Here’s a question from a reader who is worried she is pregnant from pre-cum, but I have other worries. This post contains references to sexual assault and non-consent, so be careful before you read any further.
I’m 16 years old but I left school already…. My situation is that I was messing around with my boyfriend and he tried to push his penis inside me. It didn’t go in and it hurt a lot and he was only there for a few seconds and I told him to stop. And I asked him what if I get pregnant he said I won’t so I asked him if he precumed he said if he did he would know. I told him that guys can drop semen without knowing, he said yes he knows but he would’ve known if he dropped so much. And my period is supposed to come next week Friday. And I don’t know what to do.
Thanks for your question. I’ll answer your question first but there’s something else I’m much more worried about.
Pregnant From Pre-Cum?
So it’s incredibly unlikely that you will be pregnant from what you describe. The average chance of pregnancy for one time sex is 3.1%. This is between 0% and 9% depending on whether you were about to ovulate or not. However this is with someone’s penis fully ejaculating inside someone’s vagina, which is not what happened with you. You can read more about how pregnancy starts and where I got those figures from about pregnancy chances here.

There is a possibility that there may have been enough sperm in your boyfriend’s pre-cum but it would be rare for there to be enough mobile sperm for pregnancy to occur. And even then the pre-cum would have to have happened with his penis being fully inside the vagina. I wrote about pre-cum here and have just updated it.
So I’d be amazed if you are pregnant from this. You could go and chat to someone at a sexual health service if you think you are at risk. You could also chat to them about contraception. I think there’s some other stuff that you could be chatting to them about too though.
What Worries Me
Your description of your boyfriend trying to push his penis inside you made me feel sad and worried. You told me about it but you didn’t say you were concerned about it (at least not directly). He really should not have done that because it sounds to me like you didn’t want that to happen. This is serious business and, if the police got involved, he could be questioned about, or charged with, a sexual offence (like rape, attempted rape or sexual assault).
What he did was wrong and that you shouldn’t have to put up with him treating like that. When it was happening, you told him to stop and he did. He should have been aware that you were not into this before it got to the point of you saying stop. It’s not cool to put someone in the position of having to say stop, or no. This is on him, so maybe he should be reading this website about how to do consent better.
However I also don’t want to tell you how to feel about it, that’s not my job. Your body is your body and your feelings are your feelings. I’m not here to tell you what it is that you should be feeling, thinking and doing.
Here’s another article about a partner putting you at risk.
If you are okay about it and are confident it won’t happen again, then good for you. If you wanted to dump him because of this, that would be totally understandable Also if you wanted to tell someone else about this and ask for their help that would also be good. You could report this to a Sexual Assault Referral Centre if you wanted to, they could give you some help and support. You didn’t leave an email address but if you want to get back in touch with me I could try and help you find a service near you where you could get help, if you wanted it.
It’s your call how you deal with it, I just want to get you to think about it.
Hope that helps
© Justin Hancock, 2024 Find out more about me and BISH here.

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I’m a proud member of the World Association for Sexual Health Find out more about who I am and read about my 25 years experience being a sex educator about me and BISH here. I also have resources, a podcast, and a coaching service for over 18s, as well as some of the best RSE teaching resources around. Find out out about my other work at
I had sex with a girl I met and in the heat of the moment we wanted to see what it would feel like to go raw before using a condom. I put it in her deep for awhile (not stroking) and only ejaculated into a condom. There might have been precum and she’s not on any birth control. What kind of chances are we talking about?
There’s more on this here Am I Pregnant?
Hi Bish! So my boyfriend was rubbing his hand on my vagina opening and he might had precum on his fingers because he was touching himself before that. This happened around the time of my ovulation. My period is four days late, can this lead to pregnancy?
It’s very very very very very very very unlikely that can lead to pregnancy. Remember periods can be late for many reasons and are often random with young people (I’m assuming you are a young person). There’s more on how to deal with this here Am I Pregnant?
Hi sir I’m here to ask just to ease my mind I hope that you can answer my question me and my girlfriend had some sexual interactions and I was rubbing my thing on her butt but suddenly I inserted my tip on her vagina just for a few seconds is there a chance for her to get pregnant from precum if ever there is precum?
There’s very little chance of pregnancy from what you describe. There’s more on this here Am I Pregnant?
Can you get pregnant for having unprotected sex multiple times? But didn’t ejaculate inside
If you don’t get close to ejaculation every single time then the risk is low, but not as low as other forms of contraception. There’s more on this here Is it safe to pull out? and for more on other kinds of contraception try What’s the Best Contraception For You?
We had sex two times 2 days after her ovulation day and the first we used condom and i did cum and second i also used condom but after a few minutes she wanted to try raw for only a few strokes. Is there a possibility that she will be pregnant, her last day of period is April 6 and probably her next period would be April 30 or first week of march.
If you didn’t ejaculate inside her vagina then it’s very unlikely she’s pregnant. There’s more on that in my Am I Pregnant article.
I masturbate and cum first then a few minutes i put inside my penis in her vagina for about 20 seconds and i do have pre-cum that time. Is it possible that she will be pregnant?
It’s close to impossible that this would lead to pregnancy. More on that here Am I Pregnant?
me and my friend decided we wanted to have sex it was my first time i realized it was 4-3 day before ovulation (fertile window) he never came inside of me but he did put it fully inside me for a few seconds cause it hurt to much bc he ripped my hymen he said he never had pre cum but i am very scared he was struggling to get hard as well it took a few tries to get it fully in am i pregnant ?.
It’s very very unlikely that this will have started a pregnancy. The chances of pregnancy from one time penis in vagina sex, with the penis fully ejaculating deep inside the vagina, is 3.1%. So if he didn’t ejaculate inside you, then it’s very unlikely you are pregnant. There’s more information on this here Am I Pregnant? If you wanted to try having sex he could use a condom How To Use Condoms but also you could both read this article on how to have sex without pain (sex shouldn’t hurt, even if it’s your first time) Painful sex – how to have penis in vagina sex without pain
Hello Sir!, December 20, 2022, Me and My Girlfriend having our first time sex but my penis is not inside the glans are in there but the whole are not, and my excite are failed so i didn’t cum in her vagina even in her outside of the vagina, is it possible that she will gonna be pregnant? we’re not ready for this. Thank You!
To get someone pregnant you need to ejaculate fully inside their vagina. There’s more about this at Am I Pregnant?
Hey Justin, so my boyfriend and I had intercourse 2 days after my ovulation according to an app i follow. We use the pull out method and its been successfull everytime. This time we did the deed and he pulled out, he got up and wiped the cum and we waited about 5 minutes and did it again and this time we just stopped so he didn’t finish the second time. I was wondering what the chances are if pregnancy in this scenario. Currently im on day 41 of my cycle, but my cycle is normally 35 days. I do have cramps here and there and my breasts feel a bit weird but they don’t hurt bad at all.
There’s more about this here Fertility Explained – chances of getting pregnant
Hello Sir,
Me and my partner had unprotected sex on her ovulating day. i inserted my P inside V for 2 times and had only 3-4 strokes inside V every time (2 times only). we did sex by applying oil on penis. i hadnt masturbated for 10 days before and even during sex. but i urinated 1.30 hrs before sex. i had persistent suspicion that may be some pre-ejaculation fluid may have entered inside her V (considering possibility). although i didnt cum inside her. i only did penetrated for 2 times (3-4 strokes each time). Can she become pregnant? its been 4 days i am quite worried. we are to marry after 2 months .
It’s very unlikely that you got her pregnant from this. There’s more about this here Am I Pregnant?
Hey so my boyfriend and I had protected sex with a condom but then the condom broke a little closer to the tip but not directly on it. He did not cum, and he says there was so precum. even if there was, the rip was on the opposite side of what gravity would’ve “brought down” of the precum. I keep finding things saying precum has a low chance of getting people pregnant so I should be fine right? but him and i both have that lingering thought at the back of our minds. I urinated and took a shower right after so…I think we are okay? just wanted to hear from someone else.
Yeah you should be okay. If I was able to answer this question sooner* I might have said that you could get Emergency Contraception just to make sure. If you keep having penis in vagina sex, you could also consider using another form of contraception too. But really, condoms are very very effective at preventing pregnancy if you use them correctly. They are more likely to tear if they get dry or if they come into contact with something sharp (like nails or the edge of the packet). I’ve got lots of tips about using condoms here How To Use Condoms
*It’s just me here and I can only work on the website for a day or two a month because there’s very little funding atm
Me and my girlfriend rubbed our genitals together without ejaculation. Now she has got her periods but it’s not similar to the previous months. Her bleeding is low and she experience no pain at all. She says her back hurts. Is this a sign of implantation bleeding or is it regular periods itself? I’m so worried. Please reply.
As I say above and in this article Am I Pregnant? it’s very unlikely that the sex you had has started a pregnancy. Periods are random. Read more about different people’s experiences of periods in this article Period Stories
Hello, I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend last week. On Feb 5 before using a condom we tried inserting his penis for about 5 seconds, but from then on we used a condom so I think it is safe, but then on Feb 6 we had sex without protection for about 15-30 seconds and he pulled out,because he thinks there was a precum. Now, the unfortunate thing is I had my last period 10 days before that incident, reading your article about ovulation I realised that it was about time for my ovulation. It concerns me so much, that the next thing that I am about to say is crazy.
We don’t have emergency pills here in my country, with that we are left with no choice, but to look for alternative and we thought we could still use the birth control pills. After research we found a method that was saying I should take 4 pills on the first day, then another 4 days after. I didn’t do it because of my concerns, but what I did was I took the first 2 pills on feb 6 and my body didn’t take it well.
Now after a week since the time we had sex, I had a spotting or bleeding when I went to take a pee. I am now worrying if this was caused by the pills I took which I regret doing, or is it a sign that I am pregnant, because I read somewhere about implantation bleeding?
I know that from your articles the chance is quite low, but considering my ovulation (which I wish I have read before doing such acts) and not using protection twice. I am now stressing over it and won’t let me sleep as we are not prepared for this.
Hi. I’m sorry you’re going through this, it sounds really stressful. First of all, as you say there is a very very low risk of pregnancy from pre-cum. More about that here Am I Pregnant? Pre-cum is not the same as cum. In some pre-cum there might be some sperm but is mostly not enough to start a pregnancy.
You’re right that ovulation is the most fertile time of the menstrual cycle. If your period finished 10 days before the sex then you would be at about day 13 – 15 of your cycle (depending on how long your period was).
What you did in place of emergency contraception can actually work, so it’s not crazy! I knew about this but my website is aimed at people in the UK where we do have free access to emergency contraception pills, so I guide people to do that. There’s more information about the method you describe here
There are lots and lots of causes of spotting in between periods and actually you taking so many hormonal contraceptive pills might have been one of them So I would say try not to worry too much. Perhaps your partner might understand how stressful this is and might consider getting some condoms or not having entry sex, there are lots of other kinds of sex that have no risk of pregnancy at all Amazing Sex Without Having ‘Sex’
Hi, just want to ask, means my gf never had sex but we touch each other’s body. Im worried that when I touch her I have pre-cum in my hand and place into her. I haven’t ejaculate as well also I peed before she touch me. We eere very worried that my hand has pre cum and get ger pregnant please answer huhuhu
It’s very very unlikely that would cause pregnancy Am I Pregnant?
the boy is not having set he just rub his penis outside the girl pussy will the girl be pregnant?
It would be very unlikely that that would cause pregnancy Am I Pregnant?
can pregnancy occur if my girlfriend has sex on the first day of her period and i did not ejaculate and only precum was there ? she has an irregular cycle (39 -50) days cycle . I read online that if someone has irregular or unpredictable cycles they can ovulate as early as day 6 of their cycle.
we had sex on day 1 of her cycle ,her period lasted for 4 days . even if there was sperm in my precum it would not be viable until day 6 ( if she ovulated early ) . so what are the chances of pregnancy happening from this event ?
There’s more accurate information about this here Am I Pregnant? and here Fertility Explained – chances of getting pregnant
My bf and I were fooling around and we dry humped , he wore 2 layer of underwears but I didn’t wear any, but he did kinda pre-cum , and had a wet spot on his shorts. And I had my last periods exactly a month ago, I’m a day late.. Is there any chance that I am pregnant?
No. As I explain here Am I Pregnant?
Hi, me and my boyfriend decided that we wanted to try having sex but it was difficult to fit, and he didn’t ever fully go inside me, only barely the tip. He 100% did not cum. There was pre cum but it seems like there is a very low chance of getting pregnant from that. My problem is that I had my period around 5 hours after we had “messed around.” It was my normal 4 day cycle, I have a very irregular period and im unsure if im currently pregnant. Thank you so much!
If you got your period, you’re not pregnant.
You might also be interested in my article about how to have sex and the one about different kinds of sex
Hi, Ive been stressing out quite a lot for about 1 week. (Sorry in advance for writing too much and in detail im just really anxious and stressed) So basically me and my gf messed around and first we tried to do doggystyle however about 3mins trying to put it in, i ejaculated and i wiped it off dry and then i tried to put it back in and at least half of the tip went in and im scared that cum leaked out and we stopped after that then about 30mins later i went to the bathroom to urinate and we tried again after atleast 20mins after i took a bathroom trip but only the tip went in and pre cum was leaking and i wiped it off and we did that for about 5 minutes and after i fingered her deep touching the cervix, will the pre-cum make her pregnant as im positive precum was present near the vaginal opening or possibly inside but to be sure i think she ovulated early in her cycle her period lasted from dec 17-23 or 24 im not sure but we got intimate on the 2nd of Jan and she was 17 days into her cycle and her period was due on the 12th Jan and its been 1 day and she hasnt gotten it and having some cramps. And for more detail she had some whitish, sticky, creamy discharge but it had low quantity so im not sure if she was closing to ovulation or had already ended ovulation as it said on the period tracker that her ovulation date started on the 29th Dec and we got intimate 4 days after as i said. Please answer my question im really worried and stressed out please.
Hiya. I’m not sure I totally follow what happened, and I don’t feel comfortable talking about your gf’s menstrual cycle without her. However, if you fully ejaculated inside her vagina then there is (on average) a 3.1% chance of pregnancy (ranging between 0% and 9%). If you did not fully ejaculate inside her vagina then the risk of pregnancy is close to zero.
The (small) risks of precum starting a pregnancy relate to when someone has their penis fully inside their partner’s vagina with the precum going straight from the head of the penis deep into the vagina. Even then the estimated risk of pregnancy is close to zero.
You’re clearly worried, so might I suggest that you use condoms next time, I’ve got a comprehensive guide on how to use condoms here, or try having different kinds of sex that doesn’t involve your penis getting near your gf’s vagina, here are some ideas for how to have amazing sex without having penis in vagina sex. I’ve also got a guide on how to worry. I don’t know if your gf is as worried as you, but you may want to have a chat about how you can make sex a bit safer, because even if there is little risk of pregnancy from what you did, you clearly don’t want to be stressed. You can find out about sexual health services here, which is UK focused but will give you an idea of what to expect.
Sex is supposed to be enjoyable, and we enjoy things more when we are relaxed, comfortable, and feel safe. So think about how you can make sex a bit safer, with a bit more communication, and how that might help you make it more pleasurable.
Hi, is it possible to get pregnant on day 17 with precum touching the cervix with the finger? And is it normal to cramp for 2 weeks straight before period? Could it be that i am pregnant. Please reply asap im anxious. For more info. My bf and i tried putting it in although he cummed outside without putting it in he wiped the semen off and tried putting it in again althought it didnt go in fully and im scared that a drop of semen may have been in it and a few moments later we did it again but precum was present. I have read in many texts that sperm may be present in precum but he urinated before we did it again. I repeat i was on day 17 in my 26 day cycle although i got my period on 28 day for 7 days straight. To make sure i had white jelly like cervical mucus like semen looking on day 17 what could it mean? Please answer me with direct answers as i am really feeling anxious. Thank you
Hi. If you got your period then you aren’t pregnant. Your period is when the sticky lining of the womb, unfertilised eggs, and a small amount of blood is pushed through the vagina.
The risk of pregnancy from what you describe is pretty much 0%. The reason that sex educators talk about the risks of sperm in pre-cum is to stop people from relying on the pulling out method of contraception. But the studies that look into sperm in pre-cum found that only 1/2 of people have sperm in their pre-cum, and the guys that did only had very small amounts and not enough to reliably start a pregnancy. If your bf did not fully ejaculate inside your vagina then the risk of pregnancy is pretty much 0%. Even if he did ejaculate with his penis fully in your vagina the risk would be (on average) 3.1%. For more information about all of this try my Am I Pregnant? page.
Feeling really anxious about sex is also a risk from sex (the risks from sex aren’t just about pregnancy and Sex Infections), so to reduce this risk then your bf should get some condoms. They are free from sexual health services (in the UK at least) but google ‘free condoms’ in your area to see if there are any places near you. They are also not that expensive and are worth it to keep you safe from anxiety (and pregnancy and STIs): here’s how to use condoms. There are also other forms of contraception / birth control that you have more control over.
If your bf doesn’t want to use condoms and doesn’t care about you being anxious then you might want to read this about a partner putting you at risk.
Also, it sounds like you are pretty familiar with your body, you might want to consider tracking your own menstrual cycle (and not just using an app). The cramping and the discharge you told me about are pretty normal, but everyone is different and each menstrual cycle can be different from one to the next. If you track your own (the old fashioned way, using a diary), then after a while you will become really intelligent about how your body works and you will be able to learn from your body. This might help you to be less anxious too.
I really hope this advice helps you!
Hi. Sorry again for replying. This is the same person who u recently replied to yesterday. However i am still overthinking. So i have heard that some people who experience implantation bleeding lasted for 7 days like a normal period. I worry about this because i am not ready for a child. My worst mistake was doing it without protection but although as i said on my other reply to you was that me and my bf were trying to put it in and he ejaculated but the penis was never in and we tried again and im scared that a little bit of cum might have entered through the vaginal opening as his tip was touching the opening but it didnt fully go in. He then cleaned his penis and urinated. Then i think 30-1hr later we tried it again this time he was pre cumming and he wiped it of and only the tip went in we did this for about 5mins or so id say. He then fingered me deep to the point it touched my cervix. I am scared that the precum may have had quite a lot of sperm from the recent ejaculation he had although he urinated before we did it again on jan 2nd (10 days before my predicted period that arrived on the 14 jan rather than 12th). I think i wasnt ovulating on the 2nd jan as my flo app said i ovulated 3 days ago and my cervical mucus was white, opaque and not much in quantity it was outside my vaginal opening and the appearance did seem sticky,thick and not stretchy because it broke off when stretched. even though it was white and opaque. Is it fertile mucus or not because i have seen on the internet that ovulation mucus can be thick and stretchy. Now back to my current cycle (jan 14 to predicted period date 10 of feb) so what i suspect that is my period on jan 14 to jan 21 is that on jan 27 i have felt lower abdominal pain or cramps im not really sure then it continued until feb 3 although it was on and off. Yesterday aswell on feb 4 i had abdominal pain and im not really sure how to explain it. On my current cycle i am currently on cycle day 23 and i currently have a cold and i have blocked nose and a headache alongside with a cough. I repeat i didnt get intimate this cycle but only intimate on jan 2nd.
Hiya. This is the same person u replied to yesterday and so sorry to have bothered u again. So what i meant by my 17 day cycle was last month on jan 2nd and that was my cycle day from dec 17 to jan 14 but i was meant to get my period on jan 12. This made me think that it couldve been implantation bleeding as i have read online that some had implantation bleeding for 7 days straight just like a period. So back to my current cycle. What i think is my period that i got on jan 14 that ended on the 21st. And about 1 week after i have lower abdominal cramping or pain im not really sure (it started on the 27th to 3rd february and a little bit of 4th) im now on 23 day of my cycle and my period is due in 5 days. Do the cramping/pain symptoms be pregnancy? And i think that they are pms symptoms and i do have a cold right now and experiencing headache, blocked nose and a cough. What worries me is that those pms symptoms could be pregnancy symptoms as those symptoms are similar. I wasnt sure if it was fertile mucus jan 2nd but i doubt it was because it was white thickish jelly like that doesnt stretch like a fertile mucus. Me and my bf r scared. Another thing that happened on jan 2nd was you know, we were intimate but what happened was we tried putting it in but it never went in but he ejaculated and wiped it off and tried it again about 2mins later we stopped so he had went to clean and urinate. I searched that urine can affect sperm inside the urethra. So about 30-1hr after the first intimate act, we tried being intimate again this time only the tip went in and he did have precum when it first went in but he wiped it off after. We did this for about 5mins or so and we decided to just finger me instead so he did it for only 3mins to the point it touched my cervix. Can the sperm in precum be pushed up the cervix??? Thats what happened so far no ejaculation happened inside and only outside and only the tip went in and precum only happened. Please reply because me and him are worried sick.
Hi again. I very much doubt that you are pregnant (though bear in mind that I am not a medic, just an educator). I’ll repeat it again: the chance of pregnancy from one time sexual intercourse, with the penis ejaculating fully deep inside the vagina, is on average 3.1%. Anything else is either 0% or very close to 0% chance. This means that you had your period, not implantation bleeding. However, if my advice about this isn’t helping you I think it’s time that you went to a clinic to get some medical advice. There’s more information here about going to sexual health services, and if you aren’t in the UK you could google ‘sexual health service near me’. You may also want to chat with someone you can trust about this. I have advice about how to make those kinds of chats easier here, and here’s a resource about who you could speak to.
Have there’s Benn reports of pregnancy of pre cum ?
Chances I can be pregnant from precum? Had unprotected sex on Dec 30. He didn’t cum at all. It is now Jan 25 with a missed period that was supposed to start Jan 20. I’m a 16 year old. Could it be the stress of thinking I’m pregnant making me miss it? I have also recently started exercising after years so maybe from exercising? Could it be it being my first time & he was little rough? When I say he was being rough I mean my stomach hurt 3 days after the sex. Do you think being on antibiotics it could mess with my period? Sorry I got so many questions. Very worried.
I’ve answered that in the post and also here
I just touched my penis with my girlfriend vagina and I dont know that I got pre cum after that she had her normal periods after two days. Will she will be pregnant and we did not had any intercourse it’s just touched two times.
As I say in the article, there’s no chance of pregnancy from this. The pre-cum would have to be deep inside the vagina and even then there would be an incredibly low risk of pregnancy.
Is there a chance that I will be pregnant if we had unprotected sex on my first day of period? He didn’t cum inside me because he just tried to get inside for a few seconds just to feel what’s inside if i had my period, but I’m worried because he masturbated before. Is there a chance that there’s a sperm in his pre cum? Thank you and I hope you reply asap.
Yes there is a chance of pregnancy, particularly if you have a short menstrual cycle. More about fertility here Fertility Explained – chances of getting pregnant
My girlfriend has her menstruation, but we had sex, but i as the male, did not ejaculate, and we only did it for almost 50 seconds, more like a minute for a minute or two. Also she’s an irregular, a super irregular one. her periods usually comes after 3 – 4 months. Her previous period was on Feb 18 2019, We had sex on June 13 2019 and the start of her period was on June 10 2019, can she get pregnant,? If shes super irregular, and we had sex on her period, ? What are the chances? Please answer thanks
I think if you re-read the article, and all the links I’ve provided, you’ll find the answer. Can I also recommend using condoms next time you have sex, and perhaps discuss the risks of sex between you before hand.
I honestly wouldn’t post on this website if I wasn’t scared. Me and my girlfriend decided to have sex and a condom was absent from the equation. I want to know if I could’ve gotten her pregnant with precum. (I pulled out earlier as to not increase the chances). I didn’t masturbate earlier and went to the bathroom before in the day but I’m not sure if it’s still a high possibility. Thank you for your time.
Can you please just read the article and the links in the article again? I’ve already answered your question. The average chance of pregnancy from one time sex with full ejaculation in the vagina is 3.1%. The average chance of pregnancy from one time sex with no ejaculation in the vagina is much much lower than that. Somewhere between 0 and 1%. If you’re worried about unplanned pregnancy then your girlfriend could take some emergency contraception which you can get from a sexual health service.
me and my girlfriend had sex 5days ago and it was unprotected sex. can it get pregnant from precum pls answer im really worried
I have answered this above and also here Am I Pregnant? If you are worried about pregnancy you could speak to a sexual health service (though you are now too late for emergency contraception). If you didn’t fully ejaculate inside the vagina then it’s incredibly unlikely that a pregnancy will start. Do try and use condoms next time though if you can. How To Use Condoms
Please do answer my question! My girlfriend is super irregular, she goes for 4-6 weeks without menstruating, her last period was in the month of January, and me and my girlfriend never really did engage in penetrative sex “fully”, we usually dryhumped and there were two-three instances wherein we tried pnetrative sex but never really did do it fully, it’s like just the tip of the penis inside her entrance for a few seconds, no ejaculation. My question is, could she be pregnant? her last period was January, until now her period is still missing. The last time we had our little session was around May 4. Please help, we’re both scared, and she should’ve practiced proper birth control
As this article you are reading says, there is a very low chance of pregnancy from sex that does not involve sperm being fully ejaculated in the vagina. So it’s very very unlikely that the sex you are describing has started a pregnancy. As you know, periods can be super irregular and there are lots of reasons why that might be (stress is one of them). Finally, I don’t really see why you are putting the blame on her for not using birth control. You put your penis inside her, you could have put a condom on.
Hi…so me and my boyfriend and sex….and the condom broke…but he didn’t cum…he said he did pre- cumed…I am stressing, I’m only 17…and is there any way I can fall pregnant or is there any way I can prevent it….I am on birth control been on it for 2 weeks…
Hi Sarah. So, as I say in the article, there is a less than 1% chance of pregnancy starting from pre-cum being in the vagina. Also the condom may well have prevented much of the pre-cum getting in your vagina (depending on how badly the condom broke).
Also you’ve already started using additional birth control, which means that you are at a much much much much much lower risk of pregnancy (think about it, most birth control methods are over 99% effective ). If you’re still worried then I would go back to where you got your birth control from and ask them to re-assure you.
For the future, if you are going to keep using condoms and birth control (like the pill, IUD, IUS, implant, etc) then it might be a good idea to make sure you’re using condoms properly. They are more likely to break if they aren’t put on properly, if they get too dry, if they come into contact with something oil based like lipstick or moisturiser, or if handled by sharp nails.
Hope that helps!
I was inside my girlfriend unprotected for a few seconds before going back out.. I wiped off any precum on me before entering then was in for about 5 seconds . I’m worried she is pregnant as her period is 3 days late.. could she be? Isn’t there like a 2% chance of that ? I’m so worried..
I’ve had my periods after dry humping but periods laster for 4 days and now there is spotting for almost 5 days. Total almost 10 days of periods. Could it be related to pregnancy?
Nope. If you are having a period then you are not pregnant