillow. Even if your pillow doesn’t like it.
© Justin Hancock, 2024 Find out more about me and BISH here.
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uhh in 14 and i use a toothbrush
You might want to read this about someone else using a toothbrush and how to prevent injury from this.
How do I make it not embarrasing when I hump my SD-N body pillow
I’m not sure! As I say above, humping a pillow is pretty common and millions of people enjoy doing it. Maybe knowing this might help?
Hi i have been humping a pillow and i was wondering my period is late does that mean I’m pregnant?
Hi. The only kind of sex you can get pregnant from is if someone with a penis ejaculates inside your vagina. Even then the risk of pregnancy is actually pretty low. There’s more about how fertility works here. Also it’s actually more common for periods to be late (or early) than always be the same every cycle. I explain more about that here in my resource about how to track your own menstrual cycle.
I’m too much afraid of doing this
I was like,”what if it’s lead me to pregnancy ”
Can u plz tell me about this
You can only get pregnant if someone ejaculates sperm inside your vagina. You can’t get pregnant from humping a pillow. Just because something feels nice does not mean something bad will happen.
I am humping from chlid.now Iam22 year, now I also haumping with pillow, but now some time after time humping getting,blood from vagina. So I am very tension.is it reson for humping it is effecting me ,I don’t no what do.? Pls tell me for solution. Can I stop this humping pillow?
I’m afraid I can’t help you with this as I’m not a medic. I can’t think why humping a pillow would make your vagina bleed (unless it’s just your period of course). So you may need to speak with a doctor.
how do i hump a pillow
Hi! I was wondering, I have been doing masterbation like this since I even knew what it was, I have been doing it for so long I kinda wonder, in actual sex will I lose feeling bc I have done it so long? I am so sorry if that’s stupid to ask! I just kinda get worried, also can it like make my ‘lips’ flappy or heavy? If that makes sense, like I said sorry if bad to ask! Have a good day!!
That’s fine to ask, thanks for asking! It’s not going to affect what you call ‘actual sex’. It’s not going to affect your lips in the way you suggest and you’re not going to lose feeling in your vulva. Solo sex and sex with someone are very different kinds of sex, but they are both sex. If you find that when you have sex with someone that it’s not as good, you could talk with your partner about what you have learned from solo sex that might make it better. You could also try different kinds of masturbation, if you’re curious, but it’s totally fine to enjoy masturbation however you want to.
Is masturbating with pillow more harmful than hand?plz reply
Nope, it’s fine.
Does humping a pillow will make you pregnant?
No. The only sex that can lead to pregnancy is a penis fully ejaculating deep inside a vagina.
It feels good but how do I get a real man to hump me?
I love humping my pillow it feels so good I thought I was the only one and got worried something was wrong with me
Humping a pillow for me sometimes like gives me a rash bc of my pubes that rub against me also it doesn’t fell as good as fingering ur self
Yeah not everyone likes it
i really liked this. i really actually thought i was the only one😭 it’s honestly the only way that i actually cum😂😂😂😅
I’m glad you liked it!
Wow this helps me so much, I was moved disturbed about me hopping a pillow
When I hu!p my pillow am I supposed to take out my penis or just do it with my under wear on or can I take off all of my cloth and then hump my pillow.
You can do it however you like. Just depends on whether you mind getting your pillow messy with semen or lubricant Lubricant
Can this effect you in the future ?
Are you sure it can’t no matter how many times?
It doesn’t cause any negative long term effects
I been humping a pillow since a teen, I love the feeling and want more, I really thought that something was wrong with me doing this.
I hope the article helped!
Hi. Can I ask, would you get sti with just jumping a pillow? There is no other contacts, only pillow
Great question! You won’t get an STI from rubbing a pillow, because STIs are transmitted from one person to another. However if you hump a pillow there is a small small chance of genital infections that can happen – particularly if you have a vagina. One example is a UTI, or a urinary tract infection, which is where germs get pushed inside the urethra during sex. If you are rubbing against a pillow you might push some germs into the opening to the pee hole. This is why it’s a good idea to have a wee sometime after masturbating like that because it can wash the germs away before they have chance to start an infection (it’s why people say it’s a good idea to wee after sex with someone too). I guess another thing that humping a pillow a lot could cause is thrush (which can affect penises and vaginas). This is a yeast infection that can thrive on parts of the skin that are a little bit damaged from friction. It can happen with dry humping so I guess it could happen from rubbing a pillow too much too. To prevent that from happening just try not to hump the pillow until you are sore. The risk of these is really low from pillow humping though I think. They’re also not that serious, but can be uncomfortable. Here’s more info about them https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/urinary-tract-infections-utis/ https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/thrush-in-men-and-women/
Also you can wear ur panty while doing it..or just put a soft towel there