Ask Bish - Your Sex and Relationships Questions Answered

Ask Bish Pre Cum and Masturbation

HI Bish

I really need your help I’m not really in good condition because of the nervousness from my problem.

Before I fingered my girlfriend I might had some precum on my fingers because I adjusted my penis I didn’t know if it got in her when i fingered her It might had dried off but it was just a small amount

I only rubbed and touched the clitoris part of her vagina because she’s still a virgin could she get pregnant from this?

Please reply

Hi, thanks for your question.

It’s extremely unlikely that she can be pregnant from this. I’ll try and explain why.

1. Precum should be renamed ‘pre-ejaculatory fluid’ I think, because it doesn’t usually have many (or any) sperm in it. I’ve explained more about it here

“Pre-cum is fluid which comes from the bottom of the urethra at the base of the penis (Cowper’s gland) before ejaculation. This is to make sure that the tube is clean and ready for the semen to be ejaculated out of. This fluid can appear at the top of the penis when it is hard.

If a guy has not urinated since his last ejaculation then some sperm could be present in pre-cum, and it is technically possible for this sperm to make his partner pregnant: although this is very unlikely.”

So, there was probably no sperm on your fingers in the first place.

2. Even if sperm was on your fingers from your pre-ejaculatory fluid it wouldn’t be in the best shape to start a pregnancy. Sperm needs semen to help keep it alive and swimming – this fluid is not semen. Also once in the open air sperm start to die pretty quickly.

3. Thirdly you say you were touching the clitoris, I’m assuming that your fingers were on the outside of her vulva? This means your fingers were probably not close enough to the vaginal opening for any sperm on your fingers to get inside her. For more about the vulva go here

4. If you and your girlfriend wanted to get pregnant you would be advised to have lots of penis in vagina sex (with you ejaculating inside her vagina) over the course of a year. Even if you did this there would be no guarantee that she would be pregnant. If you had ejaculated inside her vagina, instead of fingering her clitoris, the odds are against a pregnancy starting. Not that I’m saying you should do that. For more about how fertility works, the menstrual cycle and why you can’t predict ovulation go here.

So try not to worry.

Hope this helps

Justin (Bish)

You can only get pregnant from penis in vagina sex. Anything else is an extremely low risk. So try not to panic.

199 thoughts on “Ask Bish Pre Cum and Masturbation

  1. Hey bish! Me and my girlfriend had penetrated sex on July 8. While on July 11 she experienced heavy abdomen cramps then later that night she had a period (I don’t know if it was spotting or her period). It lasted till July 13. Are we safe since she got a 3 days period after our unprotected sex? I’m just worrying if there’s a precum on the tip of penis after we did the intercourse, but few days later she got her period. Please help.

    1. If she got her period then she’s not pregnant. There is only a very small risk of pregnancy from precum but to make it safer it’s probably better if you use a condom next time. I’ve got loads of advice about how to use condoms and how to make them fun and feel good.

  2. Hi Bish! Quite an emergency but just to ask if i touched my penis tip before hand and fingered her, is it possible to impregnate her. I wasnt sure if there was pre cum or not but it seemed a bit dry before i started fingering her. Thanks!

      1. Thank you for clarifying but my gf got bleeding 6 days before her normal period. Is that normal or is that a sign of pregnancy? Thanks

  3. Hello, I know I might have the same question as others. But we did protected intercourse but the problem is that I fingered her and I didn’t remember if my hands had pre-cum.

    She’s 9 days late already so we’re getting worried about it. She’s had a history of very long and irregular periods but we’re not sure if it is the same in this situation. We’re just waiting for a few days to take a pregnancy test, what might be the chances she’s pregnant?

    Thank you for taking the time to respond.

    1. If you had protected sex, for instance sex with a condom, then the chance of pregnancy is very close to zero. Sex with condoms has around a 98% effectiveness rate, which means that if you use condoms every time you have sex, 2 or 3 times a week, over the course of a year, then there is a 2% risk of pregnancy. Sometimes people have sperm in their precum and sometimes not. Even when there is sperm in precum it’s not enough to reliably start a pregnancy. So I would say that the chance of pregnancy is near zero. There’s more about this at my Am I Pregnant page.

  4. Hi Bish! I hope you are alright and I’m sorry for asking this.
    The day after ovulation I was touching my boyfriend’s penis and accidentally I got a considerably amount of precum on my index finger. Immediately I wiped it off with a tissue. Around 5 minutes later I accidentally (and briefly, like for 1 second) touched my clitoris, it was just a really subtle poke, I didn’t insert my finger or anything. I’m scared of the precum still being moist or something. After that, my boyfriend gave me an oral. Is there any kind of risk here? Can saliva move any trace of sperm from the clitoris to the vaginal canal and get me pregnant that way? I’m really scared

    1. No need to be sorry, I’m glad that people feel they can ask me questions. The chance of pregnancy from what you describe is pretty much zero. Even in the scientific studies which say that there can sometimes be sperm in precum, it’s not usually enough sperm to start a pregnancy. The only chance of pregnancy from that would be if the penis was fully inside the vagina but the risk of pregnancy would still be close to zero. Even if there was some sperm on your finger which then went onto your clitoris (which I very much doubt there was) that sperm would have to travel quite a long way to get into your vagina, through your cervix, through the uterus, and into the fallopian tube. So I’d be absolutely amazed and astonished if you got pregnant from this. There’re more about this here at my Am I Pregnant page and you might find these articles on anatomy helpful too, here’s one about the clitoris and the vagina for example and here’s one about the reproductive system. Hope you find that helpful! Justin (aka BISH)

      1. Thank you so much! That is definitely a great relief. Yes, I don’t think there was actual sperm to transfer since my fingers at most were moist, but not wet. Plus, before touching myself I probably touched the bed and another tissue paper, which dried them even more. So saliva present in situations like this doesn’t make any difference for the risk chance for sperm survival? I’m just asking to know about it. Thinking like this made me see that is way less dramatic that I thought

          1. Wow, all of this is such good information and great relief. Thank you so much Justin. Hope you have a great day.

          2. Hi! Just wanted to let everyone know that I ended up getting my period and everything is fine!! So believe Justin and what he says!!

          3. That’s great to hear, thank you so much for coming back. I think a lot of people would be helped by that. If you can spread the word about this to people you’d be helping us a lot too 🙂

  5. Hey bish, I’m from Brazil, do you know any tricks for getting rid of the constant pregnancy scare I have?Most times me and my girlfriend have sex I end up thinking she’ll get pregnant, even tho using protection and not doing anything stupid

    She doesn’t want a baby, and we don’t have the condition either to, and that’s the main reason I get worried

    Last time I used protection, and sometimes, from the movement, the condom would slip a bit up, not too much tho, like almost the half, but I’d rearrange it and continue, I came inside and nothing leaked from it, nonetheless, I’m always thinking of ways it could’ve messed up idk thinking maybe I’ve not seen a hole on it

        1. I can’t tell you what you should or shouldn’t worry about. But condoms are 98.5% effective, which means that if you use them every time you have sex over the course of a year (with ejaculation happening inside the condom inside the vagina everytime) then there is a 1.5% chance of pregnancy happening in that year.

          1. Hi, the day I was ovulating, my boyfriend and I oral sex. I gave him a blowjob in which he released some precum that got in my mouth. I then kissed him immediately after and he then used his spit to lubricate my vagina directly after kissing to finger me deep. Will his spit contain any sperm and will I get pregnant from the fingering as his finger was covered with his spit?

          2. Are you sure it’s unlikely bc his finger was coated in his saliva that had precum on it and he fingered me deep with it right away. It was the day I was ovulating so I’m really stressed out.

          3. If you read the article I linked to you’ll understand how low the risk of pregnancy is from what you describe. It also has some information about what to do about it if you are still worried

        2. Hello, I’m kinda worried because me and my boyfriend had anal sex and he ejaculated inside me (in my butt of course) we did it during my fertile window. His tip (with precum)also accidentally touched my vagina (we wiped it off)… I was supposed to get my period today, but it didn’t arrive. Can I be pregnant? I’m really worried..:( Thank you for answer:))

        3. Hey.. my period is due in two days exact from now. Around 12 days ago, my bf fingered me. We had outercourse for a while before he took out his penis. He rubbed me through my clothes and then fingered me. Could I possibly have his precum on my pants from when we were dry humping? He also uses the same fingers to finger after rubbing me from outside. If his penis came in contact with my opening briefly, what are the chances of getting pregnant from that and getting fingered?

          1. Hi I’m three days late for my period. I’ve mentioned before my bf fingered me right around the time i was ovulating but we aren’t sure if he had precum on them or if it was dry. Today I checked I had discharge with blood in it, brown pinkish. Am I pregnant? I’m 16dpo.

  6. Hi!
    I have a question. I gave my bf a bj and swallowed when he ejaculated. From what I could tell, I dont think anything was left on his penis. However, about 8 min after he fingered me and I don’t know if he may have accidentally touched himself after he came. Could I be pregnant?? This is two weeks ago and my boobs hurt and im really bloated and gassy. My period is due in like 6 days.
    Thank you so much

  7. Hey Bish, we had an oral sex with my girlfriend and I ejaculated on a napkin, I don’t know if my girlfriend has sperm on her hand. If she has sperm on her hand and she touches her vagina with her hand, could it get her pregnant?

  8. Hi, I have a question. Me and my girl were messing around. I may have got some pre-cum(Im not sure if it was still wet or dry) my finger before i fingered her deep. I was wondering if is there is chance of pregnancy?

  9. Hi bish, I was wondering if there is a chance of pregnancy if I touched myself with semen I had in my fingers for about 20-30 min after my boyfriend came. That same day I was expecting to have my period, but in the end I had it (the usual 5 days) 2 days later (on July 14), so I want to think I’m not pregnant from this… Anyway, I’m still thinking of taking a pregnancy test (around august 5 or 9) just to be calm, since I’m really nervous about all of this in spite of not having actual penetrative sex 🙁

  10. Hey please help June 24th periods started, July 10 we were doing foreplay. our genitalia never touched each other. she gave me a blowjob and I don’t remember if I had some precum but I jus adjusted my penis with my fingers. then I jus touched her vulva with the same fingers, it didn’t even go inside. will she get pregnant because of the precum we are freaking out

  11. I and my girlfriend got physical on 4th of July. She got her period last month on 11th of June. We only had oral sex but at the end I don’t know i rubbed her I don’t remember if my hands had precum or not but i remember her before I had any orgasim. I am very tensed can this result in pregnancy if I had little amount of pre cum on my hands and yes I went peeing before this all happened so can you please tell me if there is even slightest possibility of pregnancy

  12. Good day Bish!

    Thank you for enlightening me from your previous responses to the inquiries. However, I can’t stop myself from thinking too much that things could go worse.

    Yesterday, my girlfriend and I were masturbating. I fingered her quite a deep. I became anxious after realizing that there could be smeared pre-cum on my fingers. I didn’t ejaculated neither inside her nor my finger–I’m just worrying about my pre-cum inside her.

    I felt ease after knowing earlier this day that she’s now having her period. Meaning, if there is possible living sperm inside, there is no chance of fertilizing with egg because the ovulation will occur when the sperm is already dead. However, I cannot stop myself from worrying much because she has irregular menstrual cycle.

    I just wanna know what are your thoughts regarding this concern?

    I’ll eagerly wait for your response as I hope it could enlighten me. Thank you!

    1. The risk of pregnancy from the activities you’re describing is phenomenally low ie zero. I’ve never heard of anyone getting pregnant this way and I’ve been a relationships and sexuality educator since 1999.

  13. Hi please help me June 18th evening period started n ends on June 25 th n we had sex on Friday 30 th midnight n Friday evening also he did little romance with me but he didn’t took out his sperm because it’s just romance ,later night started little foreplay we don’t know n can’t recall it may he have precum or definitely there was precum but it’s in drops quantity n we were aware of it still he inserted 2-3 times short pulls inside not fully hard or deeper inside, after he was touching outside vagina part, later he wore condom n after 5-10 minutes he released sperm in condom only but I’m scared of precum if it went inside will I get pregnant ? Really scared n thought to contraceptive pill within 72 hours but scared of side effects when I took last time I got stomach pain n heavy early bleeding so I don’t want to take pill but is there any chance that I will get pregnant? Please please answer me

    1. The risk of pregnancy from what you describe is very very low indeed, but I can’t tell you whether or not you should take emergency contraception or not. There’s more about this here Am I Pregnant?. I’m also concerned that your partner isn’t taking your health as seriously as you might like him too, so here’s an article about a partner putting you at risk you may want to read.

  14. If I wiped my precum off before I went into her vagina without a condom and she is in her fertile window what are the chances of getting pregnant? I made sure to wipe it off and was only in there for a few minutes before I went to get a condom and continue. What are the chances she is pregnant?

  15. Hi bish! I have a concern thats been bugging me for days now. Me & my partner had outercourse 6 days ago, no actual sex that happened, though I performed oral sex on him. There was no ejaculation, only pre-cum. What went down was, right after I gave him head, we cleaned up our hands with wet wipes. He didnt touch his penis the entire duration of the oral sex though, but he wiped it himself and then another wipe for both of his hands. We couldnt recall if we had wiped our hands thoroughly. But moments later we got a bit touchy and cuddled, I’d say for about 3 mins ? Our hands were already visibly dry at this moment from all the wiping. After 3 mins of being touchy, he rubbed his hand on my skort (skirt with a short) (i was clothed all the time) for about a min or two, then next proceeded rubbing my underwear/vulva, and lastly inserted his fingers inside my vagina for like 5–10 seconds only because I had panicked over the possibility of left over precum on his fingers and ordered him to take his hand out right away. I’ve asked him several times out of anxiety and confirmed me that his hands were entirely dry from any fluid. We were also in an air conditioned car when this happened likely making evaporation faster than regular room temperature. Out of severe panic, I took plan b pill 3 hours after. Now my main question is, is there any possibility of me developing unwanted pregnancy in this situation? I’m very much overthinking that although his hands were dry, there might be a VERY tiny amount of precum around his fingertips/nails. He also masturbated the day (during the morning) before this act but he’s told me that he peed often.

  16. Hi bish, 3 days ago me and my girlfriend were touching each other ( i was rubbing her clitoris and around her vagina hole, but i didnt finger her) and she got pre cum or her hand, and she put her hand away for a bit and then accidentally touched herself(she didnt put her finger inside her but touched only a bit around close to the opening). Is there any chance that she might get pregnant? Shes been having stomachache and bloating and today (two days later) shes got a white jellyish discharge (it doesnt smell) that gave her a bit of pain (she said she has only gotten that from her first period ever). I’m extremely worried because shes been feeling stressed out and her period are so unpredictable (sometimes 50-60 days will pass until she gets another period).

  17. 4 june- fingering with precum or invisible amount of semen
    5 june -period date
    7 june – after 70 hours tooked unwanted 72
    what are the chances of getting pregnant?

  18. i fingered my gf but i dont remember my finger have precum or not, i remember i wipe it off by my another finger 1 time, but i dont really sure it dry. If on my finger have precum, it would get pregnant right. It occur on days 9 of her ovalution cycle and she have pcos so i feel very ne, pls give me advice, i really need help

      1. If i dont ejaculate yet, can my precum have sperm or not ? Sorry bci ask many questions. To be honest, i really nervous and i think about it 3 weeks

    1. Hi Bish! last july 10, my bf fingered me. it’s quite deep and it makes me anxious knowing that he might have a pre cum in this fingers. i experience pain in my lower abdomen and i also noticed that i’m became bloated after 1 week. am i pregnant?

  19. Hi bish, Justin and everyone again. If I used the same fingers without wiping them on the blanket and continued to finger my girlfriend after waiting a few minutes in between times of doing it, what is the chances of pregnancy? It was two days after her period ended and I’m not sure if there was a little precum on it as I was stroking the higher middle part of shaft under my tip. Again what are the chances of pregnancy and is it better that it happened on a day two days after her period ended as it’s considered a “safer day”. Thank you for what you guys do it helps a lot with stress and whatnot

    1. If you didn’t fully ejaculate from your penis inside your girlfriend’s vagina, then the chance of pregnancy is very close to zero. From what you’re describing there’s pretty much no risk of pregnancy. Try this article to help you deal with stress How to Deal With Stress Hope this helps! Justin (just me here)

  20. Hi Bish, Justin and whomever it may concern. I fingered my girlfriend on May 24th two days after her period ended. In between times of fingering I used the same two finger to stroke a little higher than the mid shaft. I am uncircumcised and my foreskin was pulled down most of the time. I did not ejaculate, and not sure if there was precum on my fingers or not. I wiped my hand on the blanket after everytime I was done fingering her and did not finger her Immediatly after stroking my penis with those fingers slightly. Should I be worried? what are the chances she is pregnant?

  21. Hi Bish,
    Me and my girlfriend have made it a point not to have penis in vagina sex ever, but we’ve indulged in touching and feeling each other. In the first few days of April we had indulged in fingering where I touched and rubbed her clitoris and felt around her vaginal opening (but I have never inserted my finger inside as she’s a virgin). Shortly before that I had touched and stroked my penis a bit during the act that could have some precum – although I don’t remember touching any precum nor do I remember my fingers being wet because of precum. In case if I had some form of precum on my fingers, I had an orgasm the night before and we had performed fingering in the morning, so there could be potentially some leftover sperms in my precum. It was probably 5-6 days before her expected ovulation date. So my main doubts/concerns being the following (I would be really greatful if you could answer them in some detail please) –
    1. What are the most realistic chances of her being pregnant if she had been touched on her vulva with precum?
    2. Should I be worried that she’s experiencing indigestion and bloating since the past few days – could that be a sign of early pregnancy? I know it could also be a really bad case of acidity and food poisoning too.
    3. I’m feeling extremely anxious and nervous, I’ve been overthinking a lot and it’s been keeping me up at nights. I’m really afraid of getting her pregnant. What could potentially be done in order to not overthink so much?
    A quick and detailed reply would be highly appreciated.
    Thank You Bish

      1. Idk why but her periods are 3 days late – is it because of her stomach infection and food poisoning illness that she had suffered for, and can the delay in periods also be for the 7 day long medication course she was on? Since I am 95% sure my precum would not have touched her vagina whatsoever. Even if it did I’m betting on the chances of pregnancy to be extremely low since the tiniest amount of precum would’ve touched her vaginal opening on the outside! I’m getting extremely anxious and have been getting anxiety attacks as a result of this. Please help me out – also my girlfriend wishes to wait for 3-4 more days before having a pregnancy test done since she believes it could be because of medication she had taken for her illness. Can you let me know what are the most realistic chances that in our case late periods are a result of pregnancy?

          1. Hey I just wanted to come back and let you know that she had her periods, thank you for assisting all of us in times of stress and desperation! You’re a major stress buster 🙂 Really respect and appreciate your service to all of us!

          2. Hlo brother
            Recently me and my girlfriend had a moment where we touched eachother I don’t remember whether my fingers had pre cum or not but I only touched her clitoris
            Will she get pregnant
            Please help brother I’m super tensed

    1. Hi bish,
      Yesterday my girlfriend came in contact with the body of my penis and her vagina but not usually at the tip of the penis. After seconds she didn’t continue doing it because im scared is there any chance of her being pregnant?

      1. Is it also possible for her to develop any symptoms at day1?

  22. Hello.. I am 20 years old and my last period was on 23 or 24 of march and on 11 april my bf fingered me in the opening of the vagina with possible dry precum but i was not sure it was dry or not bec before he fingered me he had touch that liquid which was on his pants and after a couple of min he did fingering.. And i think i already ovulate before this case happened so will it make me pregnant?? And if i can so what can i done to stop this? And also i took unwanted 72 within 42 hourss but still i didn’t bleed yet.

  23. Hello Bish,

    My girlfriend sat on my sperm naked but the sperm was exposed in air-conditioned room for about 5-6 minutes. After she sat on it, I fingered her, and there is a liquid I saw in chair which she sat on, is there a possibility that she will get pregnant?

      1. Hi Bish!

        I have a history of irregular periods especially in my teen years because of my overweight, I would skip a couple of months and I went to the doctor a couple of times and I did get my period but it was still never regular.

        I’m now in my late teens and I fixed my weight just last year may, this time I got my period normally without any medication, but I would still skip a month sometimes.

        From what I can remember, I didn’t get my period on august and november of 2022. But I got them since then but last March, I didn’t get one.

        If I’m counting using a regular cycle counting, I’m supposed to have it around March 29, but I didn’t.

        At March 25, I was with my boyfriend. He got hard and showed me his penis. It had a bit of Precum. He adjusted his penis with his hands, so maybe a bit of it went to his hands. But after that, he wore his underwear back and we went to the sofa and cuddled for like 10 mins in an air conditioned room. Then he fingered me for a bit before realizing that he just touched his p. And since then I have anxiety every day because of it and until now I don’t have my period but I’ve been cramping at times.

        Should I be worried that I might be pregnant?

  24. I’m not sure if my girlfriend has precum on her hand, but if the precum touches the outside of her vagina, can she get pregnant?

  25. Should i be worried if i rubbed my penis on the outer part of her vagina and then fingered her, all of this lasted for about a minute in a half, two minutes at most. Should i be worried???

  26. my girlfriend is a virgin (she had her period 14 days ago), we slept together last night i cleaned sperm with my hand and after few minutes i touched her vagnia with the same hand, could she be pregnant ?

  27. Hey, me and my girlfriend were making out and my penis touched the outside of her vagina a couple of times, there may have been pre cum on it even though i’ve never noticed it. Then I fingered her and again there may have been precum on my finger but i never noticed. Nothing ever went inside her and I came later. Also i had urinated after the previous time I came. I’m getting super stressed, could she be pregnant.

      1. Hi Bish, Me and my girlfriend have been doing oral sex since april, and last week i put my penis (tip) in her clitoris for a short time because after that we got scared because there’s no condom, is there any chance she may get pregnant because of the precum? Im having pregnancy scare. Thank you

          1. Hey bish. We did this again but she’s at the peak of her Ovalation and I rub my tip in her outside of her vagina but i wiped my tip before rubbing and fingered her ( i think my finger has cum in but i cleaned it with wet wipes minutes before i fingered her again. And shes getting worried. Should i be also? Thank you

          2. Thank you bish. And bish my other concern is that she hand job me and after that i wiped my cum in my body with wet tissue . Then maybe 10 minutes later i fingered her again, my concern is that is it possible that there is sperm in my finger and its still alive? Because she’s at the peak of her Ovalation. Thank you bish

          1. I can’t see what this is referring to, but it’s important to know that the only real risk of pregnancy is if sperm is fully ejaculated fully inside the vagina. There’s more about this at the Am I Pregnant page. Also it’s important to remember that period tracker apps are often not very accurate and that periods are more often random than not. You can see what I say about this in my How to Track Your Own Menstrual Cycle article.

  28. Hey bish quick question so on january first i engaged in foreplay with my significant other and i adjusted my penis after i had came. i can’t remember if i had any pre cum in my fingers all i remember is that it was slightly dry. i didnt touch the cum though at all and now my significant other missed their period by a day. should i be worried? i am really nervous

  29. Hi bish,

    Me and my partner got sexual for the first time and while he fingered me a couple of times he stroked his penis a few times and used the same fingers in me again. I also came in contact with the tip of his penis and my vagina from the outside (just rubbed last). I don’t know if there was any Precum and I don’t think he ejaculted. Use used lube as well. I’m so scared that I might be pregnant as I found out I was a day from ovulating . I didn’t have access to plan b within 24hrs but don’t know if I need to take it either. My parents would literally have my dead if they find out.

    Pls help me asap

      1. Hi my boyfriend came in my after we just got thru having sex and I finger myself with all of it and I ovulate in 3 days can I get pregnant

  30. Hi I’am worried since I fingered her with a pre cum not sure if my finger was dry but she said it was dry, and it’s been 2 weeks and I’am starting to worry because she vommited without any reason at all

  31. December 15 me and my boyfriend tried to have sex but I told him to stop after three strokes because it hurted and we decided to just hump each other. I gave him oral sex but what I’m worried about is that when he ejaculated he lifted me up and kissed me and I’m not sure if his penis had leftover ejaculation and if it touched my vagina. I’ve been bloated a week after the incident and my period is to come today and it hasn’t arrived yet. By what I explained would this cause pregnancy??

    1. Hi bish,

      I’ve been stressed since yesterday because I had spotting but then it stopped. Me and my partner engaged in sexual activities last Jan 1 but he just fingered me but he is unsure if he had precum on his hands before he fingered me. I also have irregular periods but if my period is regular I am supposed to have my period since the 9th. So now I am unsure if I am just delayed like the usual or what. Please answer thank you.

  32. Hi bish,

    My girlfriend and I started doing mutual masturbation. And 1 time i came on my finger and i waited for it to dry for about 3 minutesand fingered her and later i found out it was her ovulation and know she is late for 2 days on her period

    1. If you didn’t dry your finger there might be a very small chance of pregnancy if all of your come was on your fingers. Even then the risk of pregnancy is much much lower than from full ejaculation inside the vagina (which, even around ovulation is around 9%, on average it’s 3.1%). However, there’s pretty much zero risk of pregnancy from what you describe.

  33. Hi bish,

    My girlfriend and I started doing mutual masturbation. And we did 1 time when she was on her ovulation and i used my hand which i masturbated myself an hour before to finger her. Now she is a day late on her menstrual cycle. And I’m worrying that she might got pregnant from it.

  34. Hello bish,

    I’d like to address my problem to you because it has been stressing me out and I don’t want to overthink things

    The thing is, I have a history of an on and off menstruation cycle. The longest delay I’ve had was 3 months. I wouldn’t really be bothered much, but I have been engaging sexual activities with my boyfriend recently

    He never puts his penis in, my hymen is still intact. Though we perform other activities such as fingering, blow/handjobs and dry humping. I gave him a handjob semen got on my fingers. After that, I poured my hands with alcohol and dried them with tissues. Is there a chance that there was still sperm left on my fingers? I’m scared that I might be pregnant because I fingered myself after that

    Like I said, I have an on and off menstruation cycle ever since my first period, so it’s hard to determine whether my period is just delayed or I’m really pregnant. I’ve also been recently stressed this month. It’s been 10 days since my expected period and I’m not experiencing any PMS symptoms except slight cramping. My cervix has been low and firm, though I’m really not sure when the cervix would change its position in early pregnancy. Heck, I’m not even sure if I’ve ovulated or not because my discharge is currently almost dry

    Can precum/semen pass through 1 layer or clothing while I myself is wet?
    What’s the % possibility of getting pregnant from fingering with spermy fingers?
    When does the cervix change its position in early pregnancy?
    Am I pregnant if my discharge is almost dry?

    Thank you in advance!

  35. Hello bish,

    I’d like to address my problem to you because it has been stressing me out and I don’t want to overthink things

    The thing is, I have a history of an on and off menstruation cycle. The longest delay I’ve had was 3 months. I wouldn’t really be bothered much, but I have been engaging sexual activities with my boyfriend recently

    He never puts his penis in, my hymen is still intact. Though we perform other activities such as fingering, blow/handjobs and dry humping. I gave him a handjob semen got on my fingers. After that, I poured my hands with alcohol and dried them with tissues. Is there a chance that there was still sperm left on my fingers? I’m scared that I might be pregnant because I fingered myself after that

    Like I said, I have an on and off menstruation cycle ever since my first period, so it’s hard to determine whether my period is just delayed or I’m really pregnant. I’ve also been recently stressed this month. It’s been 10 days since my expected period and I’m not experiencing any PMS symptoms except slight cramping. My cervix has been low and firm, though I’m really not sure when the cervix would change its position in early pregnancy. Heck, I’m not even sure if I’ve ovulated or not because my discharge is currently almost dry

    Can precum/semen pass through 1 layer or clothing while I myself is wet?
    What’s the % possibility of getting pregnant from fingering with spermy fingers?
    When does the cervix change its position in early pregnancy?
    Am I pregnant if my discharge is almost dry?

    Thank you in advance!

    1. Hiya. Thanks for your question! You really can’t get pregnant from what you describe. If you were trying to get pregnant then the advice is ‘have intercourse at least 2 or 3 times a week, with ejaculation fully inside the vagina, over a year. If you do that, there is a 85% chance that you will get pregnant at some point in the year.’ Can you see how different that is from the advice that is given to young people about them not getting pregnant? So this is a case of very bad sex education and (as you can see from all the comments here) a lot of people have been taught this and it’s really bad. So have a look at this article where I go into more detail Am I Pregnant? and also this one Anxious About Getting Her Pregnant and this one Fertility Explained – chances of getting pregnant

      1. Thank you so much! If I may ask another silly question, what if my boyfriend only had his underwear on and I was bare– is it possible for sperm to pass through 1 layer of clothing then inside the vagina?

  36. Hi bish,

    I have a question me and my girlfriend is doing mutual masturbation. Frequently and i always wipe my hand on my pants before we do it. And we have done mutual masturbation on her day of her ovulation and I’m afraid maybe she got pregnant from this. And if i add when we have mutual i don’t climax so I’m pretty sure i didn’t have any sperm on her hand.

    1. Hi Bish,
      I had a situation when a boy was touching himself (pretty sure he had precum) and after touching him he was fingering me,without washing his hands or etc.
      any chance to get pregnant?

  37. Hello Bish,

    So me and my partner did a mutual masterbation last night. She firstly made me cum with my hand and I released it on my shirt. I rolled up my shirt and took it off. There might be a little bit on my thumb but I fingered her with my litter finger firstly and have her tongue for a bout three minutes and I accidentally touched her with my thumb. I think it was pretty dry at the point but I’m not sure if there’s some cum on it. I didn’t wash my hands nor did she. Her hands might have had some precum on it but she didn’t touch her vagina after five minutes after she made me cum. In this case will she be pregnant?

    Thank you so much for your help in advance it just made me a little nervous.

  38. My boyfriend is 28 and I am 23years old and we have decided not to have sexual intercourse, but we are active in other sexual activity such as mutual masturbation. I was about to get my periods on 22nd October but I didn’t..On oct 29th we met and I gave him a handjob and made him ejaculate And then we cuddled for about 15 minutes..after that I fingered myself with the same it’s 14th November and my period is late for about 3weeks.. ( but it was already one week later when by 29th October) My period is kinda irregular and sometimes skips 2,3 weeks. I’m pretty worried right now because I don’t know what to think! Can you please confirm by any chance if I’m pregnant from what we did

    1. Very very very very little chance this would cause pregnancy. If you were trying for a baby the advice would be ‘have sex 2 / 3 times a week over the course of a year and there is an 85% chance that pregnancy would start.’

  39. Hi Bish,

    My partner recently took an abortion pill (September 9th) and two days after her bleeding from the pill stopped (October 9th) we had mutual masterbation. She firstly gave me a handjob and there is precum on her hand. And she later gave me a bj that’s when I ejaculated. But she never touched my cum but fingered herself with the hand that had precum on. How likely will she be pregnant in this situation? Since she just stopped bleeding from the abortion pill. We don’t really know when her period is going to come. Thank you so much for your help!!!

  40. Hi Bish! 7 days after my period ended My boyfriend rubbed his penis on my vagina for atleast 5 minutes (not inside but near and over the entrance) I felt the precum come out. After 2 minutes or so I wiped myself with a rag. My boyfriend had not masturbated since the beginning of the year so I’m wondering if this increased the chances of semen being in his pre ejaculate. However when he did come his semen was watery. I took a pregnancy test 3 weeks after which came back negative. My period is very irregular and sometimes skips months, presently it hasn’t come a month since. What are the chances that I am pregnant?

  41. Hi Bish,
    My gf got periods last on July 25th. August 15th she gave me a bj and later I had touched my penis and I guess I had precum but had wiped on my pant. I have read there are chances sperms flow to precum. Also read that sperms die once it dry. Pretty sure my fingers werent wet with precum. Just tensed that is there any chance she gets pregnant, because she is missing her periods for almost 2weeks. Not sure if its due the stress, travel, food habits and harmones or due to this activity. Can you please confirm by any chance is she pregnant from what we did

  42. Hi bish, can I ask, me and my girlfriend ang nakedly grinding doggystyle and I adjusted my penis…perhaps i touched the tip of it, and i was thinking there must be some small amount precum in my fingersand then I fingered here after a moment of time, will that cause her to be pregnant?

  43. Hi bish! I have a question. I read most of the articles regarding pre cum but still cannot rest myself. Me and my gf are doing outercourse and we do petting (genitals rubbing) but i am not cumming inside nor around her V. We did it like 2-3 times, 1 time per 2 day. The second and the third day was in fact really close to “expected” ovulation, and i am really scared right now because it is almost her expected period. Will she get pregnant?

  44. Hi I have a question. This happened recently on the second last day of her period. I was touching the tip of my penis with my fingers and there may or may not have had precum on them. When I checked it looked dry to me. After that I inserted my hand down her tights from her ass and then started stroking the surface of her vagina. Is there any chance of pregnancy from this?

  45. Hi bish, I need your help i’m stressing out. I masturbated around 2am but I didn’t cum but I did have precum appear. I met with my girlfriend around 6pm and we were dry humping and precum appeared than we ended up having penetrative sex, we stopped very early it was 5 minutes at max, I am also unsure if peed in this time frame.I want to know if my precum could possibly have sperm in it? Can she get pregnant from this?

  46. Hello bish, me md my boyfriend had penetrated sex for less than a couple minutes and then I stopped I wasn’t feeling it. He didn’t ejaculate AT ALL or Precum cause it takes him a while I’m just scared about precum when I looked back it was nothing on his P… I’d pregnancy possibly? I was very close to ovulation

      1. hi bish
        i was wondering if i can get pregnant by dry humping my boyfriend but i had underwear on and if he touched his penis but not the tip if there was precum there and he fingered me, will i get pregnant from this??

          1. hi bish, my question is if my boyfriend was touching himself and he touched his tip if there was precum present and he fingered me deeply; is there a chance of me getting pregnant by this?? please answer i’m honestly so stressed out about this and i’m 2 days late

  47. Hello Bish help me. My girlfriend give me a blowjob and I didn’t ejaculate and after that i grab my p after few minutes I rub her v in with my fingers in clit on her pan ties and she grab my hands go through her clit and I rub it and i accidentally touched her opening vagina and I didn’t insert my finger it’s just rub. Hey Bish she can get pregnant from that situation?

  48. Hi bish! So my boyfriend and I did some sexual activity like rubbing our private parts. No penetration and ejaculation but I guess there’s the presence of precum. I’m really worried that I may be pregnant. My usual cycle is 33 days but every year I get to experience 2 missed cycles. My first missed cycle this year was on January 2021. I’m using an app named Glow and it says that I’m already delayed for 5 days. My ovulation days or fertile window based on the app is Apr 2 to 8 and the sexual activity happened Apr 13. Could I be pregnant?

  49. I was dry jumping my bf, I had my underwear on. Later I don’t know if he had pre cum but I might’ve felt something, and he did finger me in between. Should I be worried. I was also ovulating that day

  50. Hey Bish.
    I and my bf made out during my period where there wasn’t any penetration or oral sex.He masturbated separately where i happened to touch pre cum.After 20-30 mins my fingers were dry and i masturbated rubbing my clit,i haven’t inserted too.Does sperm swim from clit to vagina and will i get pregnant and that too I’m on my period.

  51. Hi Bish,
    Earlier today I was rubbing my P against my girlfriends V and I didn’t ejaculate and I don’t think there was any precum but if there was, without penetration could she still get pregnant? (Side Note It’s Been a while since I’ve ejaculated (like 5 days ago)). Both areas were exposed (undressed).

  52. I really need some help sir. I had precum on my pennis tip. I had touched it but i can’t surely remember that. After that i touched her clitoris and other parts of her vagina however she’s a vargin and so i couldn’t penetrate much. Could she get pregnant. Please reply sir . Its urgent. She had her last periods on 19 may. I had last masterbated on 18 th june and have urinated atleast 5 times after that. The event I’m talking about happened on 20 th june. Please reply sir.

  53. Hi Bish
    I and my boyfriend had dry hump we were naked at the beginning he had the tip on my v opening buh he hadn’t even pre ejaculated,as time went while given him oral sex he pre ejaculated and I sucked it off,then we had dry hump both naked ,its happened a week after my last period now I’m expecting my period a week from today?,I’m scared I’ll be pregnant… He fingered me but didn’t do it deep .. but I doubt he had pre ejaculation on his finger because he didn’t touch his dick,I’m freaking out,is there possibility of me being pregnant?,I’m really young and I regret my parents are strict…please I need answer ASAP

  54. Hello Bish,

    So, on the 3rd of march, my girlfriend and i were fooling around. With spooning position, I rubbed her v with my p. While we were doing it, i also cover the tip of my p, but after a while i noticed that there’s some sticky fluid that comes out of my p but it was dense unlike precum, so i decided to stop rubbing her v.
    Idk if it was sperm because i didn’t orgasm and the lights were turned off.
    Here’s the date of her last 4 period history:
    3 november – 3 december
    3 december – 1 january
    1 january – 29 january
    29 january – 25 february

    is there any way somehow that my sperm leaks without my control?
    And is there any chance that she would eventually become pregnant?
    It’s 26th march and she still not have her period yet.
    Please help.

    1. Hello

      Well as you will have read already (you read this right?) there is very very little chance of her being pregnant from this. The sticky substance may well have been coming from her (vs get moist, especially when they are having sexy times). Is she as worried about this as you? Looking at the dates you gave me it looks like she has pretty regular periods around 28 – 31 days. If she is as worried as you then she might want to get a period tracker. There are great apps for this that you can get on your phones — I’m a fan of Clue (not that I have a vagina or a uterus). If she isn’t worried then please stop worrying. Do a bit more reading around on here so that you have the facts and also do a bit of self care

      1. I’ve tried the app, it was great. Thanks bish!

        However, the app shows me that she should have her period by now, but she still not have her period yet. She told me about her light cramps for the past 3 days and no blood spotting like the pregnancy signs, but i’m still confused and scared. Is she’s going to be pregnant? Because she never have a late period before.

  55. Thanks for that, Bish. Let me also say that she was about 9 days from her next period when this happened. Not sure if that makes things even better, or worse? Thanks, Connor.

  56. Hey, bish.

    My girlfriend gave me a handjob, and I had a little bit of Precum on the top of my penis. I had peed twice between my last ejaculation and this encounter for sure. I wiped the Precum off of me, dryed my hand on my shirt for a second, then fingered her about two minutes later. Is there any risk of pregnancy at all with this? Thank you so much, connor.

  57. Hey Bish I fingered my girlfriend ,and she was giving me a handjob, then she stoped and i had a speck of pre cum on my index finger and then wiped it off dry on my pants and had my handout of the covers feeling dry then i fingered her a couple minutes later but with my middle finger then pospossible 8-10 minutes later i tried three fingers and got only a little of my indexfinger in and then istopped d can she get pregnant and shes a virgin please contact me ASAP and i did it yesterday on the 15th and her period is on like the 23 im saying


  58. Hey Bish I fingered my girlfriend ,and she was giving me a handjob, then she stoped and i had a speck of pre cum on my index finger and then wiped it off dry on my pants and had my handout of the covers feeling dry then i fingered her a couple minutes later but with my middle finger then pospossible 8-10 minutes later i tried three fingers and got only a little of my indexfinger in and then istopped d can she get pregnant and shes a virgin please contact me ASAP and i did it yesterday on the 15th and her period is on like the 23 im saying

  59. Hello bish ! I need ur help ! I am really stressed ! i touched the clit of my girl (a liltle above, she has pubic hair), for like 1 sec, with my penis it had precum i think ( i think i pee before). It was in the day, she stopped bleeding from period, can she be pregnant? please answer! I am so stressed 🙁 Won’t do nothing till i am 30

  60. It’s extremely unlikely that you’re pregnant from the other guy. However I can’t say whether this is the case or not. If you are happy talking to them both about this and they are happy to do so, you could have a paternity test done. You may want to speak to your ante-natal health care provider and ask for their advice on this.

    Sorry I can’t be more help.


  61. hey bish is it possible to become pregnant from precum if im in boxers and my girlfriends in tights and panties? also i rubbed her vagina through the panties is that at all possible leads to pregnacy

  62. Hi I have a question. Me and my boyfriend were in his hot tub and I gave him a handjob, he told me that he came. We then got out, got dressed and chilled in his basement to where I gave him another handjob but he only had precum. He then touched my vagina no fingering just sort of everywhere around it. Is there a chance I can be pregnant? Please help I have anxiety and my period is irregular I haven’t gotten it in a year because of being on the pill then coming off it (along with some hormonal drugs to stop my period like 2 years ago) and I’m honestly freaking out. He told me he didn’t use the same hand and I saw him wipe it off and i’m worried there was still a bit on his hand, although it was pretty dry and he told me not to worry and that i’m not pregnant but i’m still not 100% sure. I looked online and I don’t know what the truth is, and I want the honest complete truth.

  63. Hi Bish….

    I fingered my girlfriend on 16 of November and she said she just ovulated after 2 or 3 hours. I think there will be some pre cum or dry pre cum on my hand even i wipe out with my skin….(may be or may be not, i am not sure). before that day, i masturbated on 15th night, but i did urinated in the morning. And I am not also sure that did i go deep or not since this is our first time and she’s still a virgin. Help, I am freaking out now and your reply will be much appreciated.


    1. Hi

      I get asked these questions a lot. I’d be gobsmacked if she was pregnant. There is not going to be any sperm on your fingers able to impregnate anyone.

      Is this something she’s worried about? Have you talked about this? Perhaps read some of the sex ed on here (or at Scarleteen) together. If you learn about this together then it might help you to be a bit calmer about it.

      I hope that you are freaking out a bit less now that I’ve replied saying that I don’t think you have anything to worry about. You might still feel tense and anxious about this. Just know that it’s a feeling that you don’t have to believe in or do anything about.

      Justin (Bish)

  64. BIsh!

    sorry for the late reply
    Thank you for helping me with my problem

    She just got her period a week ago and she wasn’t pregnant from this thanks 🙂

    1. Hi Bri
      Like I said, I’d be very surprised indeed if you were pregnant from what you describe. You should also know that stress can also delay periods.

        1. It’s hard to stop worrying, so don’t fight it. Acknowledge the worry, say hello to it and wait for it to leave you. Worries and feelings can’t hurt you so long as you don’t think or act on them – they are just stories in your head. This approach is called Mindfulness – look it up. 🙂


      1. Should I take a pregnancy test if I don’t get my period by next Sunday since that will be two weeks after I would have done this? My period was already four days late when I did this though.. so I suppose I may just be worrying for nothing. Lol I’m sorry I keep asking so many questions, and thank you for being so nice and responding lol.

  65. Hi I have a question. My bf wiped precum off of his hand, he wiped it on his pants, waited a couple minutes, and then began fingering me. Im pretty sure his finger was dry, and he said that he was completely dry, but do I run any risk of becoming pregnant from this situation? I’m a virgin and every person I talk to says this scenario is impossible, but I’m a worry wart lol. Anyways last month my period came on the 27th, and now here I am on the 1st with no period. This happened on the 28th though, so I shouldn’t have been ovulating. I’m just worried as to why I am late and if this could cause pregnancy because the precum would have had semen in it cause he had just ejaculated without peeing. Anyways thanks do much!

      1. I feel like if I would become pregnant from this it would be much easier for women to become pregnant! Lol I did have surgery at the end of my last cycle and took pain pills for about a week after, so I’m hoping that just through everything off pace lol. But I’m somewhat much more relieved now that I’ve gotten someone who is educated like you to help me. Lol thank you and I’ll report back soon hopefully!

  66. Thank you bish 🙂
    Well from the looks of things she isn’t pregant 🙂
    She’s is now experiencing cleaer discharges or white and has been feeling abdominal cramps she might be near her period 😀

    1. Hey, uhm I’ve been worried recently about what me and my girlfriend did and I wanted to ask, me and my girlfriend never had sex before but we dry humped each other, one day while we were dry humping each other I was in my underwear and she had two pantyhoses on, what are the chances of my pre cum on my underwear made her pregnant?

        1. Thank you so much, I began freaking out over the possibilities that could happen, thank you again 🥹

  67. Thank you so much bish 🙂
    This really made me feel better 🙂

    btw she’s already experiencing some light cramps on her abdomen and white discharge is coming out could it be ovulation? It’s still 10 days before her period?

    Many thanks 🙂

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