Can I be pregnant from pre-cum?

‘We Didn’t ‘Fully’ Do It, Am I Pregnant?’

Pregnancy worries from a couple who had penis in vagina sex without a condom but didn’t ejaculate

My boyfriend and I have been wanting to have sex for a while , but I haven’t been ready because I’ve been worried about possibly getting pregnant, etc. (I’m 16.) Yesterday we wanted to but he didn’t have a condom and we weren’t going to do it without one. Neither of us had done it before , and we just wanted to see what it felt like. We knew we couldn’t really “fully” do it, so we just put it in for a few seconds. I was on top of him (if that makes any difference at all) I only kind of went up and down two or three times gently, and he was only inside me 10-20 (?) seconds. He definitely didn’t come in me, but I’ve now learned that I could still become pregnant from it. We didn’t know that at the time, but he told his mom today and she said that there’s still a 50% chance, and I’ve been looking it up and everything does say it’s still possible. I feel really stupid , but he’s 15 and I’m 16 and we really didn’t know it was possible. It seemed completely safe. The other thing is that I was on my period. It started around Tuesday I think (this is Sunday), so yesterday (Saturday) was like the 5th day. It was the last day, I actually thought it would be over by then or at least not as heavy, but there was still a fair amount of blood. But today it’s pretty much completely over. I’m not sure if that is relevant at all, I just know there’s a slim chance of getting pregnant while on your period, but it was the last day, so that’s why I’m questioning it. I’m pretty freaked out, I didn’t anticipate any of this happening. I’m trying to stay calm and consider that 1. I was on my period so it might reduce the risk a little 2. if any semen did get in me, it’s still not a guarantee I’ll get pregnant and 3. it may not have even gotten in me at all. So I know (I think) the chances of me being pregnant are not very high, I’m still really worried. I know you can’t tell me if I am or not, I just thought I’d see what your thoughts were on this. Thanks.

Hi there

Thanks for your great question which you’ve kind of already answered. You clearly know your stuff about sex ed despite not knowing about the (very very) small risks of pregnancy from penis in vagina sex without ejaculation. We all have gaps in our knowledge about stuff, I learnt something new about tampons the other day and this is my job! (though to be fair, I don’t have a vagina)

I agree with your 1.2.3.

1. Sex during a period is one of the less likely times that someone can get pregnant, however this very much depends on how long your menstrual cycle is. If you have a very short cycle (usually) then sex towards the end of a period could be getting into the your fertile time. However if you are more like a ‘once every 28 days’ kinda person then it won’t be. Remember cycles can be totally random, especially for teens, so try not to get too worried if your period is late or early.

2. Even if semen did get inside you it’s still unlikely that you will be pregnant. If you were trying to get pregnant, the advice you would get is to have lots of penis in vagina sex (ejaculating fully inside the vagina) for a year or two. During that period it is likely that you will get pregnant. Some find they get pregnant really quickly, others not. Since you only did it once and he didn’t ejaculate it is very unlikely that you are pregnant. That’s not to say it’s impossible but his mum simply isn’t right to say it’s a 50% chance.

If he did come inside you then it would be around 3.1% chance (between 0% and 9%). As he didn’t come inside you then it would be closer to zero percent. I explain more about this and the risk of pregnancy from pre-cum (which is very very low) here.

3. Yup it’s probably that semen didn’t get inside you. Although you only need one sperm to fertilise an egg, when ejaculation happens between 50 and 300 million sperm are released. There *may* be a chance of a few hundred sperm being at the tip of his penis in pre ejaculatory fluid but maybe not. Also that sperm is probably not the best equipped to fertilise an egg because they aren’t fresh sperm and are in a fluid that isn’t semen (sperm needs semen to help swim and to feed on).

One thing you haven’t mentioned is the risk of STIs. If either of you have had unprotected sexual experiences with other people before (or you have an infection which you didn’t get sexually but can pass on sexually) then there is a risk of giving each other infections if you have penis in vagina sex without a condom. It’s much easier to get an STI from what you describe than get pregnant.

So I hope this gives you a bit of re-assurance. Think about what you are going to take away from this experience for the future. How can you have sexy times with the boyf and have a really low risk of pregnancy/STIs? If you don’t have condoms how can you have mutual lovely sex which is low risk?

Let me know how you get on! Post a comment below if you like.


PS Lots of people are reading this and then asking me if they are pregnant. Hopefully this graphic will help you (you’re probably not).

I had sex I'm worried I'm pregnant

Please don’t post a comment asking me to tell you how likely it is whether you are pregnant or not. I can’t give you any more re-assurance than I already have here. Sorry.

Here are a few more articles that might help

Am I Pregnant

How to deal with stress – in case you are stressed about pregnancy

Emergency contraception – in case you had unprotected sex in the last 5 days

A lot of people below are talking about painful first time sex. Sex should not hurt, first time or anytime. Plan for better sex by reading this post about first time sex and read this about painful sex and how to avoid it.

Also is your partner putting you at risk of pregnancy?

© Justin Hancock, 2024 Find out more about me and BISH here.


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507 thoughts on “‘We Didn’t ‘Fully’ Do It, Am I Pregnant?’

  1. hello bish, recently i’ve been having a lot of pregnancy scares since I suffer from health anxiety but me and my boyfriend like to rub each others genitals without protection, we do it some what often and i’m scared it’ll get me pregnant. He has never finished doing it and always stops when he’s even slightly close. However one time we did it he accidentally went into my vagina for a brief moment and slipped out. He still never came but i’m scared maybe i’ll be pregnant, what are the chances for both situations?

  2. Hi i just want to ask some question. So me and my bf having a sex but not literally sex, i sit on his lap then his dick outside of his short then i’m moving up and down nearly of the head of his dick but he didn’t actually put his dick inside on my vagina and he actually cum. I’m very worried, is there a posible of getting pregnant?

    1. Hi
      I always come here to read it always helped me.
      Finally me and partner had sex we been using condom for protection and i am not on any pill. We make sure he cum outside using condom but two times he cum inside me with condom and we checked it wasnt leaked nor torn. But i am late on my period my cycle ks 27 days but i am now 32 days. I have been doing 5 pregnancy test until now it is all negative. I been drinking vitamin C still not period yet. I am scared.

      1. If you used a condom successfully (which you did) then the chance of pregnancy from one time sex is near zero. There’s more about the actual risks of pregnancy when you use condoms in this article about being anxious about pregnancy. Also it’s important to know that periods don’t always arrive at the same time, in fact it’s more common that they don’t arrive on time. There’s more about this in my resource about how to track your own periods.

  3. Hey, I don’t know if you will read this or not but I’m so anxious nervous and scared…me and my bf rarely have sex he came over on a week day and we ended up doing it I’m pretty sure he pre cum and he had put it all the way in me… and I know there is chances of you getting pregnant wit pre cum… we was doing it on and off for about 30 min and sometimes We would just be laying down while his dick was in me he said he never nutted in me to end it off I gave him head(sorry how this might sound ) and that’s when he nutted after that we didn’t have sex or anything.. and I had went to pee… I’m scared I might me pregnant and I’m stressing out so much I been nauseous for only 2 days after that rn I’m fine Im Just stressing out can I be pregnant and can stress cause u to feel things…I’m scared please reply!

    1. Hey. There’s more on this page called Am I Pregnant about this (and what to do next). If he didn’t fully ejaculate inside you then the risk of pregnancy is very low. You say he nutted when he gave head, so that implies he didn’t fully nut when he was inside you. So please go and read that link to go through the next steps. I’d also just want you to make sure that your relationship with your bf is okay, does he know that you are not wanting to get pregnant? I’ve got a resource here about partners not caring enough about pregnancy which I hope you might find helpful. Justin

  4. Hey Justin,

    I had sex with a girl I’m dating over the weekend, first of all with a condom and it was safe. After that I put the tip in plus a bit more unprotected for maybe 10 seconds max. I didn’t ejaculate and pulled out again. Then about a 30 seconds later I ejaculated on her body. I cleaned everything up with tissues and nothing passed near to her vagina. Is there any chance of her being pregnant? I know you’ve answered similar in this thread before but it’s really stressing me at the moment so appreciate any advice.

    1. Hi Dan. So the chances of pregnancy are pretty much zero because you didn’t fully ejaculate inside her vagina. You can’t get someone pregnant from ejaculating on them. The condom will have prevented ejaculation getting inside her. If you had some precum at the tip of your penis (and if your precum contains sperm) then there is a very very very very very small risk of pregnancy, but pretty much zero. I don’t know whether you chatted about this with the girl you’re dating or not, and I’m hoping that she was okay with you entering her without a condom. Here’s a resource to help you chat about safer sex with her How to Talk About Safer Sex Hope you find that helpful! Justin

      1. Hi Justin. Thanks for your reply really appreciated. We did talk about it and I guess it was a heat of the moment thing we decided to do.

          1. hey Justin .i got my period twice but i am now 1 day late for my period and have had left side abdominal pain for a few days now. can you get your period 2 times whilst being pregnant? and then not get the third one. also ik you told me it’s impossible to be pregnant with what i described but i’m still so paranoid. my heart palpitations have slowed down.

          2. yeah your right! i think i’m just paranoid because we did something again during this month although i was fully clothed so there’s 0 chance. i’m not sure why my brain plays with me this way. i’m now 4 days late but i’m still waiting. i’ll come back when i do get my period.

  5. Hello Justin! me and my girlfriend had sex in the 9th day (this December 3) of her cycle, I think for almost 30 seconds, but I did pulled out and didn’t cum after that. Her average cycle is 33 days based on her past cycle for 3 months. What are the chances that she can be pregnant with that? thank you in advance!

    1. If you didn’t ejaculate inside her vagina then the risks of pregnancy are near zero. However, if you and her don’t want to have the stress then next time use a condom (or don’t put your penis inside her vagina). There’s more about this here Am I Pregnant?

      1. hey justin i have gotten my periods about 3 times since my pregnanacy scare, although it’s so hard to forget when i hear things about cryptic pregnanacy and how you can get your periods when pregnant.

        1. I think it might be useful for you to talk to someone in real life about your concerns because I think they might be able to ease your anxiety about this better than I can. Is there anyone you can speak to? A youth support service? Sexual health service? A school / college counsellor?

          1. hey, thanks for your reply. I have nobody to talk to either then to visit this website every time I do stress. I think part of me knows that it’s impossible yet the overthinking starts to play a big role which leads to the on going stress for nearly 5 months now. I’ll be stress free but then id feel certain symptoms or id have a different period then the others and my stress would come back. Although every time I write to you explaining my concerns it takes the feeling away. When I first started to stress I visited a chemist with my partner and we asked plenty questions to the pharmacist in regards to whether or not id need a birth control pill. She went on to say that I didn’t need it as I never had any sexual intercourse. Ive also spoken to friends about my concerns but I just think its always better to get advice from somebody who is an expert. My anxiety is starting to really take control and I’m looking into taking medication for it, maybe this would help take the thoughts away.

    2. Hi me and my bf had unprotected sex on the day of my ovulation but he only but it in for about 3-5 seconds can I be pregnant ?
      He wiped of the pre cum before putting it in and he didn’t ejaculate

      1. The chances of pregnancy from full ejaculation inside the vagina around ovulation is thought to be around 9%. As there wasn’t full ejaculation inside the vagina, and you were having sex for such a short space of time, the chances are pretty near 0%. There’s more on this here Am I Pregnant?

    3. hey bish, i saw online that you can get pregnant even if he cums near the vagina and not in it. is this true. and what if the cum didn’t touch your vagina.

    4. hey bish, i went through a pregnancy scare not too long ago although he didn’t put his penis in me and didn’t come anywhere near my vagina. i keep making myself think maybe his semen dripped of my hand onto me although my vagina wasn’t anywhere near my hand at all and i cleaned it up with wet ones and then dry tissue straight away. i ended up getting my period for 6 days although only the first two days of my period were proper heavy blood. the last four days were spotting and occasionally a few red blood clots. i want to know if this could be implantation bleeding since i am still super stressed out and it’s been nearly 2 months. i’m 4 days away from my next period to come and super scared it won’t. i can’t be pregnant i’m only 17 and live in an extremely religious house hold. i’m still a virgin and have never had any sex but im extremely stressed. Do you think im allgood?

      1. I think you’re all good. It’s actually impossible to get pregnant from what you describe and it very much sounds to me like you’ve had a period, which means that you’re not pregnant. There are ways to have sex where there is a zero or near zero chance of pregnancy, which you can read about here Amazing Sex Without Having ‘Sex’ You might also want to remember that often, when people are giving sex education, they say things like ‘if you have sex you will get pregnant and that is really bad’ because they don’t want you to have sex at all. Remember, if you were trying to get pregnant the advice is ‘have sex at least 2 or 3 times a week, with full ejaculation deep inside the vagina. If you do that there is an 85% chance you will be pregnant in a year.’ There’s more about bad sex ed here Bad Sex Ed Bingo

    5. hey bish, i’ve been extremely stressed recently as for 2 months i’ve been in a pregnancy scare. i’ve never had penetrative sex in my life and semen has never entered my vagina through pre cum or just normal semen. but i’m still very paranoid. why am i overthinking it so much. it’s to a point where i start to feel things and think the normal stuff is me being pregnant. can this be because i have anxiety. is there any chance i could be pregnant at all?

      1. There’s no chance you are pregnant if semen or pre cum has not entered your vagina. Remember, if you were trying to get pregnant the advice is ‘have sex at least 2 or 3 times a week, with full ejaculation deep inside the vagina. If you do that there is an 85% chance you will be pregnant in a year.’

  6. Hi,
    I did exactly the same thing with what that girl described on my 7th day of my cycle ( I have a 28-29 days cycle and my period last around 5 days and it’s never late more than 2 days from when it first came in 2018). We didn’t notice any pre cum. The only difference is that I’m late 5 days. I’m really anxious and all my friends are telling me that it is from that. Do I have to be anxious? Please help me!!! I’m sorry for my English, it’s not my mother language.

      1. Hey Justin, i’m not sure if you will reply considering you’ve already replied to a comment like this one but mine is a little different. Me and my bf decided to get intimate on the 20th november. he didn’t penetrate me with his penis at all. he fingered me with his left hand and his finger didn’t leave it and didn’t touch his penis. after that i gave him a handjob and he ejaculated but no where near my vagina at all. soon after we wiped it all up and we got dressed. i know it is a very low chance of pregnancy but i have been really stressed for a week and a half straight and can’t get it out of my mind. i’m extremely paranoid and i’ve been feeling pelvic and abdominal pains aswell as a lot of discharge. I also haven’t been eating as i usually do and have only been eating once a day due to the stress of possibly being pregnant. i’m not sure if these symptoms are because i’m extremely paranoid and think the things that are usually normal aren’t. i am 2 days late for my period. i usually get my period every 26 days no matter what but i wanna know if my period may be delayed due to stress and how likely is my stress to cause a delayed period? I’ve read that it will delay a period if it’s chronic and i think mine is chronic condsidering it hasn’t left my mind for nearly 2 weeks and i haven’t eaten because of it.

          1. Hi, my boyfriend & I had sex November 18 & i used my period tracker and I was ovulating. He didn’t fully cum but I know that precum got inside of my vagina. Today is now December 2nd and my period was suppose to come. I’ve been feeling nauseous but also having period symptoms. I don’t want to mix up period symptoms with pregnancy symptoms. Could I possibly be pregnant.

          2. my period came but it was an extremely heavy flow for two days, and now on the third day pink and brown spotting. i keep trying to tell myself i never had penetrative sex so i’m not pregnant but i’m extremely paranoid and keep thinking it’s implantation bleeding as my periods are usually still heavy on day 3.

          3. do you think maybe because i’m paranoid that i could be experiencing digestive issues that could cause the pain. i’ve never had penetrative sec and semen has never entered my vagina but i’m just extremely stressed and have been for a month and abit even tho i got my period it was off so i still tell myself i could be. please i need to hear smth that will relieve my stress

        1. hey justin, i commented abt having a pregnancy scare a month and a bjt back although i never had penetrative sex and he never cummed near my vagina. i ended up getting my period although i did say it was heavy for the first 2 days and then brown blood for the past 4 days. i have now got my period for the second time since my pregnancy scare l, i’m on my first day. the bloood was red this morning but now it is brown on my pad. usually my blood isn’t brown first day. could this be the stress from the last two months that could cause my last two periods to have a weird flow? is there a chnace i can be pregnant or this could be implantation bleeding. i assume not since implantation bleeding wouldn’t be red blood and wouldn’t be so heavy but i guess reassurance would be great. thankyou and i hope you can reply.

          1. You haven’t had the kind of sex that has any risk of pregnancy, which means that you’re not pregnant and the bleeding you experienced was a period. It’s worth remembering that periods are random and each one can be just that little bit different. You might find this resource useful about how to track your own periods.

      2. hey justin, i know at this point im dragging it and i’m most likely not pregnant since i’ve never had penetrative sex before but i’ve been feeling heart palpitations for 3 days now and it comes and goes every 15 minutes. i’ve heard it’s a sign of pregnancy and now i’m freaking out again. i’ve gotten my period twice now since 2 months ago and due for my next one in 7 days now.

  7. Hello. I am having a pregnancy scare with my gf. We rubbed our genitals together with no rubber in two different days. The first day was hardly 5 mins and the other one was a bit longer. There was no ejaculation whatsoever but we did notice precum coming out of my penis. We got scared so I bought her a plan B pill within the hour. After two days she started experiencing lower abdominal pain and after she wiped her vagina she had a bit of blood in the tissue. But it wasn’t her periods. My fear is in the fact that 1. i think she was ovulating at the time. 2. When I googled these issues they either showed she was pregnant or just a side effect of the plan b. 3. There was saliva all over her genital area and she was mostly wet 4. she might’ve gotten pregnant the first day we did it since i gave her no plan b
    There was nothing more than just rubbing mostly in the clitoris area and the girl is a virgin. Is there any chance she is pregnant?

  8. Hi bish. My boyfriend and I got intimate last October 25. I only touched/teased his slit so we can’t call what we did ‘mutual masturbation’. I was touching him with my left hand and there was very little precum. He then fingered me but with his left hand which he didn’t used to touch his dick. We have both recall he didn’t even get to ejaculate. His left hand was clean. He used his right hand to open his zippers though. After fingering me, he sucked his finger clean.

    I can’t be …. you know… just from that right? I have been scrolling through your amazing site for days now and I calm down everytime I read comments, it’s just that I’ve read some responses on Quora and it’s pissing me off because people there are rude and/or seemingly unreliable…

    I’m sorry if my question is silly and repeating for you, but I just need extra validation that there’s really no need to worry.

    I have been experiencing pms-like symptoms btw and I’m expecting my period anytime this Nov 7-20… (My last first period date was Oct 10)

    Thank you so much if you reply!

    1. It’s virtually impossible to get pregnant from what you describe. There’s an 85% chance of pregnancy from penis in vagina sex, with full ejaculation inside the vagina, 2 or 3 times a week, over the course of a year. The average risk of pregnancy from one time penis in vagina sex, with full ejaculation inside the vagina, is 3.1%. Even if precum contained sperm (which more often than not, it doesn’t), even then it would have to be deposited deep inside the vagina for their to be any risk of pregnancy. Even then the risk of pregnancy would be much much lower than 3.1%. Pretty close to zero. So from what you’re describing, with any precum being outside the body (not directly from the penis inside the vagina) the risk is like me getting hit by lightening today, twice. There’s more about all of this here Am I Pregnant?. Hope that helps! Justin

      (PS tracker apps are often not very accurate, here’s a resource where you can learn how to track your period the old fashioned way Track Your Own Menstrual Cycle

  9. Hello Bish, i recently had my first time with my gf, we did some foreplay and she was giving me heads but i didn’t ejaculate, i got carried away and with her consent tried to insert it, but after around 1/4 of the tip i was scared ane decided to pull back. And then we realized that some precum mixed with saliva might be sticking up on her, so we were panicked. Her cycle is usually 28 days with 32 being the longest one once in her lifetime, her last period is on 9th of october and we did it on 27th, 1 to 4 days after the fertility window, is it possible to get pregnant within that timeframe? we were currently waiting for her upcoming period on 7th Nov

      1. Thanks for answering my question! Do you mind if i want to have a more detailed information? I’m still on the waiting game so i think having additional info other than that two (or three) interconnected blog would help!

        1. I have given a lot of information about this already on the articles, but here we go. If you were trying to get pregnant then the advice is ‘have regular sexual intercourse with full ejaculation inside the vagina. Do that for 2 or 3 times a week over the course of a year. If you do that then there’s an 85% chance of pregnancy within a year.’ So that should tell you something about the actual risk of pregnancy. For each time there is full ejaculation inside the vagina, it’s an average of 3.1% risk of pregnancy

          In the most reliable study on ‘pre-cum’ they say that not even half of the men they studied had sperm in their pre-cum. Of those that did, the numbers of sperm found were very low “Although our pre-ejaculatory samples often contained sperm with equivalent concentration and motility to what would be regarded as fertile in ejaculatory samples, the actual number of sperm in the pre-ejaculates was very low.”

          So if you add this together, that you didn’t fully ejaculate inside her vagina. In fact, you didn’t even fully insert the penis in the vagina. You only produced pre-cum (you think, we don’t always produce pre-cum. Even if you did produce pre-cum with sperm in, it’s very very unlikely to be enough sperm to get someone pregnant. Even if you ejaculated inside the vagina, there’s only a small risk of pregnancy per occasion. Using all this information, you tell me, what do you think the actual likelihood of pregnancy is?


          1. Good day Justin!, my gf finally had her period on 8th, sorry for being late to inform you but anything is fine right now! Thanks for your help!

  10. Hello, I just had sex for the first time with my girlfriend and it was unprotected. I just wanted to know that if he didn’t ejaculate can she still become pregnant from pre ejaculation? We didn’t have sex for very long only a couple minutes because I was scared, I just wanted to know what I should think/know and this point.
    we did the sex on 1st of october mid night and her period starts from 20 september and lasts on 25 september. her period cycle is of 35 days and it was expected to be on 25 october but she didn’t get periods. Is it due to the harmone imbalance, she eat papaya , adrak kada and all

    1. We have tested her test is negative but she is not getting periods, can we take some pills to get faster period. And do we have to check next week again for pregnancy test?

  11. I don’t know if you reply still but first before question, I wanna say that the way you handle people’s worries and gentle with their feelings is awesome. Next I have a question of my own. I was ovulating as I had a positive ovulation test confirm. Has sex unprotected maybe 5 min on and off. No ejaculation at all. What about pre cum? I have read so much I’m paranoid now and stressed out. Saying it’s in man’s urethra and passes through pre cum. I’m more scared cause I was ovulating. What’s the chances here.

    1. Hi, thank you 🙂

      If you were definitely ovulating, then the chances of pregnancy are higher but the risk of pregnancy from pre cum is still very very low and pretty close to zero. The reason we don’t recommend the pulling out method for contraception is that it’s difficult to do perfectly every time. However if he definitely didn’t ejaculate inside you this one time then it’s very very very unlikely you are pregnant. I explain more about that in this article Am I Pregnant? Of course if you are going to have penis in vagina sex it’s a good idea to use condoms if you can get hold of them, even if it’s just to reduce how stressed you might get. If you’re still worried you could try and get some emergency contraception Emergency Contraception

    2. Thank you for your words of wisdom, I’m just never having sex again 🤣. But in all honesty, I can’t do emergency conception because I’m a week out from situation. So for me it’s now the wait game till next week. But I should have absolutely jumped on it sooner. I was scared as my doctor told me in my situation (health reasons) I can’t do regular birth control with any high estrogen only IUD as only option so I didn’t know if I should chance a high powerful birth control conception. And yes it’s not worth the worry every month playing pregnancy roulette. If anyone else is in this situation or reads I hope they learn from me, that five minutes of fun can come with consequences and it’s not worth it. Not when you can buy at least a box of condoms and protect yourself against babies abd disease. I am fertile as I have kids and got pregnant first time with all, however ejaculation was involved not pull out. As they were planned. Hopefully I slide under the radar this one time since this was no internal ejaculation during ovulation. Thank you for answering and again anyone going through this, sex is a gamble everytime and it will catch up eventually if not this time.

      1. Well it’s important to remember that even if there was full ejaculation inside the vagina the average risk of pregnancy would be 3.1% for one time intercourse (between 0 and 9%). As you say, condoms are super effective and pretty cheap and are really popular (around 36% of couples rely on male contraceptive methods, like condoms). Also the IUD is very very very effective, but it’s non-hormonal. In the UK it’s called ‘the coil’ because it is made up of thin copper wiring in a spiral. It’s thought that it’s the copper ions which disable the sperm and prevent them from fertilising an egg. There’s more about that on this page . You might also find this article reassuring on how to be less anxious about pregnancy risks Anxious About Getting Her Pregnant Hope you find all this a little bit more helpful.

      2. Thank you again, I should know better than this as I’m not 20 anymore although we learn everyday. And I have read so much of your articles. It’s very helpful and easy to understand. Again thank you for all ur time and advice. I’ll be fingers crossed here.

      3. As back in September I messaged and wrote a fear of unprotected sex, during ovulation with no ejaculation inside ( not even finishing) and I wanted to come back to help ease others. As no one is god himself and can give you definitive answers in whatever your situation is as unprotected is obviously always a risk. However I can say this for my scared people as I was back in September. Now coming from someone who is highly fertile, meaning it’s easier for me than most to conceive. I have a child and one time was all it took( however I finished fully in that situation). I had unprotected in September and who knows if there was pre cum as we don’t know and usually there is when a man is aroused. I did not use a condom or any form of birth control. 100% ovulating confirmed after with test as I was scared I was in my mind hence why I didn’t finish. Well with all that I didn’t get pregnant. Period came and I was cleared. So for people scared in this blog, thinking if they got fingered and their was pre cum or had a few seconds of sex and their was precum, it’s very unlikely and don’t lose sleep over it. However nothing is 100 so use protection and save yourself the sleepless nights, the convincing yourself you are (as I did till I made myself sick) and the money in test after test. Hope that helped someone.

  12. Hello I was wondering if there was any chance my gf got pregnant or I’m just really paranoid. Note: Before these events I didn’t ejaculate for approximately 5 days so sperm wouldn’t have survived in my urethra to be in precum right? The first time we dry humped she had underwear on I didn’t but I didn’t feel any precum on my penis, the second time I had underwear and she had 2 layers of clothing on and then we tried to have sex 2 times with a condom, I’m just worried that precum may have gone on the outside of the condom even tho I wiped my penis off before putting it on and washed my hands a few times after. There wasn’t full insertion neither of the two times probably because of the amount of anxiety I had (I know right) but I was worried wether precum, if there was any, on the base of my penis on the outside of the condom could have gone on the outside of her vagina and then inside if I fingered her or transferred from my underwear to my leg and then to her when she tried dry bumping my leg. It was her ovulation period I think that’s why I’m kind of concerned. I don’t think she’s pregnant but I really need someone to reassure me because I got really anxious, it was both our first time doing anything of the sort.

    1. Hiya. It’s normal to feel anxious about all the bad things that might have happened after sex (remember that a lot of this is because a lot of our sex education is bad, more about this here Bad Sex Ed Bingo). But there is very very very little chance that your GF got pregnant from what you describe. There’s more about this here Am I Pregnant?

  13. Hey Justin I had a question so

    Me and my gf we’re having oral sex last night, I didn’t have a condom so I wasn’t planning on fucking but I ended up putting it inside for like 5 seconds maybe 3-4 strokes and just took it out bc I didn’t wanna risk it, I didn’t cum and I imagine she sucked off all the precum before entering since we were only having oral, should I be good?

  14. My boyfriend had sex with me but he didn’t ejaculate inside me, he removed his penis and stroked him self once before the semen pumped out but I’m worried that little of his pre cum which might contain sperm might have entered inside me when having sex, when he was about to cum but he pulled out, I heard that precum can contain sperm especially if the person want to release, it(precum) will first come out before the semen.
    Am I likely to get pregnant?

    1. If he didn’t ejaculate fully inside you then there is only a very low risk of pregnancy. Some people produce some sperm in their precum and others don’t. Even where there is sperm in precum it’s not thought to be enough to reliably begin a pregnancy. There’s more about this here Am I Pregnant?

  15. Hi Justin

    How are you? I hope you’re well. I am really really really anxious because my boyfriend and I were grinding completely naked (no underwear or anything) and he ejaculated right when his penis was rubbing the entrance opening of my vagina. There was no penetration at any time but I’m worried that this might have gotten me pregnant especially because I was on my ovulation days and I was really wet. I’m so anxious I don’t know what to do. Can you please let me know what are the chances of being pregnant from this?

  16. Hi there
    i don’t know if you are still online

    i have sex with my boyfriend for 30min and he precum outside not inside it possible that i will be pregnant

      1. Hi
        I end up here and all the answer made feel relief.
        I have been dating and he and i both are virgin havent had sex yet. We end up doing physical touch like other he touch my vagina with his penis for 30 sec it didn’t penetrate if he did i would have felted. He didnt cum he was dry but now i was suppose to have my period on 28 days but i am late by 5 days usually my period are regular so i was worried are we pregnant.

        Other things is i been working 7 days 60hr been one month little change in my schedule and i have been stress and emotional too this month can that tigger my period to late?
        Sorry everything is new to me
        If my period is late when will it be regular and how long does it takes for period to come back to normal.
        Should i worried

  17. Hi Bish,
    Im not sure if your still replying. I really hope you can ease my mind and nerves. Me and my boyfriend rubbed genitals together. I had clothes on he didnt. Im really just worried if I can get pregnant by that since there was a lot of pre-cum on my vagina (protected by clothes?)

  18. Hi

    I don’t know if it’s OK to ask this question here but I’m really worried so I’ll ask

    My bf and I didn’t have penis in vagina sex becausewe knew that I was ovulating but we tried to have anal sex. His penis didn’t fully entered because it hurt but he cumed when we were trying to do this and now we are worried that some cum may have moved from there into my vagina or that i might have pushed some cum into my vagina when I was wiping it. Is it possible to get pregnant in this way? Especially because I was ovulating and I was really wet?
    Oh and we weren’t using any condoms or any other birth control when this happened, so we are really worried about the risk of pregnancy, is the risk high?

      1. I don’t know if you’re still online, but I just wanted to say hello and ask you a few things. I only worry that I might be pregnant. On the 21st this month, my boyfriend and I tried to perform the deed for the first time, but it hurt for me. We tried again, and this time I tried to endure the pain, but I was unable to, so we stopped. Before that, I gave him a mouth job, and he doesn’t have a precum, and we peed after that. When we got back, we had already attempted inserting his thing into me, but as I mentioned, it hurt too much for me to handle. He didn’t ejaculate either inside or outside. I don’t know if I was fertile when we tried because my period started on July 1 of this month. I usually have 31 cycles, so I was concerned that I could be pregnant. I know he didn’t ejaculate inside of me, and he said he didn’t even had precum, but I was afraid that he might not noticed some precum and I would become pregnant. Is it possible to experience implantation bleeding two to three days following sexual activity?Or maybe my brown discharge is a sign that my menstruation will start in the coming week.Is it possible to have pregnancy symptoms 2-3 days after the deed?😭 I need help; I’m scared. Also, many thanks. I just need let this out cause I have no one to ask questions like this.

        1. If he didn’t ejaculate inside you then the risk of pregnancy is near zero. There’s more on this here Am I Pregnant? You could still get an emergency contraceptive pill if you still were worried and you could speak to a sexual health service about that Sexual Health Services

          I know that you say you are only worried if you are pregnant, but I might be a little bit worried about what you’re describing. You’re right to stop when sex is painful, there’s more about that here Painful sex – how to have penis in vagina sex without pain and you might find this article useful about how to have sex How To Have Sex. Also, if you are this worried about pregnancy you might want to ask your boyfriend about wearing a condom How To Use Condoms. There are also lots of different kinds of sex that you might find more enjoyable which also have a much lower risk of pregnancy Amazing Sex Without Having ‘Sex’

          1. Thank you for replying and for the concern Bish, I’ll surely read your suggested articles. Take care!😇

          2. We had unprotected sex but we didn’t fully do it just insert a 10 second and out we did this 2 times, am i going to get pregnant even if he didn’t cum? Btw he minggle before sex

          3. If he didn’t fully ejaculate inside your vagina then it’s very unlikely that you’re pregnant. There’s more about this here Am I Pregnant? Perhaps he might want to get some condoms for next time and take a bit more care so that you don’t have to stress about it.

  19. Hi, justin Hancock…
    I’m really anxious and worried, I was on my fertile period, so he refused to have sex with me because he doesn’t want me to get pregnant, he’s always the one calculating it for me but I forced him, so I had my boyfriend’s penis inserted inside my Virgina but before then I rubbed it on my pussy before inserting and theirs pre cum in his penis, I moved up and down like three to four times before he pulled out because it was actually painful for me and it was not up to 2minutes.
    But he started rubbing his penis on my pussy because I was so horny, he didn’t insert it again tho.
    After rubbing his penis on my Virgina he started fingering me.
    After everything we did, I drank water and urinated.
    And the next day I started ovulating, please am I likely to get pregnant. I’m really worried because of this precum of a thing.

    Please reply 🙏🙏

    1. Firstly, we really shouldn’t be forcing people to do things they don’t want to. I know that isn’t your question, but just a gentle reminder from me that consent is really important and something we should be paying attention to all the time. There are lots of articles here about how to actually do consent as well as a book I wrote 🙂

      If he didn’t fully ejaculate inside your vagina then your chances of pregnancy are pretty much zero. I explain more about this here Am I Pregnant? You may also want to read this article about how to worry.

  20. Hi Justin,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I wanted to ask you what is the risk if there was no penetration but there was naked humping and we were rubbing our genitals without any clothes on and he ejaculated close to my vagina opening and this happened in my fertile window. Is the risk high? Should I be worried?

    I also wanted to say thank you because I like your website so much! I learn a lot here

  21. Hey! I don’t know whether you’re still responding but on the 26th of June I had my first experience with penetration- we didn’t have a condom (which was stupid of us) and he tried putting it in but it wasn’t going in, just the tip was and it was kind of painful. He tried a couple of more times but it didn’t really work; eventually we gave up. But the next day I bled a bit and it was painful and swollen. But now im worried I might be pregnant because of the penis grinding on my vagina and the amount of times he tried to put it in. I’m very sure he didn’t cum, and my cycle which is quite regular was already on day 20 of 26-28. But I’ve been peeing a lot more frequently and having cramps and some nausea so I don’t know if it’s because of pms or perhaps an accidental pregnancy. I have such a tendency to overthink and stress and my mind is already jumping to the worst conclusions. Could I be pregnant?

    1. It’s very very unlikely that this is going to cause a pregnancy. Even if he ejaculated fully inside your vagina there would only be an average of 3.1% chance of pregnancy. There’s more on that here Am I Pregnant? If you wanted to try having sex again try this article on how to make it really good Have the Best First Time Sex or this one How To Have Sex. I’ve got lots of articles about how great condoms are and if you want to get better at worrying, you might find this advice article useful on how to worry How To Worry Hope you find all that helpful! Justin

  22. Hi, A couple of days ago my boyfriend finished and my mouth and Im sure that I got all of it up. We’re both still virgins but 30 minutes later he then put the tip of his penis inside me only for a few seconds. I’m worried that there might have been pre-cum on his penis & I could be pregnant. Hope you can get back to me soon!

  23. Hello hoping for a reply!

    I had unprotected sex with my gf for atleast 30 seconds only and I didnt cum inside her however her period is late

    She had her period March 14th- April 12th-May 14th last month and was supposed to get this month on June 14th. We had sex on June 22 (her due period supposed to be on June 14th never arrived) and after undressing her on that day she had white discharge on her panty which was dry and not sticky so I assumed that her ovulation was over. However Its june 30th and her period hasnt arrived yet. Is this late of a period normal? are we safe from pregnancy? Im worried about precum even though I didnt cum inside her. Also we have no piv activity before June 22 as well. Thankyou

  24. Hi so I had sex with this girl and she do gets wet but mostly I make use of condom and sometimes I don’t but I’m so sure I never cum inside her cos I’m always pulling out but I’m scared of Precum I’ve been hearing of …anytime I put it in and sex her for about 10sec I pull out to check if there’s any precum myself but I couldn’t find none but the only thing I feel is her been wet and her wetnesss on my dick so does that lead to any pregnancy ? I’ll love you to get back to me thanks ….

    1. Hi. From what you’ve described there is very little chance of pregnancy. BUT, the problem with just relying on pulling out as a method of contraception (birth control) is that it’s hard to do and might start to fully come without realising. This is different from pre-cum, which doesn’t usually have enough sperm in to be able to start a pregnancy. So I think it’s better to use condoms every time you have penis in vagina sex if you are wanting to prevent this girl from getting pregnant.

  25. Hi,

    I hope you are still replying to these questions because I am really really nervous.

    So my now ex-boyfriend and I were rubbing our genitals directly and without any clothes on. I told him that I didn’t want him to enter because I was nervous of getting pregnant because I was close to my ovulation window and we didnt have any contraceptive method. I didn’t feel him entering when we were doing this, but later he told me that he did put just the tip of his penis in a little bit of my vagina to feel a little bit more. I didn’t feel anything like that at the moment or I would have stopped him, but he said he did. We were doing this doggy style so I’m not sure if he actually did or not because he was behind me and I couldn’t see what he was doing. He came on my bum. Now I am super worried that he might have spilled some semen inside me when the tip was inside as he said it was or that some semen might have moved from my bum to my vagina if he came all outside, especially since I was still in that position. There was a lot of semen when we came on my bum so I know that if some semen did come in when his tip was inside my vagina, it was not much. So my question is, could I be pregnant because of any of the things that I describe, or because of precum in the tip of his penis if he did put it in a little bit as he said he did? Also, is it possible that he did put the tip of the penis in and that I didn’t feel that?
    I am feeling a little confused and so so so so worried of being pregnant because of this! Please please help me if you can.

    1. Hi, I am still answering these questions. If he didn’t come inside you then the chance of pregnancy is near zero. From what you’re suggesting it sounds like you were masturbating with your genitals and there wasn’t any full entry of the penis, so the risk of pregnancy from this is basically zero. To put this in context, researchers think that the average risk of pregnancy from one time penis in vagina sex with full ejaculation inside the vagina is 3.1%. So as you can see, your risk of pregnancy is pretty much zero. There’s more on this stuff at this article Am I Pregnant?

      It sounds like he wasn’t really respecting your boundaries so a part of me is glad that he is your ex, you might find this useful to read anyway Partner Putting You at Risk. So big ups for you for reaching out and dealing with your worries (more about worry here How To Worry). What does that say about you that you were able to do that? Sounds like you’re doing excellent self care and looking after yourself really well. Have some big ups Big Up You

      1. Thank you so much for replying and for sharing the other articles! I found the how to worry one so useful and I loved the big up you so much! I really needed that today, thanks!

        Can I ask you one last question? Is the risk of pregnancy from what I described still pretty much zero if this happened on the day of ovulation or the day before/ after ovulation?

          1. Wow! Thank you so much for this article too! I didn’t know that these services existed, I’m learning so much from your website! I’m going to try to find a clinic like this in my country. I saw in the article that they offer emergency contraception, do you think I should try to get that just to be 100% or it isn’t necessary or recommend in this case when theres almost no risk of pregnancy? Do they have side effects? I’m going to keep exploring your website, thank you!

  26. Hey good day!

    My girlfriend and I have been doing oral sex last week. No penetration has been done. We’ve done some grinding but I didn’t cum and I have never inserted my penis inside her. Fast forward to present, she was suppose to have her period yesterday but she didn’t. I’m freaking out and need an advice for this matter.

      1. We’ve done naked grinding but i swear i didn’t come nor inserted my penis inside her not even once. Should i be worried or not?

      2. Hey man I just like to add that we rub each others private parts while naked. I rubbed my penis outside her vagina but i didn’t insert it inside nor cum while rubbing it. Do this activity not make her pregnant? I’d appreciate a reply asap. Thank you

        1. No. To get pregnant you would have to have penis in vagina sex with full ejaculation inside the vagina. If you did this on a regular basis (2 or 3 times a week) over the course of a year then there’s an 85% chance of pregnancy. Just be sensible and if you do both choose to have penis in vagina sex then wear a condom How To Use Condoms

          1. Hey bish I wanna give you some update. My girlfriend got her period today. Thanks for making me less paranoid👍🏻♥️♥️

  27. Hi Bish!
    I am freaking out! Have you ever heard of someone getting pregnant from any other way that is not penis in vagina sex with ejaculation inside the vagina? I haven’t had entry sex but I’ve done other things and I’m so worried now, especially because it was near my ovulation days I think.
    Please help if you can.
    Thanks Bish!

  28. Hi Justin!
    First of all, thank you for all this amazing information, it helps so much! I have a quick question I hope you can help me with. From what I understand of what you explain here, there’s between 0 and 9% of chance of getting pregnant each time there’s penetration, depending on the time of the month, am I right? I am a little confused because I thought it was around 33% if it was around ovulation. Is that percentage wrong, or what am I not understanding correctly?

    1. I think the 33% number applies to when a viable sperm meets an egg in the fallopian tube, as I explain here but that doesn’t happen every time. So the average risk of pregnancy for one act of (penis in vagina, with full ejaculation with the penis inside the vagina) is 3.1% (as you say, between 0 and 9%). There’s more on this here Am I Pregnant?

      If you google ‘how can I get pregnant’ then the advice is very very different even though it’s the same question. The advice (which is accurate) to people who want to get pregnant is ‘keep having penis in vagina sex with full ejaculation inside the vagina on a regular basis (2 or 3 times a week) and there’s a 85% chance of pregnancy within a year

      Hope you find that helpful and that you find the other articles on different topics helpful too!


      1. Thank you so much for replying! Yes! I’ve been reading about different topics and I’m finding your whole website super helpful, thank you for sharing this content!

          1. I would love that! And I will share this page with them for sure! Thank you, you are the best!

  29. Hi! I hope you are doing well. I’m really sorry to bother you with a question but I’m really worried and I hope you can help me. I am wondering if it’s possible to get pregnant if I didn’t have penis in vagina sex but I grinded without any clothes on and a small amount of semen may have spilled on my vagina on my ovulation day. I know from reading your website it’s hard to get pregnant without penetration but I’ve also been reading about virgin pregnancies and splash pregnancies and now I’m super worried. Are these kinds of pregnancies really a thing and if so, how common are they? I hope you can reply. Thank you for all your work!!

  30. Hi Bish
    So l am having anxiety regarding weather l am pregnant or not . My boyfriend and l had some foreplay 4 weeks back . Although l have not noticed much of the symptoms however l have missed my period and have been having nausea and upset stomach and severe headache lately. He claims he did not cum and tells me to relax but l can not l am stressed out. I have been reading on virgin pregnancy and heard it is possible . I am also on an implant . I even drank abortion pills but there was no response no reaction there. Today l took pills to trigure with my period still no response Is there any possibility l might be pregnant ?

    1. If he didn’t ejaculate fully inside your vagina then there is pretty much zero risk of pregnancy. If you’re on the implant then even if he did ejaculate inside your vagina then there would be a pretty much zero risk of pregnancy. Please stop taking pills to trigger your period. Periods can be late and random for loads of reasons, including stress. You might find this article Am I Pregnant? and this article Anxious About Getting Her Pregnant and this article Fertility Explained – chances of getting pregnant and this article How to Deal With Stress useful. Hope that’s helpful.

  31. Hi,

    My boyfriend and I had sex 5 times during the week, all throughout he only put the tip in. – all this was with no protection but without ejaculation. Most sessions lasted from 20-30 mins including foreplay.

    When we first did it I had just finished my period 2 days ago and still some light spotting, and the last time we did it would have been 8 days after.

    From reading chances of being pregnant seem low. But I’m still unsure because we did it 5 times and I’m concerned that increases the chances?

    I am not on any birth control and neither have I taken the plan b pill.

    1. If he didn’t ejaculate inside your vagina then the chances of pregnancy are pretty low. This method of birth control (withdrawal) isn’t as good as other methods so if you are going to continue having this kind of sex you might want to think about using a condom too. If your boyfriend isn’t really giving you a choice about this you might want to read this article of mine Partner Putting You at Risk

  32. Hey I don’t know if you still respond but I’m scared i know I’m being stupid and Im most likely not but I can’t help but worry. Ok so me and my boyfriend did it the 7 but we didn’t have a condom and we are not that stupid to go all the way the thing is it was both our first time and we made sure it was dry even if it hurt a bit we, senes it was our first time he just went in for like 10 seconds until I told him to take it out and he only went in 3 inches. That fact is he made sure there was nothing on it before putting it in and then he checked when he pulled it out that there was nothing on it like percum. Even though we know for sure we still have doubt what if he precam a little inside and didn’t feel it but he said that even if he did when he pulls it out he would see a bit of is still on him. And even if he did precum gets pregnant for that is like a 20%. We know for a fact that he did not cum and that it came out dry so there like a 85% he didn’t precum. Know I’m still think of this factors. 1. When he went in and out it was totally dry and had nothing on it. 2. We have hard many story’s or other people doing the same thing and there were fine (even though we are not they) 3. I’m thinking of taking the plan B in the third day Monday just to ease the stress. I’m still stressing out because I still have the “what if” thoughts i really don’t want to disappoint my parents and I have a future ahead of me and I know you can’t fully tell me if I am or if im not but I just want a bit of closure, because im freaking out and I have definitely learned my lesson

    1. Hi Bish,
      I really hope you can ease my mind and nerves.
      So i’m really worried because me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex for about 10 minutes but he didn’t ejaculate in me at all and I even took plan b the same day we had unprotected sex. I was barely ending my menstrual cycle. after a week passed from taking the plan b i was bleeding really heavy for about 5 days and had to wear a pad for those 5 days. i’m currently 12 days late on my period, i took a pregnancy test when i was 5 days late and said “not pregnant” but i’m still scared and so paranoid about the “what if” i don’t know what else to do.

      1. If he didn’t ejaculate inside you and you got a plan b on the same day then the chances of pregnancy are pretty much zero. The chance of pregnancy without internal ejaculation is already pretty close to zero and the plan b is a super effective method of emergency contraception too. More on this here Am I Pregnant?

  33. Hi Bish
    Actually scared of getting pregnant here
    Okay I met with my boyfriend 4 days ago he rubbed his genital on me and the tip goes in before I pushed him
    I’ve being reading online that precum can actually get one pregnant I don’t wanna get pregnant 😢. My nipples are getting sensitive. I can’t even eat. I don’t know if I’m in my ovulation period or not
    This is actually killing me
    I don’t know what to do

      1. Thanks for the reply 😊🙏…

        But the issue now is I should be on my period now but I’m not seeing anything but it’s rather too dry down there. I’ve taken pregnancy test it shows negative but yet no period. I’m really worried to death here
        I don’t know what next to do 🥺

          1. Hi Bish
            You told me to relax myself I did that …I did everything to make myself calm down but I’m 6 days late now …. I’m totally confused. I’m not happy. I feel like I’m dying. I don’t know what to do again 🥺😭

  34. Hey, I’m having anxiety about being pregnant. 5 days ago (Saturday the 11th of march), I was basically just grinding on my bf naked. He never entered me, he knows that for a fact, and he never finished. I took a plan b 3 ish days ago (Monday the 13th of march). It was within the time you should take it by. But my period tracker said my ovulation window was starting on Tuesday, aka the next day. Do you think there’s a chance I could be pregnant?

    1. Hey bish. So me and my boyfriend grinded on each other naked a day before my ovulation. The tip slipped in maybe twice? We stopped and just did oral after that. I’ve just been nervous. I should be starting my period in 3 days.

        1. My period is now 2 days late. I don’t know what to do! I know I can’t get pregnant but I’m scared.

          1. Hi
            It’s me again where I sent “ Me and my bf had unprotected sex for about 5 minutes and he didn’t ejaculate inside me but I worry about precum and on top of that, I should have been ovulating that day or in 2 days so I took the morning after pill the next day and my period is to come in about a week or so. Im not sure if I’m having paranoia” I have another question, what if I ovulated that day we had sex where he didn’t ejaculate and there was no condom, but took the pill the next day, is there a chance I’m pregnant?

          2. There’s pretty much zero risk of pregnancy from what you describe. If you took the emergency contraception pill then the chance of pregnancy is even lower than that. I’d be amazed if you were pregnant tbh

        2. Hi!

          Me and my bf had unprotected sex for about 5 minutes and he didn’t ejaculate inside me but I worry about precum and on top of that, I should have been ovulating that day or in 2 days so I took the morning after pill the next day and my period is to come in about a week or so. Im not sure if I’m having paranoia

          1. Well you were pretty low risk already if he didn’t ejaculate. You’ve taken the morning after pill which is very very effective, so I’d be amazed if you got pregnant. There’s more about this here Am I Pregnant?

  35. Hello Bish. Are you gonna reply?
    My gf and I had sex like 3 days ago but the condom slips of and I did not realized it immediately. I entered her a few times and I did not really cum or ejaculated..Well I dont really know, maybe just a little. And now she is worried if she will get pregnant because we did it 10 days before her period and that it has a medium chance of pregnancy based on her calendar. Can she really be pregnant?

      1. Hi Bish I really hope you’re still active on here. My boyfriend and I rubbed genitals 2 weeks ago (on my fertile period and he didn’t enter me) tho he didn’t cum but I think there was a little pre-cum that probably leaked. Everything I’ve been reading online has been scaring me. Please what are my chances of being pregnant? I’m still a virgin and I’m not ready to have a child yet. I’ve been having sore boobs and cramps, tho my period is expected to come tomorrow. I’m worried

          1. hi! me and my bf make love last time and we used a condom, he even pull out before he finish. but right now i’m 2-3days late and i have a light spotting just now and its color pink. what do you this it is?

      2. Hi

        Me and my bf had sex for about 2-3 min and he didn’t ejaculate inside me although he did ejaculate during foreplay (not inside me) but 10-30 min after that we had sex so I worry about precum and I should have been ovulating that day and If not in the next 1-2 days so I took the morning after pill the next day and I don’t know if I’d be pregnant.

        1. If he didn’t ejaculate inside you then the chance of pregnancy is very very low. The morning after pill is very effective and so would make the chances of you being pregnant now pretty much zero. There’s more on this here Am I Pregnant?

  36. Hello! Unsure if you still check this anymore but I had sex with my boyfriend for the first time today. It was both of our first times and at first he didn’t know which way to put it on but figured it out eventually. We did it for around 30 minutes or so I believe but he eventually pulled out and suggested oral sex. So we did that for a bit, but he said wasn’t sure if he ended up ejaculating or not when we stopped. There was nothing in the condom when we disposed of it nor did I notice anything while I giving oral besides a hint of saltiness but I wasn’t sure if it was residue of my own fluids or him cumming without either of us realizing. Is it possible for me to be pregnant?

      1. The thing is we couldn’t find any trace of ejaculation inside of the condom, and he said he wasn’t sure if he did at any point during oral sex. I’m so stressed out about it. I’ve been sore throughout my entire body and I’m worried my period is going to be late since it’s supposed to be here in two days.

  37. Hey, I don’t know f you still reply or anything but I have a question. Me and my boyfriend had sex? It wasn’t for long and he never came. In total it might have only been inside for MAYBE 5 minutes. He keeps reassuring me that I wont get pregnant and next time we can use a condom but I’ m still freaking out non stop. Google keeps saying precum can still get me pregnant and all that stuff which definitely isn’t helping. I’d appreciate it if you’d reply.


          1. y’all i just got my heavy normal period a few weeks ago.. me and my bf also did it unprotected, he didn’t finish inside

    1. Hey Bish. So me and my boyfriend tried to have sex about 2 weeks ago and he put it in for probably 10 seconds. I didn’t want to risk getting pregnant so I told him we couldn’t do it anymore. He told me that he didn’t cum in me but I’ve been really nervous. I’ve read a lot of comments and I just wanted you to reassure me that I can’t get pregnant from this. I know that he didn’t cum in me. And I know that it’s very unlikely that I could but my period has come yet.

    2. Hi, Justin.

      I don’t know if you are still replying.

      My last period was Feb 12(start day) I usually have 28-32 cycle but 32 days is not my usual cycle, only 28-31 days. Today is March 14.

      My bf and i had non-penetrative sex during the 4th and 5th day of my period.

      His penis never went inside me because i am a virgin. he only tried putting his finger but didnt push through the hymen since it’s closed and i never had sex before.

      we were rubbing each other and he accidentally touched the tip of his penis near or on outside my vaginal opening i am afraid there was some pre-cum. I am very very much stressed and anxious since it’s been 32 days today and i still haven’t got my period. i could feel my boobs hurts when i touched it. do you think i should take plan B

      1. Hiya. I’d be amazed if you were pregnant from this. You can really only get pregnant from penis in vagina sex with full ejaculation inside the vagina. even then there is only a (average) 3.1% risk of pregnancy per act. Even when there is sperm in precum it wouldn’t be enough to reliably start a pregnancy even if it was deep inside the vagina. So I just think that your period is later than usual. It’s important to remember that it’s more common for periods to be random than not. Here’s some advice on how to track your own period. Also you mention the hymen (which is now more often called the corona) so I thought you might find the information I have about it and the clitoris and vagina useful.

        1. Hi Justin.

          Thank you so much. While i was waiting for your reply today, I went out to buy pregnancy test, and it was negative. I needed more peace of mind so i went to OB gyn doctor and i got my blood test done, and it was also negative. The doctor have mentioned that eating too much sugar and stressing can be the cause of my delayed period. Do you think i am okay? i appreciate your response Justin.

          1. I’m not a doctor, but I know that it’s completely normal for periods to be a few days late (or early), particularly for young women. You might find this resource useful too Am I Pregnant? just slow down, read it carefully, and then try to notice any sign that you might be calming down a little. I’ve also got a resource here about how to deal with stress.

  38. hey, so its the nth time you’re getting a similar enquiry but here it is.

    My gf’s period started on the 21st November last month and ended in around 4-5 days.
    We met on 13th December and there was intimacy involved. I sucked her breasts, and rubbed my penis on her ass. I touched my penis (erect) on the lower end of her vagina for 1 second. She instantly pulled away because it gave her a strong sensation. The penis did not enter the vagina. The penis might have gotten some pre-cum, i am not sure about that. After some while, i also rubbed the penis on her underwear (of course there was no ejaculation at any point of time).

    But her periods are generally on time. It hasn’t come yet. Its 26th December today and she is stressed. I am, too. She is with her parents now and can’t do a pregnancy test. Please tell us if she could be pregnant?

  39. hi, my boyfriend and i are both unexperienced and we tried to have “sex”, we rubbed our genitals together and after a while of me trying to help him out with my hand he decided to go in a few times, this was for like 10 seconds and i just researched now that there is a chance that i can get pregnant, i don’t have access to any birth control pills until most likely the week after, is there a high risk of me getting pregnant? he made sure to finish NOT inside, should i wait for my period because it is most likely due in a few weeks or should i take the pill as soon as i get it? (which would be like a week after)

  40. hi, i hope u still reply, my boyfriend and i tried to insert his penis to my vagina but it was only for like 5secs? bc i told him that it hurts and i cannot do it. and i asked him if he cums inside me and he said no. is there any chance i can ger pregnant? we didnt use any condoms so im scared that i am get pregnant

    1. hello! i don’t know where i can ask so i’ll just ask here. me and my boyfriend performed oral sex to each other, and after he ejaculated in my mouth he washed his penis with soap and water. when he came back, his penis was dry, and we tried to insert his penis to my vagina but it was for only like 5 or 10 secs? because i told him it hurts. he did not cum inside me. is there any chance that i’ll get pregnant? we did not use any condoms and we’re scared that i might get pregnant.

      1. Hi I hope you still read these but my bf and I did sex a few days ago I’d say a week and 3 days maybe? He put it in for 1-2 min but only the tip. He pulled it out and he said he didn’t have anything. I started reading about precum. And barely 3 – 4 days ago my boobs started getting sore to touch. Idk if it’s because ima start my period or it’s hormonal things. Please answer I’m worried lol

        1. Hi. I do still read these! So many people have been in your position and not one has returned saying they are pregnant and that my advice is rubbish, which is good news. So the facts are, if your bf didn’t ejaculate inside you then the chance of pregnancy is pretty much zero. Pre-cum (which not everyone produces), may sometimes have some sperm in but even when it does isn’t usually in the quantity or quality that will likely get someone pregnant. It’s also worth bearing in mind that the average risk of pregnancy from one time sex with ejaculation fully inside the vagina is 3.1% There’s more about all this here Am I Pregnant?

        2. hi not sure if u still reply to any of this but.. me and my boyfriend had sex like a week ago I belive and when he gave me backshots I was really wet and I don’t think his penis had anything on it but when he slipped it in it felt warm when he kept going but it kept slipping out but there was nothing it lasted for like 10 or 15 minutes but then I did a mouth job and it tasted a little bit weird and I wasn’t sure if it was me or him because it was off him not me I’m pretty sure it was his but how do I know if he leaked anything in me or pre cum got in me? when I gave a mouth job it wasn’t wet or nothing just had a funny taste and he just told me my vagina was warm so I don’t think he leaked.. but what do you think

          1. If he didn’t fully ejaculate inside your vagina then the risk of pregnancy is near zero because there’s not usually enough sperm in pre-cum to start a pregnancy (and sometimes there is no sperm in pre-cum at all). There’s more about this here Am I Pregnant? If you care about not getting pregnant a lot more than your boyfriend does then you might want to read this Partner Putting You at Risk

  41. Hi Mr Hancock,
    I rewriting again cause i commented on the replies but my partner she had her period on the 15,16,17,18,and 19 of September, then 21,22,23 on October and nothing on November. i was able to penetrate her with a condom on the December 10th and it was both our first time but wasn’t really able to do the thrusting motion so i gave up. we were cuddling then i masturbated her and myself and i came on myself, washed up with “water and soap.” wore my underwear and pants and after awhile i removed my shorts and pants again and we were rubbing it on each other and i might have made contact with her vagina and i think just a little bit of the head might have been inside and I’m scared that there might have been still little residue of the previous cum or maybe new precum i don’t know im nervous. she also did oral and i masturbated myself then fingered her and im scared that i might have gotten cum inside her when i fingered her though i didnt ejaculate. We dont have morning after pills in my country too but we have the yuzpe method like taking 4 pills then another 4 after 12 hours and im scared that i might have gotten her pregnant and i never take risks which is why i was prepared with condoms and didnt really fully commit to the sex part yet because its both our first time.

    1. Hi i had sex for the 1st time we did it 3 times also we used a condom and he didn’t even ejaculate once. But I’m worried now cause I’m late it’s be 2 weeks. I took some pills for regulating my period but there is no sign of period. I’m having mild cramps. And my breast are sore

      1. If you used a condom and he didn’t ejaculate then the risk of pregnancy is pretty much zero. If you’re taking a contraceptive pill regularly (usually every day) which a lot of people to do regulate their periods, then that will also prevent you from getting pregnant. There’s more about how effective contraception (and how to deal with anxiety) over here Anxious About Getting Her Pregnant

  42. Hey. I had sex for the first time today. My girlfriend is on the pill, and i used a condom. Not sure if i put it on right but it didnt fall off and it was on the whole time. We had sex and then before I came, I took my penis out, removed the condom and then masturbated to finish. Call me naive but I am scared I could’ve gotten her pregnant through pre cum or something. What do you think?

      1. Hi Mr. Hancock, i met this girl 8 months ago fast-forward, she had her period for 5 days on September 15,16,17,18, and 19 then 3 days on October 21, 22 and 23 and she didn’t have her period on November. On December 10 we were cuddling and all then she gave me oral then I started to masturbating myself while fingering her then I came, washed myself with soap then wore my pants again. after awhile I took it off again then we started rubbing each others genitals and I don’t really know if it went in but she might have said that she felt the head going in but just a bit and I’m scared if there might have been precum or anything then with a condom, we tried to have sex but it was hard to put my thing in but i did eventually just once or twice but i couldn’t do the thrusting motion so we gave up. I’m just scared that when we were rubbing each others parts that i got cum on her though i didn’t ejaculate and i was sure that i was from from ejaculating since i ejaculated once already. then yeah after awhile we were cuddling again giving oral and maybe as i was masturbating myself and fingered her will she be pregnant? We dont have morning after pills in our country but yuzpe method is what its called, like taking 4 pills and 4 more after 12 hours. To summarize, will she be pregnant if we were rubbing our parts and i might have just put the a little bit of the tip inside though i didnt ejaculate the full on white stuff and will she be pregnant if i masturbate myself and fingered her deeply, my fingers didnt have the full on white stuff she just gave me oral and thats it then i masturbated myself then fingered her.

  43. Hi bish I don’t know if you still reply but me and my boyfriend was kissing and all then he wanted to have Virginia sex but I refused so he didn’t put anything in me then then we did anal for few seconds cause it was painful and now I am super worried then I asked him if he cum or so he said not at all idk maybe there was precum if I am pregnant or not cause my period is 2 days late is it’s usually regular for it to be late I don’t know what to do but then I have been feeling period cramps and no period

    1. Hiya, I do still reply. If he didn’t cum inside your vagina then you can’t be pregnant. If he came inside your anus, you can’t get pregnant. So try not to worry. It would be great if your boyfriend were able to make it easier for you to talk about what you might like to do and how you might like to do it. I’d encourage you to read more about this at my article about How to Have Sex (thousands of people read that per day and it’s really great advice).

  44. Hey, I’ve been worrying for a while, so my girl and I was getting all “steamy” she sucked me off and I ejaculated but she then continued giving me head, she licked all the semen and I put my pants on for a bit but I didn’t wash, but then after a couple of minutes we got into the moment and I rubbed the head on her vagina and I tried inserting it once for us to feel how it feels like for the first time, my penis was in for like a good 7-9 seconds, now we’re paranoid because of the irrational things we’ve done, how likely would she become pregnant, we really need reassurance and what to do. Thank you so much!

      1. Hello, so my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on the 21st of dec and supposedly that was my ovulation time he didn’t cum in me he pulled out we had sex also on the 23 and 24 of dec unprotected as well but he didn’t come he pulled out and I was expecting my period on the 3rd jan. I had moderate cramps on the 1st-2nd of jan but no period blood but my breast isn’t sore and I’m not experiencing any symptom but my period is late. I’m scared I might be pregnant

        1. If he didn’t cum inside you then it’s very unlikely that you’re pregnant, but I can’t tell you if you’re pregnant or not. You might want to visit a sexual health service to chat with them about contraception or to see if you need a pregnancy test Sexual Health Services I might be wrong about this, but does your boyfriend also care about this as much as you (maybe have a read of this article to just make sure Partner Putting You at Risk) and if he does, maybe he could try using condoms? I’ve got a load of advice about how to do that (and how to make using them easier), starting with this article How To Use Condoms

  45. I had sex with my boyfriend on September 5 but with a condom today October 12 we did it again but without a condom this time I’m nervous because of what I hear about pre-cum maybe there’s a chance I’m pregnant but he didn’t release the cum inside but im getting worried because i feel inside the deep of tip so im very worried about that and then he buy me a contraceptive pills just in case so i really need your advice bish this time your the only i trust thanks for your page i really appreciate it thank you u for your reply im patiently waiting 🤍

  46. so yesterday me and my boyfriend got a little “frisky” he didn’t put it in at all but we did touch a few times and he definitely didn’t come and i’m not very old at all and i’m really scared i might be pregnant because i know it isn’t a 0% possibility. i don’t know what to do or think.

  47. Good evening. I had sex with my boyfriend on Friday he didn’t penetrte deeply and he also did the withdrawal method and I’m meant to start ovulating on the 14 of this month. Should I be worried that I will get pregnant or not and my vagina keeps releasing watery mucus since then should I also be worried with that too. Pls reply urgently. Thank you.

  48. Hi, I’m not sure if this will be answered.. I’m 19 I am very anxious researching a lot about my issue which I think could be to do with sex or pregnancy or something completely off..
    I had sex with a friend I can trust, he stayed over for 6 days starting the 25th August and we had sex 4 OR 5 times out of the 6 days.. Around the first day after having sex a couple times in 1 day I do feel quite gassy and bubbly in my stomach and feel the need to pass gas often which also keeps me up at night because I’m someone who gets anxious about doing it around others and never NEVER tend to let it out in front of people but that causes discomfort. I began to feel really bad diarrhea like symptoms such as liquid defecate.. I had it really bad on the 2nd day or 3rd on the toilet.. My upper abdomen began to develop coming and going pains after doing it on the 4th or the 5th.. I get really sweaty and hot during sex which could possibly be the cause for my dizziness and nausea waking up on the 29th (the 5th day) I’M NOT SURE if despite having those feelings in the morning we did it sometime after .. I just remember I napped throughout the day and after that I remember feeling so dizzy and tired and my stomach was baad, I felt cold then all of a sudden hot… But it doesn’t feel so much like I need to go to the toilet. but I did go to the toilet a few times because it did feel better to just sit on the toilet. I feel a little bloated or I’m just overthinking.
    I don’t know why I can’t remember it well when it was only 2 days ago if you don’t count it being 1am on the 31st..

    To clarify, he claims he did not cum inside me what so ever which I do believe. He has said countless times he would tell me if he did and would pay for abortion if it was to happen.. even so I don’t even want no abortion to ever need to happen or no chance of pregnancy happening right now because I think I would be stressed out of my mind and too anxious to cope. I do trust him but looking up about precum being the chance of making someone pregnant scares me, we used a condom at times which we always made sure weren’t broke but most of the time we didn’t use a condom because it just does feel better without… I DON’T use any other contraceptive such ass pills. HE did hit pretty deep which didn’t hurt but also does make me more worried considering precum could have more of a chance perhaps if its deep….

    Today I still have those coming and going abdomen pains.. to be honest it could just be diarrhea but I was so worried because it feel it was due to the sex somehow?.. and I was dizzy and nauseas.. Not dizzy or nauseas anymore today but feeling those pains and trying to see a pattern in the pains whenever I eat something etc.. The stomach pain is in my upper abdomen, above my belly button.. I’ve had food poisoning before which did feel more serious than this.. which scares me because this is a little different…With food poisoning I experienced shaking in my body and needing to go to the toilet more than this.. My period is due to come around the 1st of september or 3rd so I was thinking maybe its just symtoms of upcoming period. I also thought it could be due to too many intense orgasms. I do tend to orgasm more than once in a row , I can get overstimulated quite easily despite feeling too tired or too hot that I want to keep going. Even in masturbation i’ve experienced cramps afterwards and runny bathroom stops. I don’t want to think its any type of pregnancy symtom considering they are said to appear within a week or 2 after sex.. I don’t know anyone who has experienced the same thing after sex. Though I could be worrying too much.

    1. I’m not sure I can give you much more advice than I have here If he didn’t come inside you then it’s very unlikely that you are pregnant. A lot of the cramps and aches and pains you are describing just could be the result of having sex (it affects lots of muscles that you might not be used to using).

  49. What are the chances of my gf getting pregnant when I wore a condom but did not cum? I’m worried that she might be pregnant. But I’m sure that the condom is well placed correctly and did not break. Also, at the end she was giving me a BJ and I finished in her mouth without a condom but minutes later she started to touch herself. I’m scared she might have cum on her fingers. Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to reply to me and others. I appreciate you and all that you do. This really helps my anxiety! It was my first time and this happened about 6 months ago. A hookup.

  50. Hello hope this page is active :), I am having really bad anxiety attacks. My bf and I had sex with condom and he changed condoms during the moment, he didn’t eyaculate inside me but I am concerned about precum, I was in the 2nd day before my ovulation and I am now scared. In every moment we were using a condom but at the end we didn’t check for any damage on it and that really scares me too. The next week we had sex again he didn’t cum and we used spermicide, also a condom but it broke 🙁 then the next day I took and emergency pill, now I’m scared about what the pill can cause to my periods because it’s the first time I use it.

    1. sir i had sex with my bf, but not properly
      he just inserted the tip of his dick inside my vagina entry..I’m afraid if i can get pregnant
      please tell if there are chances ?

    2. hey, me and my bf had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago. I don’t know if he ejaculated in me or if he pulled out but we didn’t really do it for very long. I am very worried I might be pregnant seeing as I am 14. I’m getting symptoms on my second week ( bloating, sore boobs headaches and thirstiness) I really can’t be pregnant do you think I am

      1. Hiya. If he definitely didn’t ejaculate inside you then it’s incredibly unlikely that you are pregnant. It might be a good idea for you to find your local sexual health service and chat with them about it and your bf. They are all free and confidential and most areas in the UK have young people’s clinics (I used to work at one, they are great). Head to this page Sexual Health Services Or send me a message via the contact page and I can help find one for you

  51. So my boyfriend and I had sex about 4 day ago. He ended up only being able to buy different condoms than we usually use, and they were supposedly thinner, if that has anything to do with this. When he finished, we left it in just for a few moments and when he took it off, the condom came off inside me. We are both unsure about how much if any got inside me. I ended up taking a plan B pill just to be safe. What is your opinion on the situation?

    1. Good question. The condom will probably still have offered quite a bit of protection from pregnancy. Also one time penis in vagina sex has a pretty low risk of pregnancy anyway (more on that here Fertility Explained – chances of getting pregnant). And the plan B is also very very effective. So it’s very unlikely that you are pregnant from this. Just FYI, the advice when using condoms is to withdraw the penis soon after ejaculation as the penis goes softer and smaller and the condom can slip off. More condom tips here How To Use Condoms

  52. I’ve been talking with this guy and today was our second date , things had gotten a little too far and when I felt his dick head about to enter on my vagina I grabbed it , and he didn’t cum. I’m not on my period and not even on my fertile days because I use the [period tracker] app to check , I’m really worried , will I become pregnant?

    1. If he didn’t ejaculate inside your vagina then it’s very unlikely that you are pregnant from this. It sounds like he could learn a bit more about consent maybe? Were you both getting carried away or was it just him? I’ve got lots of resources here about consent if you’re interested? Eg

  53. So I went over 2 my bf house and we decided 2 have anal sex- everything was going well we did a little bit of kissing then bj- we then move on 2 the anal… thing is we didn’t use a condom and his penis didn’t wanna enter so I sucked his cock and then he tried 2 get it in and it slipped between my cheeks and touched my vagina? I think? tbh I don’t know if he had precum but I’m a little scared I’m 15 and he’s 17 we are both happy together and he treats me very good! We just aren’t ready to have a child…. also (note: I took 21 birth control pills all that month and I was on my 7 day break!) I just wanna know right now I’m still taking my birth control and should be expecting my period once I’m done) I just wanna know your thoughts on this! please and thank you

    1. If you’re using birth control (sounds like you are using the combined contraceptive pill) then the risk of pregnancy from penis in vagina sex (with full ejaculation inside the vagina) is extremely low. I explain more about this here Anxious About Getting Her Pregnant but if you take the contraceptive pill properly the failure rate over the course of a year of regular sex, is estimated to be 0.3%. So the risk of pregnancy from what you describe is pretty much zero. Hope that helps.

  54. hi bish! i read all your article and the comments also

    so me and my bf do it on sofa we didn’t use protection and he’s dry and i have a little of pre-cum so he enter his thing inside me but i do hump like (20 sec?) im not sure then after that we change position like oral sex he in and out for like (10 sec?) but he pulled it out we check if theres pre cum but there’s no pre cum he said he feel like coming that’s why he stop and before we did that thing he showered and i clean after that. so am i get pregnant??? is there any chance??? thanks for replacement 🙏🏻.

      1. Hi! i just want to ask because im really nervous. my girlfriend is grinding on my dick but i know that its not reaching the head of my dick when shes grinding only the body of my dick. but then we tried to put it inside her for about 3-5 secs but only the tip of my penis. now shes bleadin but i dont know if it’s her period, spotting or implantation.

    1. Hi! so me and my boyfriend had sex three times , with all the time him ejaculating outside and not inside my vagina. i keep track of my period on the “flo” app. and the days i had sex with him were my fertile days. Im really worried because my period hasnt come yet, its been 7 days. i have also heard alcohol and smoking will affect my cycle which i did quite a lot before my start of the date of my period. Should i be worried about pregnancy? my boyfriend did not cum inside me though.

      p.s in my previous cycle , my period started earlier than expected, and this time its late but i could feel mild cramps .

        1. hi i dont know if you are still replying but my bf wiped his thing before we did that and put his thing inside me for about 10 seconds then he pulled it out and he didn’t ejaculate, also when he pulled it out and when he pulled it out it takes about 2 to 3 minutes before he ejaculate… and he only put only the tip or only 1 inches… and i had my period back the it is my 4th day of period when we did that.. is there possibility that im pregnant

    2. Hi Bish! I don’t if this is still active but I have been stressed for the following days and I hope you could answer my question. Thank you!

      My boyfriend and I were planning to have sex “with protection/condom” however we both couldn’t buy one due to our parents/relatives would see it. So we decided not to have sex and just do foreplay but when we he was rubbing it outside my vagina. It slipped inside and then we did it. He thrusted it for about 4 times and then after that I did oral for about 8 – 10 minutes then after that he did some handjobs to himself then he came inside my mouth (he takes long to cum like about 30 minutes). After that we put on our clothes and when I went home I immediately rinse my vagina. And I also would like to include that I am using an app period tracker called Flo and my last period was June 13 – 16 and my “estimated period” for July is July 14. We had sex on July 5 and I am stressed and I cannot wait that long. And it was also stated that at that time July 5th I was low risks of being pregnant but still worried. So I’m wondering could I be pregnant?

      Reasons why I am wondering is (1) He/I rubbed his penis on my vagina a couple times. (2) We had sex (3) because of the precum (I am wondering if the precum was released inside of me or it was released when I was giving him blowjob)

      I read the whole article although despite that I want to ensure it with basing from what we did. Thank you. Please if you can reply soon.

      1. Hi, yes the website is definitely still active! If he didn’t ejaculate inside your vagina then it’s very very unlikely that you are pregnant. More on this here Am I Pregnant?

        As for your cycles, your app will be estimating when your next period is based on your previous periods (you don’t need an app to do this by the way, just saying). So if it’s accurate then the time you had sex will not be a fertile time. Ovulation generally happens around half way through your cycle. I explain more about that here Fertility Explained – chances of getting pregnant

        However if you are still worried about pregnancy you could try and get some emergency contraception or ‘Plan B’ (if it’s available where you are) Emergency Contraception

        I think if you’re really worried about pregnancy then continuing to have sex that doesn’t involve entry sex is a good idea. There are more ideas about this here Amazing Sex Without Having ‘Sex’ As for having condoms and them not being seen, they are easier to hide if you take them out of the box. Put them in the little pocket they have in jeans, or inside a sock, or a bra, or underwear. I don’t know how your parents or relatives might react if they see condoms, but if they know that you guys are together then they might be relieved that you are taking precautions. I don’t know. Maybe it’s worth talking to them about it. More on that here Who To Talk To About Sex and How

        Hope that helps!

        1. Hi Bish! thank you so much for your response (tips/advices and the alternatives that we could do instead). I will patiently wait for my period to come and will 100% update. I’ll follow the tips and try to be calm. Thank you again so much!

  55. Hello, Bish! I am currently panicking right now. I rubbed the tip of my dick on her vagina but I was wearing a very thin underwear, while she does not have any underwear on. I know that there was precum on my dick, but I rubbed it anyways. I know the chances are low, but I am still worried. I rubbed her vagina with my underwear around 5-10 seconds and then I stopped because I got scared. I already read your articles on “Am I Pregnant” and this article. I haven’t found anything about my case. Should I be worried? Thank you.

    1. If you read the Am I Pregnant article then you’ll know that it’s very very unlikely that this will start a pregnancy. Pre-cum is very unlikely to get someone pregnant, especially if you are wearing underwear. If you asked me ‘how can me and my girlfriend get pregnant’ my advice would be ‘have sex two or three times a week, with you fully ejaculating inside her vagina, for a few months and you will probably get pregnant.’

  56. hi bish i hope you can answer my question

    So me and my bf wanted to do it but he didn’t have a condom and we just wanted to see what it felt like. So we just put it in for a few seconds. I was on top of him I only kind of went up and down two or three times gently, and he was only inside me 10-20 (?) Seconds But i swearr to god I was the only one who had pre-cum and Also he didn’t cum we stop. Before we did that he took a bath first and I washed incase, My period was irregular I started having a period with may 7 and it ended with may 13 we did our session on may 23 and I also know that I will have a long time period. So I took the contraceptive pill when may 28 I started the first pills and I always tracked the day. I know that I have been taking pills for up to 28 days and now I have also watched on YT for 16 days that when the white pills are used up, I will have a period, but I still have 5 days which is 5 pills to take before the brown pills to start my period but i only have 3 days left and i should have a period which is june 17 the date. Today is June 14 plss bish I’m nervous I can’t sleep well either because I’m afraid I’ll be able to delay my period I hope you can help me thank you very much for this article and I found you thank you !!!!

    1. Hiya. I’m afraid I can’t give you much advice about the pills you’re taking – you might want to speak to the nurse / doc / pharmacy who gave them to you. What I can say is that it’s unlikely that sex without ejaculation will lead to pregnancy. More about this here Am I Pregnant?

  57. Hi,
    Me and my boyfriend had protected sex on Saturday and when he felt like he needed to cum he pulled out with the condom still on then took it off and he did it on my back but the cum leaked from my back, to my butt crack, to near the vagina. It took him like up to one minute to wipe the cum off by back and then he wiped the cum off my butt and vagina too. Im scared that i may get pregnant as my period tracker app said i had a chance to get pregnant and when i search up on the internet my situation google says that I can definitely get pregnant as the sperm is still alive and can travel into the vagina due to the help of mucuses surrounding the vulva even if it wasn’t ejaculated inside the vagina and now I am freaking out because i’m too young to have a kid. I have read your articles and I know you say you cannot get pregnant if he didn’t ejaculate inside me but i’m just anxious due to google searches surrounding cum leaking near the vagina 🙂

    1. You know what I will say (it’s very unlikely that you will get pregnant from this) but I think it will be more helpful for you to give yourself a bit of proper sex education. Here’s an article by me about Fertility and how pregnancy starts Fertility Explained – chances of getting pregnant. Once you have an understanding of the processes of how pregnancy begins, you might feel a bit more chill about your situation.

      Next, think about some of the websites that you are googling. Do they run ads? Are you more likely to click on links which say that you definitely will get pregnant, or that the chances are actually very low?

      Also, did your sex education tell you that ‘if you have sex you will definitely get pregnant every time (and that getting pregnant is really bad)’? Why did your sex ed tell you that? Why didn’t they give you accurate information? Have a look at all the other Bad Sex Ed that people often get Bad Sex Ed Bingo

      And if you want to give yourself some really great (and free, with no ads) sex ed, try my Teach Yourself Sex Ed – What You’ve Learnt So far course. You can be like that kid in that Sex Education show (I dunno, I haven’t seen it).

      Hope you find that helpful!

  58. The last day of my period was 25 april,on 29th april i and my bf did some genital rubbings but he didnt ejaculate,while i was giving him bj i tasted something salty but we later took a bath and he rubbed his penis on my vaginal opening without penetration,i was worried about precum so i took a pill of levofem the next day.Its 18th of may now and i havent seen my period yet and i’ve noticed my a slight increase in my stomach,pls is it possible to get pregnant in a situation like this?i’m very worried

  59. Let me start this off by saying Im on day 8 of ovulation. My bf and I had sex for the first time. We used a condom and we did it for like 1 minute. Before we did, I gave him a bj and he cummed. We cleaned up and about 30 minutes after, we had sex. Since it’s both of our first times, we’re both stressing. Especially me. He didn’t cum during the one minute we had sex. We checked for pre cum and checked to make sure the condom didn’t break. There wasn’t any precum coming from his penis and when we checked the condom, we didn’t see anything on the inner part of the condom. The condom didn’t break either. I’m also on birth control. My period is supposed to come in 11 days. I’ve been doing a lot of searches and I’ve seen things like even if you use protection you can still get pregnant. Because of all of this I’m scared outta my mind. What are the chances of me getting pregnant??

    1. I’ve explained that pretty well here Am I Pregnant? and here Try not to stress. Remember that your sex education has made you this stressed because they say a) never get pregnant it’s the worst thing (it isn’t) and b) if you have sex you will get pregnant (it’s actually not that easy to get pregnant). Hope this helps!

  60. Hello Bish.

    On the 26th of march I wne to my fwb house, we were doing stuff and he didn’t have a condom but he ask me if I can sit on him, so we tried. BTW is finished my period 2 days before this happened. So I sat on top of him, and he puts his thing inside of me for like 10 second, but whne we took it out it was cleaned. we continued to do stuff and then he asked me to sit on him again, and he insert his thing for like 10 seconds. I am so stressed right now. I dont know what to do. for the past 2 days I’ve been quite worried and I need help. then on the next day my breast started to hurt. but today it was fine. i asked him if he had like pre cum, but he said no and yes he doesn’t have STI AM I GONNA BE OKAY ?

  61. Okay so I have a question my boyfriend and I had sex with no protection and yes he ejaculated but he pulled out before and he ejaculated on my butt but I was sideways and it like dripped down by my vagina on the outside and he wiped it twice and he wiped it off with something and the second time he wiped he did the with the same spot what he was wiping it with and then I got up went to the bathroom and cleaned my self up made sure I didn’t have any of his semen on the outside I did ask him to buy me a plan b I took it about an hour later and I took it about 3 days before I was supposed to get my period so I’m wondering if I can be pregnant I’m 17 btw idk if that changes anything its 2 days late also

  62. Hi ! so me and my boyfriend had sex 12 days ago, it was our first time, he didn’t cum or pre-cum inside of me, his dick kept slipping out , we did it for max of 30 seconds. Yesterday I was supposed to get my period but I didn’t and now I’m worried about it because we didn’t use any protection and when I search up things online it says I’m definitely going to be pregnant. What’s your advice on this?

  63. Hi Bish,
    I and my bf had sex for the first time, that was like he just put his penis halfway inside just once (not fully ) and removed after 5 – 10 sec, and it was not wet at all as he mentioned but I felt cool when he put it inside just halfway as we were in theatre and there were AC all round. He said that after few minutes, when we came out of cinema, he felt he had precum but he checked there was nothing and he also said that from a week he didn’t get any sperm out…

    He is just 17 his birthday was on 3rd February and I am also 17 and I will be 18 by 30 June. I did it on 8/9/22 and and today its 9/2/22 is my 2nd day so I am afraid if I am pregnant can I get to know that I am pregnant 😞 or not? In 2 or 3 days are there any chances of mine to get pregnant?

    [ I used to do a lot of swimming and skipping and sporty exercise so I am tensed me that if my hymen might have broke during exercise or it may have broke during my periods or it may not be present in me as I didn’t bleed when he put his penis halfway]

    Any suggestion according to you that I need to follow so that I get my periods soon and I get assure that there are no chance of my pregnancy? Also I felt a little of burning sensation after I came home 2 or 3 hour later and I went for urinating and I am confused that it happened due to my stress or that was symptoms for pregnancy? any other symptoms that you can suggest me to check? Can you please suggest me any workout or tips through which I can assure myself that there is no chance for pregnancy..!!!!!!😥

    I had few Q’s ❓ regarding this situation👉 Q1) How much time does it takes for a 17yr old boy to get his precum ?

    👉 Q2) Can one time penetration (halfway) of 17yr old boy get a girl

    👉 Q3) If his penis is cool when he puts his in you does this means that
    was precum?

    👉 Q4) Can 17yr old girl become pregnant in one time penetration

    👉 Q5) Does 17yr old boy have power-full precum that can led to
    pregnancy to 17yr old girl ?

    👉 Q6) Can I get pregnant after my periods began ?

    Please reply 🙏 me fast as much as possible !!!!!! As I am way too stressed 😖 and my mind has almost stopped working, what to do and I am way too tensed 😔 ?????

    1. I don’t want to sound grumpy, but if you actually read the article (and all the other articles) you will have the answers. If you read this article Am I Pregnant? it has links to the research about pre-cum (pre-ejaculatory fluid). Getting pregnant from pre-cum is very unlikely because even if there are sperm in it (which half the time there isn’t) there often aren’t enough to begin a pregnancy. If he fully ejaculated inside you the average risk of pregnancy is 3.1%. That’s very low. So for what you describe it’s much much lower and pretty close to 0%.

      The fertile time (the time in the month when you are most likely to get pregnant) is after you have finished your period. You can never be sure about when that is because it’s not the same every time and it depends on how often you get your period. More on that here Fertility Explained – chances of getting pregnant

      It sounds like you haven’t been taught about the hymen very well. It doesn’t break in the way that you say (and we don’t even call it that). Please read this to find out more Clitoris and Vagina

      You were probably ‘cold’ because you weren’t turned on (which might have been the AC or might have been because you weren’t in a private space). So it sounds like you and your BF might want to read my article about how to have sex How To Have Sex Also, it’s probably not legal to have sex in a movie theatre, just so you know.

      1. hi me and my boyfriend had sex for the first time, but he didn’t go fully inside and he removed it after some time because it hurted, we did this for about 4 times, he didn’t ejaculate or precum or anything. can i get pregnant this way?? my period is a week away so i’m anxious

  64. Hi Bish, I’ve already read your articles and such on sex. But I can’t help It and be so stressed right now. On December 31, my bf and I were were rubbing genitals and at one point he put it inside because I wanted to feel how it felt he didn’t put it in all the way only for a couple seconds in and out with the tip since it was hurting for me so we stopped. There was no ejaculation on or inside me but after knowing you could maybe get pregnant from precum which I did not see there wasn’t any it still worries me and makes me think if any actually got inside me. My period is already very irregular in November I got it on the 13th and last month i got it on the 17th and it hasn’t arrived yet this month. I haven’t been feeling anything at all just bloating which I always feel before my period comes but I just can’t help and be scared that maybe I am pregnant even tho I don’t think I am since we didn’t have penetrative sex. But still my mind wanders off and makes me think the absolute worse. I have been drinking caffeine a lot lately which I think why my period has been delayed but stopped and I’ve followed your tactics how to deal with stress and It has helped me a little bit I think just ranting and telling someone about how I am feeling will make me feel better.but currently I feel full, like my belly feels full and a little sore 🙁 I’m so worried:(

  65. Hi, I’ve been really stressed the past couple of months and I don’t know what to do. I know you are probably tired of replying and I don’t know if this is still active haha. I have never had sex, I’m not ready too, but me and my boyfriend have done other things. In November my period was a week and a half late, I was worried so I went to the doctor and got a blood test and it was negative. A couple weeks after that period I wasn’t feeling good and I was so stressed so I took an at home test as well, which was also negative. I got my period in December, but now my boobs are hurting, when I’m suppose to get my period in like 16 days? I don’t know what is happening and the stress is making it 10x worse, please respond!!

    1. If you were trying to have a kid, the advice is ‘have regular sex (2 or 3 times a week), with full ejaculation inside the vagina every time, over the course of a year and there is an 85% chance you will get pregnant.’ Bad sex education Bad Sex Ed Bingo has caused you to think that pregnancy is more likely than it is and that is stressing you out How to Deal With Stress

  66. please reply as soon as you can, a girls stressing like crazy! in a nuthsell this is what occured. My boyrfrined put his penis in me for a couple of strokes/ couple of seconds just to feel and then he stopped so we could fully do it with a condom on. Because i stress, my boyfriend pulls out before he is about to finish – even with a condom on. Just to be extra safe. I am not stressed about the part with a condom on however Im stressing like crazy about the few seconds he did it with nothing on. We also had this sex 3 days after i had just finished my period. I have a regular cycle that occurs every 28 days, give and take a few days. Also dont know if this is a necessary factor to consider but we also hadnt had sex in 5 weeks because i said no due to stress.

  67. in a nutshell this is what happened – he put his penis in me for a couple of strokes and then he took it out and put a condom on. He pulled out with the condom on when he was finishing. Im stressing like crazy. Additionally, this sex was 3 days after i had just finished my period.

    should i be stressing as much as i am?

  68. Hi I was 15 when me and this boy did it and it was only round about 5 to 10 seconds it was in me bc we wanted to know what it was like
    And I haven’t had my period yet I’m 2 days late now 3 and i don’t know if I’m pregnant or not as he didn’t cum in me or precum in me as it takes him along time
    And I’ve been panicking for ages now and I rlly want to know if I am or not as I don’t rlly want to tell my parents

      1. Im sorry to ask but i’ve been stressed about this for so long. On december 6th 2021 my bf came over and he thrusted into me about 8 times unprotected. I tried my best to wipe off his tip before he went inside. We had a bit of trouble getting it inside because he’s a lot taller than me and we were standing, so his penis rubbed against my opening a few times. This was the first day of my ovulation and I’ve been really scared. my mom is very fertile and i’m afraid i am too. my bf eats a lot of junk food and eats unhealthy if that makes a difference. he also came from a handjob i’d given him about 20 minutes prior and didn’t pee. i’ve been feeling minor cramps and weird feelings in my lower abdomen and when i wipe there is tiny very faint light pink orangish spots. i’m supposed to get my period next week but i’m really scared. I am 15 and am really scared. is it likely i’m pregnant from this?

  69. Hi, idk if this is still active, but I had unprotected sex on my 6th day. Just after my period. He didnt have a condom. I didn’t want to, but he gave me reassurance that he is going to protect me and told me to trust him. He thrusted for short minutes but eventually pulled out because I’m not aroused (well i was worried lol). He didn’t cum tho. But I’m still worried and stressing out i might get preg after feeling him inside me. Is there a big chance that it’s possible?

    1. As I’ve said many times, there is a very low chance of pregnancy happening from that Pregnancy Likelihood Quiz! Try this quiz!

      I wonder whether you might be able to bring a bit more conversation and consensual practices into your sex life though? Consent is more than just allowing someone to do something to you (and stopping when it isn’t comfortable or just not working). Perhaps read up some more about this? Start with this page and click on the links to read the other articles How To Have Sex

      1. Hi Bish I would really like some help with my situation too if possible-
        My girlfriend and I wanted to try sex and I only stuck in in her for 10 seconds and there might’ve been pre-cum but I was no where close to cumming. My girlfriend has been really stressed lately because we did it a day before her period and she had a 2 day light period a day after we had sex and then it stopped (i believe it’s from her hymen breaking). But it’s been six days since her “period” has stopped. I don’t know if her period is completly gone because she had early period symptoms before we even had unprotected sex. I would like some advice or help PLEASE to know if she is pregnant or not.

  70. hi,
    so i read your post a few times and i feel more reassured, but i just have some questions regarding my specific situation bc there are a lot of factors.

    firstly, me and my bf both lost our virginities and i believe it was during ovulation but he had a condom on and did not ejaculate. this was like on june 18

    on june 27, he didn’t have a condom and we had sex for around 5-7 minutes without one but he didn’t ejaculate either, but i’m not sure about precum.

    the last time was on july 2 and in the first 2-5 minutes he went in raw, but after we used a condom for the rest but since we r still both inexperienced he thought that he was going to cum so he took the condom off, but he didn’t really so he put it back on. i know you aren’t supposed to do that but he said he used his opposite hand so no ejaculate was transferred. finally, he ejaculared around 2 minutes later and took the condom off but he didn’t ejaculate in the condom or in me. i got paranoid so i took a plan b pill the next day.

    i’m just worried that either from june 27 or july 2 that i might get pregnant because we went raw for more than expected but he didn’t ejaculate, but on july 2 he ejculated but not inside me but he took the condom off when he ejaculated.

    i guess the chances are low but we have both been stressing about it. my period is supposedly sometime this week and i still haven’t gotten it yet. however, i heard that taking plan b may disturb your hormones and delay your period? especially since i’m 15 (turning 16 in aug) it might have some effects.

    please let me know asap 🙂 thank you so much!

  71. I’ve 31 days of the menstrual cycle. The last date of menstruation was 2 June 20201, so my ovulation period must be over by 18-20 June. On 24th of June We were having outercourse until I felt it inside I said to him and he is denying the fact that he penetrated even though i said i can feel it and dont do it he still saying that no you’re feeling wrong i won’t penetrate. It was my first time. After that, he pulled out and ejaculated outside the vagina that is mons pubis. Later I found traces of blood, and 2 hours after i started spotting heavily. Spotting stopped the next morning that is today, 25th June, Should I take a plan b pill or wait for my periods which should come on 2-3 July. What to do? Should I be worried about precum or cum at the time of pulling out and ejaculation and that may cause sperms to enter? Should I take Plan B Pill?

    1. Hi, I’m sorry that I couldn’t offer advice soon after this happened. I’m afraid I don’t offer a 24/7 advice service. My advice would have been to take a Plan B just in case, even though the risk of pregnancy would have been very very low if he didn’t ejaculate inside you. My main concern here is that he did something which he didn’t want you to and you could (if you wanted) call what he did ‘rape’. It’s never okay to do things that the other person doesn’t want to do and it’s even worse to do something and then deny it happened. So you might want to consider what is going on in the relationship. Signs of an Abusive Relationship You could also report what happened too. Sexual Health Services

      1. yeah i agree, i did take the ecp and my periods were 4 days late. so i guess its no pregnancy though

  72. hi
    so ,came outside of vagina ,then put on a condom , and continued to have penetrative sex for a minute or two.

    there may have been some semen on my hands when applying the condom.

    she was on her ovulation days,

    whats the chance of pregnancy.

  73. Hi..she is a virgin..First time I had penis didn’t enter to her vagina…on nxt tip of the penis entered her vagina..only the little bit tip..i swear I didn’t ejalucate..I don’t know there was any precum..this can cause a girl pregnant

    1. helo idk if you’re still replying and im so stressed out rn…so me and my bf had unprotected sex last january 9 2023 and my last period was december 16 2022 he didn’t finish inside but it was in for like 5 seconds, we immediately pulled out and used a condom instead thus, he didn’t cum fully in the condom … i am 4 days late and I’ve been so stressed these past few days

  74. We had sex on my ovulation day but he didn’t cum inside he just placed the penis inside my Vagina I’m worried if I may get pregnant

      1. Hi, me and my partner had sex multiple times in one night, first 2 times he wore a condom and then removed it, we had it for a long time but he didn’t ejaculate (not even pre-cum) but I’m feeling a weird sensation in my stomach, the comments have comforted me but I’m still really scared

  75. Please had sex on my ovulation day but he didn’t cum inside me he just placed his penis inside I’m afraid okay he pregnant

    1. Hello I’ve read your articles and they’ve put me at ease but I just want some more comfort in making sure my gf isn’t pregnant. So I didn’t have a condom on and was attempting to put it in her A-hole but couldn’t so I stuck a finger in her you know to sorta loosen it up and then maybe 2 minutes later used a different finger to finger but I didn’t come at all during our whole session only premature come and about 5 days later she got sick like flu symptoms is there a possibility that has anything to do with pregnancy or is it all a coincidence and she just got sick

  76. Hi Bish! I hope you’re keeping well.
    I have a question and would appreciate your response and see what your thoughts are. Me and my boyfriend were messing around one day. I was on the 24th day of my cycle (I usually have a 30-35 day cycle give or take) so it was around the end of my cycle. Recently I have taken up intermittent fasting, so this month I had been going without eating for a duration of time. We were planning to have sex and wanted to try it out so he put a condom on at first and tried to put it in but it wouldn’t fit, it didn’t go in all the way at all. I then just proceeded to give him oral and I’m (pretty?) sure he went to pee. We then decided to try to put it in without a condom but it still wouldn’t fit and this happened once more, I also gave him oral again which I’m (pretty?) sure he peed before he put it in me again. He came both times when I gave him oral.

    My period is due to come but my mind always likes to play tricks on me. I’m relying on the fact that I was at the end of my cycle and I’m aware of the fact that there’s a limited week in actually getting pregnant, 13-15 days before the next period. I feel like I have ovulated but haven’t been keeping track. I’ve also been overthinking the fact that what if my boyfriend didn’t pee both times after oral, could there be any risk of a pregnancy? I haven’t really been stressing much but as my period is due I’m really starting to overthink. I’d really appreciate your thoughts on this! Thanks 🙂

    1. If he didn’t ejaculate inside you then it’s very very unlikely that you got pregnant from this. As I also talk about in this article, Am I Pregnant? but even if there was pre-cum (whether it was washed away by pee or not) it’s pretty unlikely it can start a pregnancy. It sounds to me like he put the condom on the wrong way round How To Use Condoms if his penis is big then he could get a larger size condom Condom Types . If his penis is too big for you (which it sounds like it might be) you could have different kinds of sex that don’t involve penis in vagina sex (some penises don’t fit in some vaginas comfortably) So you could work out what kind of sex you like OMG Yes, No, Hmm: work out what kind of sex you like or try these kinds of sex that don’t involve entry sex Amazing Sex Without Having ‘Sex’ Lastly I’ve got a lot of information here about vaginas and how they get stretchy Clitoris and Vagina

  77. Hello. I have started casually sleeping with this guy and we first had sex on day 12 of my cycle. We did not use a condom but he didn’t finish inside of me. We then saw each other again a few days later (on day 16 of my cycle) and had unprotected sex again twice. During sex I bled so I was worried that I might have gotten myself an STI or maybe that something was wrong with my vagina so I went to the sexual health clinic to get checked out. They told me that STIs take 2 weeks to develop symptoms but the reason they brought me in was because I could be pregnant. They insisted that the chance is very high even though he didn’t ejaculate inside of me. They also stressed the fact that because it was during my fertile window it makes it even more likely. I didn’t want to take emergency contraception though as it was already 4/5 days after the fact and I really didn’t think there was a chance but now I’m kind of worried. For reference the sex lasted a few minutes each time.

    1. If he didn’t ejaculate inside you then I wouldn’t say that the chances are very high. I can’t tell you of you are pregnant but this page and this will give you more information on how likely it is Am I Pregnant?
      It’s likely that they were trying to get you to use a different form of contraception – which is a good idea. Sometimes people kind of over emphasise the likelihood of pregnancy to make you think about using protection. I wish that people didn’t do that because I think we should just be factual with people. However, I think it’s a good idea for you to think about it. It might be something you could chat to them about, or find a different clinic.

      1. hi bish! im 16 and im sort of paranoid. my boyfriend didnt fully put the tip inside me, (and he didnt finish, stopped before he really did anything + it didnt fit lol) but he had precum,, he said it felt like he went inside but tbh i didnt feel any pain or anything so i dont think he went inside. before this my period has been irregular, and after the day we did those things, i got my period— except its not any heavy flow and its brown. its also not consistent, as it usually just stops. im worried this is implantation bleeding but im not sure if its possible bc its only been a day or two. im really paranoid rn

  78. so me and my boyfriend decided to have sex for the second time and we used a condom and i’ve been worried that the condom slipped a little and maybe pre cum or anything got inside me on accident. i’m really scared i’m waiting for my period to arrive and it’s been 4 days since it happened. when we were doing it i felt something wet on my vaginal area but he had a condom on i asked him was it pre cum he said no it was sweat. i’ve been pretty nauseous lately. i’m really scared and my leriod isn’t coming untill a couple weeks. i don’t know what to do. i keep scaring myself because i keep overthinking about if the condom was damaged or something.

    1. So condoms are very very effective at preventing pregnancy. If you had sex with them on a regular basis for a year there would be a 1.5% chance of pregnancy. So you can probably work out how low your risk is from one time sex, where there was no ejaculation inside you. Remember that when the vagina is aroused it gets wet, sometimes very wet. You might want to read this about stress How to Deal With Stress and this about having different kinds of sex that don’t involve penetration Amazing Sex Without Having ‘Sex’ It’s great for people who want to enjoy sex but don’t want any of the stress of pregnancy or STIs. You could chat about this with your boyfriend too maybe?

  79. I had sex with my boyfriend after the next 14days of my period without any wasn’t full time sex, but it takes up to 1-2minite.He didn’t ejaculate in me. Then he pulled his penis out of my vigina after he pull his penis out still he didn’t cum. He didn’t ejaculate but I am afraid because that was my first time. So I told him to get me some emergency pill on the 3day. Pls can I get pregnant? Will the EP work? There’s some stress on me right now .how can I stop stressing myself

  80. Hi! So my boyfriend and I had sex 2 days before my ovulation day. We always use condoms but that time he inserted it for a few seconds and thrusted a few times but it was just around 30 secs i can say and he didn’t ejaculate. After that he wore the condom and finished off. I am now 2 days late of my period, I am worried I might be pregnant I am a little nauseous and stressed out of the situation. I kept reading comments in this article and it quite helped me but I still need an answer just for reassurance thank you so much.

      1. just an update:
        Thank you for this! And finally I have my period now. I was a bit worried and stressed lately I think that’s why my period was late.

  81. So i found this because i have been freaking myself out.. so i had sex with my bf with condom on for a lil while and we both got curious what it felt like without it. So he took it off and we did it for like at least 2mins intell i said we should stop cuz i got scared to be pregnant.. i been sick because of heat exhaustion and I’ve been peeing a lot. I know he didn’t ejaculate. Im scared that precum maybe like he didn’t know. I get nauseous around food and it could be cuz of the heat exhaustion cuz of cramps and nausea its my time of month and im stressing if it doesn’t come. It happened 2 days ago and im still freaking out. Is there any idea that u can help me calm down or any idea it could be just the Heat Exhaustion. And i could be siking myself out thinking i am? And my mind will take it as a sickness?

    1. It’s very very unlikely that you are pregnant from this. If there’s time you could get an emergency contraception Emergency Contraception (also known as Plan B). Other than that you could wait for your period to come. The thing to take away from this is that if you are this stressed from having unprotected sex then perhaps your boyfriend and you could have more conversations about how to have safer sex in the future. How to Talk About Safer Sex Also read this about how to deal with stress How to Deal With Stress

      1. Hi me and my bf try to make sex but we didnt make fully and we use condom and i also used emergency pill but i have been afrieding i used to sense around my tummy cramp is there any posibility i can get pergenent

  82. So, my boyfriend came over like three or four weeks ago and while he was over he put the tip of his penis in and rubbed it against my vagina. I dunno if this is important, but I was 2-3 days aways from ovulation at the time. Ever since I’ve been super scared of being pregnant [I’ve edited this bit]That said, I’m still really worried and I was wondering if you could help me?

    1. I also wanted to mention that I’ve been urinating more than often and that he definitely didn’t ejaculate.

      1. If he didn’t ejaculate then it’s very very unlikely that you got pregnant from this. It’s also very very very likely that you are having a period, not implantation bleeding.

      2. So me and my girlfriend have been getting more experimental. And a couple days ago she gave me blowjob and I came and everything then I went to go to the wash room and I always pee right after and clean my stuff. But 30 mins later we decided just to put it in half way for about 40 seconds she is not ovulating and passed it a week ago and she is supposed to get her period next week or so. She took a Plan B pill and she is on no birth control and is getting an IUD next month how likely is she going to get pregnant

  83. Hey,
    I know no one will probably respond and that a lot of girls have already asked the same question as me, but I just need to get this off of my chest and see if I can get a direct answer for my exact situation since it has been worrying me for a while. February 23, my boyfriend came over to my place. Both of us had been wanting to do more than just blowjobs or handjobs, so he asked if we could do anal since I absolutely refuse to have vaginal sex. I agreed because I knew there was no way for me to become pregnant from anal. While we were trying to get him inside, however, his tip ended up rubbing against my vagina and his tip even went in accidently. Not his entire length, mind you, just the tip. Ever since then, I have been freaking out. I’ve looked up every possible piece of information in my panic and found that it is possible for me to get pregnant if he ejaculated, which he didn’t, or if there was pre-cum on his tip, especially since I was only 3 days from my ovulation date at the time this happened. For the first week or so, I was feeling abdominal and pelvic pain. When I found this article the first time, I felt a huge relief and, if I remember right, the pain seemed to go away. I got a few days to a week of peace and I am freaking out yet again because my period should be coming soon and I have no idea whether it’s coming or not. There’s bubbling and a weird feeling in my abdomen and pelvic area, but hardly any pain. I think I’ve been having mood swings. I can’t keep myself from feeling my belly either and checking for a hard ball like feeling, which I was informed is what the uterus feels like from the outside when it expands for a child. I feel like I’m seeing pregnant women, small children, and other pregnancy related things everywhere. I don’t know if any of these things are symptoms of pregnancy, but they’ve been stressing me out almost more than the thought of being pregnant at 15 and having to tell everyone my, so far, well guarded secret. Like I said, I don’t expect anyone to respond, but I’ll admit I was looking for some comfort from this article once again after it helped me so much before. If anyone has any idea whether or not I’m pregnant, a few words would be greatly appreciated.
    Bless and thank you all.

    1. Hey there. I’m so sorry you’re stressed about this. You probably know what I’m going to say …. If he didn’t ejaculate inside your vagina then the chances of pregnancy are near zero. You might want to read this about how to deal with stress How to Deal With Stress and have your boyfriend read this Stress and the People Around Us about how to help you deal with stress. Also next time you have sex, maybe think about some of the different kinds of sex that you might enjoy OMG Yes, No, Hmm: work out what kind of sex you like and how you might plan for a more enjoyable time Have the Best First Time Sex If you are stressed about sex (for any reason) then it’s very unlikely that you are going to enjoy it, so here’s some more advice about that How to Enjoy Sex More

      1. You’re obviously very good at your job because you were right. I’m not pregnant! I got my period just today and I couldn’t be happier with it. Thank you so much for responding and for making this lovely page. You and this page are one of the big things that helped comfort me and console me over the past few stressful weeks. In fact, I think writing my comment and reading your responses was what kept me sane through all of my stress. (Speaking of stress, I’ll make sure to read those articles you sent me the next time I start worrying). Thank you so much!

          1. I absolutely will pass this article on if I ever find a person who needs this information. Especially since I know how helpful it was to me.

  84. Hi, So me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex and we were curious what it’s like so why not try it. He put it inside me for a couple of seconds or a minute. And I’m worried that I might be pregnant after we did. And he didn’t cum either. Is it there a chance of me getting pregnant?

  85. Hi,
    I dont know what to do or think. i was with my boyfriend over the weekend and we decided we wanted to have sex. he put the condom on and we tried it but it barley went inside me. several times it kept slipping out and at one point i got the tip in but the mood was just killed at the point so we stopped. i dont know why i am scared about being pregnant.

      1. My boyfriend fingered me on 6th march. I did his handjob but there wasnt any sperm or precum.
        After like half an hour I went back home and washed my genitals! I totally forgot to wash my hands before!
        I was really scared about being pregnant.
        My period was 2 days late
        It would have came on 19th March but it came on 22nd march.
        The first day the bleeding was in a lesser amount and brown in colour.
        The second and third day it was red and heavy with lot of cramp.
        The 4-5 the day it was again less in amount and brown. Today’s my 6th day of period.
        (A little bit of spotting was also there I guess)

        I don’t know what to do . I’m really so depressed please reply me .
        I don’t wanna be pregnant!

        Hoping for your reply! Thank you 🙂

        1. If you got your period, then you’re not pregnant. Periods are when the lining of the womb, unfertilised eggs, and blood are shed out of your womb through your vagina.

  86. Hi! so about 6 days ago me and my boyfriend wanted to try so he stuck the tip in for 30 seconds unprotected. He didn’t ejaculate but he was a little wet. My period has been irregular since i started it. I’ve been highly paranoid and stressed because of the chances of being pregnant due to precum and me being unsure when my next period comes.

  87. Hi Justin, I have read this article about 15 times. Read your illustration about 15 times but still feel anxious. About 2 weeks during my ovulation time my guy who I’ve not been seeing too long ago did not have sexual intercourse but underwent heavy touching. We both were fully clothed. He fingered me through my clothing and did not ejaculate into his hand. However, there was one point he did touch his penis and tried to finger me but I can’t remember if he had pre-cum. I am now 5 days late in my period.sI am so depressed and feel alone. I’m scared to tell him my worries and his worried that I’m so distant. I have no one to talk too. I want to tell him but im scared Of his reaction. I’m even scared to take a pregnancy test on my own. Ive tried to reassure myself with your stats but when days go by and no blood is showing I get anxious. I’m sorry!
    **this month my mum gave me evening primrose to take to help me with my bad pms I’m not sure that could effect the delay.

    1. As you probably know, it’s incredibly unlikely that you are pregnant from this. Stress is one of the things that can delay periods, but also periods are just random. You might find this article interesting, which is lots of people talking about their periods Period Stories

  88. Hello,
    I just wanted to thank everyone that is a part of this post for helping me. I’m 15. About 2-4 days before my ovulation, my boyfriend accidentally put his tip in me for about 10-20 seconds and rubbed against me a couple times while we tried to do anal (since I refuse to have vaginal sex). I have been feeling abdominal pain, pelvic pain, and nausea since then. I have also been freaking out, frantically looking up statistics, crying, praying, and begging for some sort of definite answers or a second chance. When I read this post and some of the comments, I got the comfort I’ve been looking for this past week or so. Because of this, I just wanted to thank everyone associated with this post; especially Mr. Hancock and the first anonymous comment beneath his, whose situation was the most like my own.
    Bless you all.

  89. hi! i’ve read about the risks and everything but i just really can’t seem to calm myself down and i keep stressing about it, so i really need some reassurance if it won’t take much of your time. 🙂 so my partner and i had penetration on the day before the day of my ovulation (as per my period tracking app, though it says that there was still a good chance of being pregnant). i was giving him a handjob when i felt something wet rubbing against my forearm from the tip, so we stopped for a bit and i asked him if he finished already and he said no, because he didn’t feel it. i rubbed the tip with my thumb and it felt dry so i continued the handjob for a few more minutes then he asked me if i wanted to put it in. before the penetration, he pulled up his shorts first when we switched positions and it was only like 3-5 strokes then we stopped because we had no protection. i finished him off with a handjob instead. i know that there’s a very low chance of pregnancy from precum, but i’m still very nervous about it because lately i’ve been feeling nauseous and cramps in my abdominal area, but i think it might be because of the stress and anxiety. there’s a few things that i’d like to point out though, (1) when he had precum, we talked for a bit and it took a few more minutes before he penetrated me, so i was thinking that the precum on the tip (if there was) was already dry when he put it in, and (2) he pulled up his shorts right before the penetration so i was also thinking that the cloth of his shorts might have wiped away the precum from the tip (if there was). i can’t stop thinking about it because it was done on my fertile window, and even though there’s a small chance of getting pregnant considering these points, there is still a chance. might i be pregnant? hoping that you would reply. thank you!

      1. So me and my boyfriend just wanted to try and see how it felt like for his penis to be inside of me. Before he did that I checked around his penis to make sure there’s wasn’t any pre cum or sperm around his penis. His penis was dry and he put it inside of me for like 10 seconds and took it out. We done it between my fertile window but he didn’t ejaculate and was no where near climax. I am worried if I can still get pregnant.

    1. Hi ,lately im pretty much paranoid and worried about my gf. Just yesterday me and gf was just wanting to feel what its like to have sex,but we didn’t have any comdoms and i just inserted the tip only,not very inside of her,can say at the outside wall of her vagina.after that we were abit paranoid after knowing the risk of precum pregnancy ,even though i didnt ejaculate inside her. To make feel more easy ,she had taken an morning after pill within 24hrs after that incident
      I was hoping to know does it reduces the chances of pregnancy?or am i just stressing out … please answer me and thanks for your patient in reading all comments

      1. If you didn’t ejaculate inside her then it’s nearly impossible to get her pregnant. If she took the morning after pill then that would have prevented conception Emergency Contraception You might want to get some condoms for if you want to try again. Even though it’s difficult to pop into clinics to get some at the moment, they might be able to send some out to you. If you’re in the UK try your local sexual health service here Sexual Health Services

  90. Okay so me and my boyfriend decided to do it unprotected. Both our first time he put the tip in then took it out then he put it in again but a bit more than the tip it then hurt me so he took it out because I made a bit of a loud noise my legs started to shake he said he didn’t ejaculate and I trust him I was scared for pregnancy as I found out you still could get pregnant from like pre cum I did pee after and then my period came 3 days after and it was the same like my other periods although I did have heavy bleeding at first but I don’t keep track of my period could I be pregnant? I’m waiting for my period again in March the 5th as I had done it 2 weeks ago

  91. I’m goin to do it for the first time this weekend and I’m scared I will get pregnant, if he pulls out I shouldn’t get pregnant should I? If he cums inside of me I will right ?

  92. I lost my virginity a week ago. We used a condom and he did not cum in me. But it was during my ovulation days and I did not take any pill. I have a weird sensation in my vagina since then and light cramps. I am afraid i might be pregnant. Is it normal to feel this way after having sex for the first time?

    1. Well it’s very unlikely that you are pregnant, because you used a condom and he didn’t cum in you. I think that for first time intercourse you are using lots of different muscles for the first time and there are strong muscles surrounding the vagina that have to relax a lot for sex to be comfortable. So there are lots of reasons to feel cramped in your lower abdomen and for your vagina to feel different. Maybe have a read of the information about this here Clitoris and Vagina and here Painful sex – how to have penis in vagina sex without pain

  93. hey srry im jo from earlier. I forgot to mention that for the both unprotected sex there was no ejaculation inside the vagina. Sorry for that but please answer I’m really scared.

  94. im stressing out rn and it would mean a lot if you answer this. So me and my partner had sex three times within this month; one was protected and two wasn’t.The protected one was the first day of the month, then the unprotected were the 4th and 8th. No pills were taken and rn the period is late. Took a pregnancy test in the 14th and it turned out negative. But the period is still missing and I’m still very worried if it’s pregnancy. please Help

  95. Hello,
    My boyfriend and I had sex many times during 2 days. Somes with condom, other without condom.
    I had an ear infection and was taking a lot of medication. And in that month I didn’t have my menstrual period. It’s been a month and my period has come to me. Could I be pregnant?

    1. If you got your period (and it was definitely your period) then you’re not pregnant. A period is the sign that you are not pregnant (though not getting a period doesn’t always mean that you are pregnant). It is the body shedding the womb lining (the sticky substance coating the womb which helps fertilised eggs to attach), any unfertilised eggs, and blood.

  96. Hey, I just read all of the comments, pretty the same. I have a new story unfortunately. I took combined bc pills the first day of my period. I forgot to take it on day 4 and took 2 pills on the next day. Then on the 6th day of this cycle my bf and i had penetration, 2 times about 1min but he was not even near ejaculating, and yup my biggest concerns are 1. That late dose of pill in the first week of taking pills ( i stopped taking pills for a month before this month that’s why i took it the first day my period started) 2. Precum! Then i took the pills on time until the 21st day. Now im on pill free days and it has been 3 days and i have not got the period. These fears and stresses might seem a little too much, but for people living in strict countries where you can’t even decide what to do with your own body as a woman, and so religious beliefs and laws, are killers. I’ll be so delighted if u answer my question and whatever happens I’ll let u know here, ( i am certainly gonna take a baby check tomorrow)

    1. There’s some good advice about missed pills from the NHS website here so you did the right thing taking two pills in a day. You would have been protected from pregnancy. Also if he didn’t ejaculate inside you then (even if the pill didn’t protect you) it is very very unlikely that would have caused a pregnancy. If you’re stressed about this then the best person to speak to is the person who prescribed you the pill. I totally get why people are stressed and that in different countries the consequences for getting pregnant are different, but the facts are that each act of intercourse with ejaculation happening inside the vagina has around 3.1% risk of pregnancy. If you had regular unprotected sex over the course of a year there is an 85% chance that you will get pregnant.

    2. Hi! So yesterday I tried having sex with my partner for the first time. He tried penetrating in me but since it was paining way too much he took it out. I’m sure penis went just half way through and then he pulled it out. It happened 4-5 times. Also, we didn’t use condom. He didn’t cum at all let alone ejaculating in me but he did precum on the clit and slightly inside. Am I likely to get pregnant? I’ve been stressing over this since then.

  97. Hello my BF and I have been together two years both virgins and we kinda almost had sex. We were prepared condoms lube and all however I am not on bc. Here’s what happens so he started fingering kissing eating me out to get me aroused, had his underwear on the whole time, I was nervous so this took a bit. Finally he went to put a condom but wasn’t erect enough, we then cuddled naked (talking mostly) and then when he was distracted he got hard and we decided to try again. So again weird it was like ever time he need to be he wasn’t hard at all or not enough so I tried to get him there oral, me on top making sure to never touch genitals (although still risky) as we were both naked. Anyway we finally got a condom on (I think he was still less then 100% erect) and he tried to put it in, in missionary position he went in with the condom probably 3 or 4 times but never all the way because he kept pulling out feeling like he was going to cum? Eventually we stopped I think he cummed very little in the condom after the last time he pulled out. Anyway there is a severely low chance I could be at risk of being pregnant right? I can’t wait till my period because I just started BC🤦🏼‍♀️ specifically the implant basically money went through and I went in and they let’s just donut today I like an idiot said yes before thinking about this. So any advice other than just waiting? 😅

    1. There’s an extremely low chance of pregnancy from this. You could speak to the service giving you BC (contraception) about this too and they can reassure you. I think you and your BF could also maybe learn a little bit about how to have sex. There are many different kinds of sex that you can do without a hard penis that might be more enjoyable for both of you (and also have very very low risk of pregnancy. How To Have Sex

  98. Hi hello so I was wondering What if you only had sex for 2 minutes without a condom and you weren’t even close to ejaculating on your girlfriend will she be pregnant

  99. Hi there. I saw your graphic with some of the estimated percentages of getting pregnant, and I thought it was very helpful! however I do still have some questions. So firstly, my boyfriend and I did it a bit for the first time. He put it in and we went for just a little bit, but stopped because we did not have a condom. This was less than a week after my period. We did something like that again about 3 days before my period app predicted that I had a high chance of getting pregnant. He did not ejaculate in me either time. I know that precut pregnancy is uncommon, however I still am worried. The big thing is that we have had full sex 2 times, once last week, and once yesterday. Both times my boyfriend was wearing a condom, and in addition, he pulled out. The main reason I am worried is because I have had some slight abdominal pain, however I am not sure if that is because I have been constipated for the past few weeks (sorry TMI :/). With that, it could also be me stressing, but im not sure. help!

  100. Hi, I know you have answered many of these questions—however, I am feeling anxious and just need some advice if that’s okay! My boyfriend and I were about to have sex about 2 weeks ago. We are both inexperienced and I ended up being too tight, he was able to push in all of his tip but it hurt and he said that he doesn’t think he had any pre-cum because he was too nervous. You mentioned that the chance of becoming pregnant is 0-1% with pre-cum. However, my period is late by 2 days and I have been going to the bathroom frequently and having stomach cramps (I realize it could also be stress). I took a pregnancy test in case and it came out negative. Should I wait until a few more days and take another test?

    1. It’s very very unlikely that you’re pregnant from what you describe. If your pregnancy test says negative then you are almost definitely not pregnant. Please do me a favour? Come back here when your period arrives and let everyone know, it might help others to feel less anxious.

      I’m more concerned about the sex you describe. Please ask your boyfriend not to push his penis in you like that. If you’re aroused enough (which means relaxed enough) then the penis slides in pretty comfortably. If you’re not aroused or relaxed enough do different kinds of sex (which also have lower risk of pregnancy). I wish that I had more comments about how to have enjoyable sex rather than whether people are pregnant or not. Read these links and share them folks!
      Amazing Sex Without Having ‘Sex’ OMG Yes, No, Hmm: work out what kind of sex you like Have the Best First Time Sex How To Have Sex Painful sex – how to have penis in vagina sex without pain

    2. Hi, I did get my period today. I think the similarities between PMS symptoms and pregnancy can be really anxiety-inducing. Thanks Justin for responding and listening. And to anyone reading this, I hope it eases your anxiety (if you take a pregnancy test, it is pretty accurate if you follow what it says on the box) and don’t rush into anything if you’re not ready. I don’t think I was and it made the experience not as enjoyable as it should be (aka I was just stressed afterwards about getting pregnant). But if you are ready, try and do it safely so that you can have a good time!

  101. My bf and I had sex for a very short amount of time. It was my first time so i was very nervous. We did not use a condom and I am not on any kind of birth control, so I know the risk. He didn’t come inside me, but he said he felt something so we stopped. Im not sure what he felt, but it is making me nervous. It happen about 5-6 days after my period ended so im not sure how likely pregnancy is. I can’t tell if it is because im stressing myself out, but I have has a stomach ache and constipation for the past two days. I am very scared. I have to wait about 2 more weeks for my next predicted period, but I want to know the likelihood of pregnancy.

    1. The average risk of one time penis in vagina sex, with internal ejaculation, is 3.1%. So it’s very unlikely that you got pregnant from this one time sex if he didn’t ejaculate. I don’t know what he felt when inside you, but it is likely to be the cervix maybe? For penis in vagina sex, the penis slides up in front of the cervix or behind it (the fornix). This happens if the vagina is really aroused and stretchy. It it isn’t then the penis bumps into the cervix, which can feel uncomfortable. Read more about that here Clitoris and Vagina You might also want to think about chatting to someone at a sexual health service (during Covid they are doing virtual or phone consultations) Sexual Health Services

  102. Hi! yesterday my bf put his penis inside my vagina and we also use a condom. we didnt really had sex but he just put it in for just 3 seconds or 4 seconds..we did it a couple of times and he didnt cum or anything.. what is the possibility that id get pregnant?? im really stressed right now…

    1. I would say zero chance. Condoms are thought to be 98.5% effective, which means that if you have regular penis in vagina sex over the course of a year with condoms there is only a 1.5% chance of pregnancy. You did it once, for 3 or 4 seconds, without ejaculation. So work out your own odds.

      1. Hey Me and my boyfriend didn’t have full sex, he just rubbed the tip up and it down the inside, when he was about to finish he took me off and finished himself, he then wiped it off and I got back on. Is there a chance I’m pregnant

        1. Hi so it was my first time my no protection 2 day of my fertile days but he there were no movement of the penis he just went in once the heymen broke he came out he didn’t ejaculate but I was aroused and wet so feel like I’m pregnant been anxious what are chances of pregnancy

  103. Excuse me, i would to ask you if i may. Me and my gf had sex just little while (about ±10 secs) 3 days ago, and when i put my penis inside her wet vagina, i felt my penis still dry and i’m not so aroused yet, so i pretty convinced that my precum haven’t got out yet that time. I only thrust her 3 times and i directly finished it and its over. But i’m totally freak out till today because the day i had sex (Jan 11th) until yesterday (Jan 14th) are the days where she in fertile window and she showed many signs of ovulation (egg-whites vaginal discharge, breast tenderness, little cramping one side at her lower abdomen, and higher libido). I have very high anxiety thinking about the high chances of my gf can get pregnant because what i did that time was her in fertile window. My last hope is to buy an EC pill (Levenorgestrel) but i thought it’ll useless anyway because my gf had passed the ovulation day, but the other side i still need an EC pill because its still better to take it than not at all. What is your best suggestion? I really freak out till now.

    This is not my first time though, i passed this anxiety more than 5 times and i always given a chance to know my gf don’t get pregnant. At this past 5 times i ever felt the same feeling and same deeds (risky sex without protection but not ejaculating at all, i always freaking out about the chances of precum) i always faced it with consuming my gf with EC pills. I survived, but i can’t told my gf to take EC pills too often. What can you suggest if the situation like this? Do my precum can that easily fertilize her egg cell while her in fertile window? What are the really chances? I really don’t wanna her to get pregnant. Should she take an EC pill than not have a protection at all although it’s not that effective if taken within 3 days after intercourse? Because its already day 4 from my last intercourse. please i need reassurance. Thank you very much

    1. If you don’t ejaculate inside your girlfriend there is an almost zero chance of her getting pregnant. Read this Am I Pregnant? Also, if you want to put your penis inside her vagina, and you are able to get EC, you should put a condom on your penis. Condoms are excellent at preventing pregnancy and STIs.

  104. My girlfriend and I had sex but it was not full sex because we’re scared by the taught of her being pregnant, I’m 19 and she’s 19 btw. It’s 2-3 mins stroking I think and we stop then I didn’t cum inside her we just feel the moment, then I’m worried if she will get pregnant by the precum. We’re not ready yet fear and anxiety hit us.

  105. Hi there , I just wanted to ask
    This question , so a while back me and my girlfreind had sex, but I just put the tip of my penis is so I didn’t fully have sex , but I think I might have came a bit inside her only using the tip tho , which means I didn’t come fully In , and 2 weeks later she had her period . Should I be worried about pregnancy or that she might miss her next period ? Thank you

    1. If she definitely had her period then she isn’t pregnant. Periods are where the lining of the womb and any unfertilised eggs are released from the vagina. If fertilisation happens then the lining of the womb remains in place so that a pregnancy can start – thus, no periods.

  106. Hey! Me and my boyfriend were really scared about having sex so he rubbed his dick on my vigina and I got on top of him and rubbed against it he didn’t go inside of me or anything I don’t think I’m pregnant but can you help me out do you think I could be please please answer I’ve been stressing and I need help!

  107. Hello, my boyfriend fingered me after he precummed but he swears there was nothing on his hand. He did move his penis down so his bulge wouldn’t be big so is there a chance for precum to still be there? And is there a chance I can get pregnant? Asking cause I’m worried and google swears you can get pregnant if this happens

  108. Hey! I need your help so so much and I hope you’ll answer my question. Okay.. it was like this.. My boyfriend and I were having sex without any protection and he just put it inside of me for about not longer than 1 min and he didn’t ejaculate. And at the same time I am on my last period this first week of Jan. After then i peed. Will i get pregnant?
    p/s we’re both 17

    pls answer my question.
    I’m trying to calm my own nerves rn

    1. It’s unlikely that you are pregnant from this. There is a 3.1% chance of pregnancy from one time penis in vagina sex with ejaculation inside the vagina. So as your bf didn’t ejaculate the risk is much much lower than that. The peeing afterwards doesn’t make a difference because the pee won’t wash away any sperm inside the vagina (pee comes through a separate tube just above the vagina called the urethra Clitoris and Vagina ). It is a good idea to pee after penis in vagina sex, but that’s to wash away any germs that might have been pushed inside the urethra, it has nothing to do with pregnancy

    2. Same happened, we had sex but for just like 4 mins because we knew we had no protection so we stopped. He didn’t finish in me but I’m worried because i’m on my fertile week

  109. I was not on my period,it was five days after seeing my period my bf wanted to have sex with me badly so he tried inserting slowly I didn’t let his whole dick come in me,I stopped him when I realised we weren’t using there any possibility that I’m pregnant

    1. It’s unlikely that you are pregnant from this. Check out my post Am I Pregnant

      I’m not happy with your BF though. Just because he wants to have sex with you doesn’t mean he can do it without it being okay with you first. If you only agreed to have sex with him using condoms, and he didn’t use condoms, then legally that can be called rape. So if your boyfriend continues to do this or has done this for a while you maybe should read this Partner Putting You at Risk

    2. Hi, I only had sex with my boyfriend once at the end of ovulation day at luteal phase. He didn’t ejaculated inside me. He only rub against my vagina. And it’s broke. Giving alot of blood. And we only did about 2 mins. Am I pregnant?

  110. Pretty much like everyone else’s story. I put it in for less than 30 seconds and stroked a few times but i withdrew and and later finished on her stomach, i left around 20 minutes later, i was informed she masturbated when i left and i remember her touching my sperm with her hands, but she licked it off and i made sure to clean the Speem off of her body. I’m in a paranoia stage because her period should be within the next 1-2 days and the symptoms of early pregnancy and the symptoms of your period coming in are the same things basically. She has Tender breasts, and the other day she said her left side of the bottom of her stomach hurt badly in the morning, but that’s all i’ve been told. This happened on the 25th and i’m pretty sure it was on the day of ovulation or the day before. I’m a little freaked but i’d just like some statistics if you can give me any considering i haven’t gotten any off of the internet pertaining to Ovulation and Pre Cum

  111. Hi,
    I have never been this stressed in my life, I had a small droplet like amount of precum on the tip of my penis and i inserted in her once only half way for about 5 seconds then took it out, That was all that happened yet i am very very stressed it has been 3 weeks since and i an hoping for her period this week, should i be stressed and what are the odds of pregnancy, Also should i mention the last time I ejaculated was about 1 week ago from a wet dream will this mean there is no sperm in the precum then, PLSSSSS HELP ME !!!, WOULD HIGHLY APPRECIATE

  112. Right, I’m 17 years old so is my boyfriend. We had sex 5 weeks ago and i’m now 2 weeks late of my period. The sex wasn’t like proper, he put it in and out for literally like 5 seconds and took it out as we are both terrified of me getting pregnant. I do have irregular periods but this cycle has lasted 46 days (and counting). I’m genuinely terrified. He never came inside me and only did when we were finished off (handjob sorry tmi!) but it wasn’t anywhere near down there, you know what I mean? My boobs only started hurting a couple days ago which is normal before my period happens and idk if it’s my period coming or not. I haven’t been having any unusual discharge or anything, a couple days it can be white and not sticky and then the next couple is either clear and very slightly stretchy or else nothing. I have been having cramps and lower back pain (however my lower back tends to always be sore and gets worse around the time of my period and only really got worse a weeks ago) and the cramps like to move each side every time. Please I need help asap

  113. Hi I had a quick question me and my boyfriend were having sex and he put it in me for a good 1-3 minutes and took it out I was t worried at first but should I take the morning after pill he didn’t cum inside me or anything but now that I have been reading some articles about pre cum it has me thinking should I take the pill . I took it earlier this month bc if a incident which messed up my period . I don’t want to take it again since I know it’s dangerous to take to morning after pill . Do you think I’ll get pregnant if I don’t .

  114. About two weeks ago, I sat on my boyfriends penis for not even 10 seconds and all up 1 pump without protection. this seems so dumb because all the questions are very similar but im 2 days late for my period and he didnt cum inside me at the time. im guessing its just the waiting game at the moment but i came off the pill at the start if this year and im thinking that might have something to do with my cycle and might cause it to be irregular. stressing a lot at the moment!

  115. Hi there, I don’t expect you to reply because of all the other comments and because you can’t truly predict my situation’s possible outcome, but for peace of mind I need to get this off my chest. Two weeks ago, I allowed the guy I have been fooling around with lately put the tip of his penis inside me for a few minutes (I’m still a virgin, so he didn’t fully put it in due to it hurting) and I wasn’t on birth control or anything at that point. He didn’t cum in me, but I’m concerned about the pre-cum. I did freak out after I realized that I was possibly going through the ovulation phase of my cycle. I took a morning after pill and started birth control two days afterwards. And since I started birth control mid-cycle, a possible side effect of it could be it delaying or missing my next expected period. My period has always been irregular and the day it arrives each month varies, but it’s been late for two-three days now and I can’t stop stressing out over it, which is probably making it worse because stress can delay periods. 🙁 and no matter how bad I try to calm my mind over it, I’ve never been able to handle stress quiet well. The graph you posted has given me a bit of clarification, but I’m still hella worried for my own sake.

  116. Hi. I have got a concern that bothers me a lot. Me and my bf tried to have sex with no protection. I am a virgin, so I was a bit scared of a process, so he penetrated his dick just a little bit, like about few cm for about few minutes. He did not cum inside me surely, but I am very afraid to be pregnant from the pre-ejaculate fluid, (although I don’t remember feeling it). This is my 19th day of a period cycle counting from the first day of last month’s started menstruation. Please help.

  117. Hey, so I had sex with my bf three days in a row and he ejaculated inside of me. We kinda went through a rough patch and I ended up having sex once with a guy during that same time period but he did not finish. I’m now pregnant…. is my bf the father?

  118. Hi I would just like to ask, is it possible if you have just inserted the tip of the penis and removed it after 5 seconds. No cum at all, i didnt have any precum from what i can recall. Her period is in 11 days. Is it possible for a preganancy?

  119. I played sex on Tuesday 4, February 2020 and I lost my virginity after penetration he entered into me about two minutes but he told me that he didn’t pass out semen or sperms into my vigina and i need not to be worried about pregnancy,now am worried or am pregnant help me

  120. Hello I played sex on Tuesday 4th February and I lost my virginity,he penetrated his penis into my vigina and after 2minutes he removed it and put on acondom,but the guy told me that he didn’t pass the semen into my Virgina, now am I pregnant?cos am worried

  121. Hi there ,
    I’ve had extreme anxiety recently related to the possible chance of me being pregnant . I (17) am now on the pill , but just before I came onto it me and my boyfriend had sex , initially with a condom on , and then took it off for 4 minutes ( he didn’t ejaculate ) , and then put a new one on again . What are the chances of me possibly being pregnant ? My stomachs being particularly bubbly recently , trapped wind sensations , but then again that could be related to many things at the moment . Please please reply

    1. As I explained in the post, and also here, it’s extremely unlikely that you will be pregnant from sex that does not involve ejaculation inside the vagina. What concerns me here is that your boyfriend has made you this anxious because he took the condom off during sex. He should not do that if you don’t want him to. Taking a condom off during sex is illegal if you didn’t want him to. You might want to think about whether this boyfriend is treating you well and respecting your body and your health.

  122. Hello. So, I haven’t had my period for 100+ days now. I feel really anxious. I am a breastfeeding mom and my baby was 6-7 weeks when I had bleeding (not sure if it’s my period or not but my OB says it is possible that it’s my period). A couple of weeks after, my husband and I tried to finally do it but since it was so painful we figured maybe my body wasn’t ready yet and stopped. A week after we tried again and he got in and tried to gently move but it was still painful so we stopped again. He did not ejaculate but I read that pre-cum can get me pregnant and that if I had my period after giving birth earlier, I have higher chance of getting pregnant. I know of the LAM method and I am exclusively breastfeeding but it has been 100+ days since the last time I bled (if that’s my period). Could I be pregnant again or am I worrying too much? I hope it’s because I am breastfeeding that my period stopped. Thank you in advance!

  123. I dunno if this things still active? But ill give it a shot! I know im stressing over nothing but need reassuring seeing as my boyfriend wont! Im on the pill but still stress over getting pregnant me and my boyfriend had sex for like 5 mins just worried because my mums put it into my head that im pregnant now i cant stop stressing till i get my period

    1. Yes very much active here. If you take the pill correctly then it is 99.7% effective. That means that your risk of pregnancy is 0.3% if you have regular penis in vagina sex (with ejaculation inside the vagina) over the course of a year. So the chance of pregnancy from one time sex with you being on the pill is more like 0.01%. If you want to find out more about how the pill works you could read this Hormonal Contraception

      Let me know if you have any other questions.


      1. Hi, I’m seeing you answer questions very kind and patiently . That helps alot thankyou.
        Here’s mine: last night me and my boyfriend were having oral sex… and I sat on his cum for like 2,3 seconds (i sat on his tummy and his dick rubbed just a liiiitle on my vagina, I don’t know if the position of my vagina makes any difference…). I washed my vagina after like 5 minutes and i peed.
        But I’m still worrying if anything got inside because the inviroment was moist…and what makes me worry even more is that it was on day 14 after my period.
        I had emergency pills 16hours later but I’m still really worried because what if i was ovulating and…

        1. So it’s very very unlikely you are pregnant from this. Remember that the average risk of pregnancy from sperm being ejaculated deep inside the vagina is 3.1%. So maybe getting a little bit of cum on the outside of your vagina is very very unlikely to cause pregnancy. Also you took the emergency contraception which would also have reduced your risks even further.

        2. Hi hello so I’m wondering if my girlfriend is pregnant I’m really hoping you will answer but anyways me and my girlfriend had sex for only 2 minutes without a condom but I didn’t ejaculate or I wasn’t even close to ejaculating do you think my girlfriend will be pregnant?

  124. My boyfriend were having oral sex and he had precum on his penis but im pretty sure i sucked it all off before he put it in me without a condom, it was only for two pumps and according to my period calendar, it was two days after my ‘day’ of ovulation but he didn’t feel when he pre-came, so it’s possible he could’ve precame in me, i have to wait a week to find out if im pregnant, what do you think?

    1. It’s very unlikely that you are pregnant from this if he did not fully ejaculate inside you. Perhaps your boyfriend should learn not to just put his penis inside you without protection. It’s not your job to make him, it’s his job to be responsible. Maybe also think about your relationship as well as the sex Guide to Relationships

  125. Please do answer my question! My girlfriend is super irregular, she goes for 4-6 weeks without menstruating, her last period was in the month of January, and me and my girlfriend never really did engage in penetrative sex “fully”, we usually dryhumped and there were two-three instances wherein we tried pnetrative sex but never really did do it fully, it’s like just the tip of the penis inside her entrance for a few seconds, no ejaculation. My question is, could she be pregnant? her last period was January, until now her period is still missing. The last time we had our little session was around May 4. Please help, we’re both scared, and she should’ve practiced proper birth control

    1. As this article you are reading says, there is a very low chance of pregnancy from sex that does not involve sperm being fully ejaculated in the vagina. So it’s very very unlikely that the sex you are describing has started a pregnancy. As you know, periods can be super irregular and there are lots of reasons why that might be (stress is one of them). Finally, I don’t really see why you are putting the blame on her for not using birth control. You put your penis inside her, you could have put a condom on.

  126. So me and my boyfriend knew that we shouldn’t have sex without a condom. Earlier her jerked off and came and about 15 minutes later, after everything was dry and cleaned up, he put it in for 5 seconds and pulled out, is it possible to get pregnant

  127. I’m 16, my boyfriend (17) and I are together 5 months. Last week (August 24th) he came to my house and we had planned to have sex. He wore a condom and was only inside me for about 3-4 seconds before we stopped because it was a little uncomfortable for me. I was meant to get my period on friday (the 31st of August) but it’s the 2nd of September and there’s no sign of it. As far as I know he didn’t cum so that really lowers the risk of me being pregnant but is there still a chance I might be? Or am I stressing out and making myself believe I am? I’m feeling a bit sick and tried a home pregnancy test where I put 1tbsp of my urine with 1tbsp of sugar and only some of the sugar dissolved but I drank alot of energy drinks earlier on so could that be affecting it?

    1. Have a scroll up and have a look at the graphic at the end, which tells you about the risks of pregnancy. Then try and work out the chances of you being pregnant. Then have a think about how much you should worry about this (compared to how much you worry about everything else).

  128. Hi there! I’ve been to your site reading all the commebts about your blog. But still, I want to ask my personal situation to you. Yesterday, where its 22nd day of my cycle. My cycle is irregular, which it takes 35-40 days. So it happened yesterday we had sex with my bf. We took 4 rounds. 1st to 3rd round, we used condoms. Then for the last round, he inserted his dck w/o protection. But, before he inserted that, it feels his dick is very dry. Its secretes nothing like for we think he’s already havent enough of semen. So inserted his for 3 min, and Im still worried if I could get pregnant? Thanks!

    1. Hi Jade

      Have a scroll back up and look at the new infographic about pregnancy risks. Research shows that the risks of pregnancy from one time sex are much lower than many people think.

      The thing I’m worried about here is that he was putting his dick inside you without protection. Was that something you wanted? I think perhaps he could read a bit more on here about consent and why that is important (just search for consent in the search bar).


  129. Sorry gotta repeat my questiom or reply sir i kinda messed up the order and i wouldnt want you to get confused.I tried to find some emergency contraceptives .but i found nothing. We’re in the Philippines. The pharmacist told me that their database of the contraceptives section is deleted. The other pharmacist from the other pharmacy told me that they require prescription.
    Extremely unlikely then that means that chances are slim? Super slim? We did the whole insertion thingy friday april 13
    Oh god.
    Friday the 13th haha
    Anyways um sir am i worrying too much? Should i look again tomorrow?
    Can precum get her pregnant? I mean i did masturbate last night but yeah i peed lots. Before the whole insertion thingy i didnt masturbate. I only fingered her. I did found some pre cum on my underwear. But yeah like i said i inserted my penis only the head but it’s all dry but sticky. Only for a few seconds. I hope she’s not pregnant

    Clarification. It’s really not that sticky. I mean i think it’s normal for the head of the penis to be a little bit sticky sometimes right? Because of the texture or somethin?

    1. You are worrying too much. It’s extremely unlikely that this will start a pregnancy. Please have a look at all the other posts about this on this website.

  130. I’m 12 and my boyfreind is 18 we had sex and I have been late with my period.We didn’t use a condom and he didn’t cum inside of me

    1. I don’t know whether this is a question for me or not. If he didn’t cum inside of you then it’s unlikely that you are pregnant. However you would need to be pretty sure that he didn’t in order to be sure you’re not pregnant. What worries me about this whole situation is the age gap. 6 years at your age is a very big gap and him being 18 potentially gives him a lot of power over you. You might want to talk to some people about your relationship because there is a possibility that he is using this power against you (for example, how much choice did you get in whether you use a condom or not?). He is also very clearly breaking the law (you are not though). Could you please have a look at this post from me and think about how the age gap might be affecting your relationship?

  131. Hi, please I’m dying of suspense. I had a near sex experience on the 8th/9th of this month. That is, few days ago. He tried to penetrate me bt I was too tight and it hurt so I stopped. We tried again and this time, I’m nt sure bt it ws slightly in. Nw my fear is, when I held his penis, I felt wetness and there was a little fluid at the tip, I’m worried that maybe at those times we tried, sperm may have gotten into me. Then since last night up until nw, I’ve been having slight cramps tho nt as painful as my period cramps. Tho, that is the only sign. Plus, I usually get my period late every month, like frm d 20th day. For instance, last month’s period came on the 27th. Considering all this, could I be pregnant or maybe it’s the ovulation thing(I really dnt calculate my menstrual cycle or ovulation). Please help! I’m nt ready for a baby! I’m so scared

    1. Hi. I’m sorry I missed this comment (FYI to everyone, I can’t get to all comments very quickly because it’s just me here). I’m guessing that this will have been resolved by now and I am guessing that you got your period. However what do you do from here? I think that it might be a good idea to think about what kinds of sex you may actually want to do and how you can make them safer. Also, sex shouldn’t hurt so well done to both of you for stopping when you did. You should also know that it’s totally okay not to have penetrative sex and you might even have a better time not doing that. Check out this post from me which may help you about this.

  132. If I wore condom and I just rubbed my penis around her vagina but didn’t enter is there any possibility of pregnancy???ans must

  133. hello everyone, i wanna say something & its really important so i need you to focus on it please.
    lets start, i’ve dry humped my boyfriend few time, and my period was late for 9 days. i kept freaking out and i’ve been stressed out for real. i got tired from stressing myself so i was like screw it ! whatever happens happens..
    i got my period after 9 days late, lemme say the truth its actually happened after i stopped stressing myself about it..
    girls, stress can delay your periods for real, you can’t get pregnant from dry humping, relax & chill, try to stop thinking please & you’ll get your period, trust me i’ve been in the same situation.
    good luck girls <3 !

  134. I recently messed around with a guy I’m a virgin tried to have sex a couple of times but I was too tight and we stopped , he never entered me.i’m expecting my period a week from now but I’m already freaking out that I’m pregnant cuz I’m cramping badly,my boobs are getting bigger, and I sleep a lot now, just very hungry.could I be pregnant help

    1. If he didn’t ejaculate with you then it’s very unlikely you are pregnant. More about this here. You might also want to think about how you guys might think about different kinds of sex that you might enjoy. More on this here.

  135. Me and my boyfriend was fooling around. He pulled out his penis and entered my vagina for like 3 seconds. We never did that again and we did that on the start. There were no pre cum on the tip of his penis and it was so clean. We stopped very quickly. I had an irregular menstrual cycle, I had my last mens last March 4 and we did this on April 5. Could i be pregnant? Please reply. I am so much worried

    1. It’s extremely unlikely that you are pregnant if your boyfriend did not ejaculate inside you. Also it was a long time after your last period which means that when you did this it is very unlikely that you were in your fertile time. This post explains everything clearly.

  136. Hi, my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex five days ago, and I was not ovulating. However, he didn’t ejaculate and he only got in 3 strokes. I’m now scared that I’m pregnant because I was supposed to get my period today but I didn’t and my cervical mucus is clear and thin, also I felt sick yesterday morning like cramps, I’m just really scared please reply.

    1. If he didn’t ejaculate inside you then it is very unlikely that you are pregnant. More about this here It sounds like it was after your ovulation time, which means it’s not possible for you to be pregnant. More about ovulation and fertility times here.

    2. Hello,
      I know you must be really tired of people asking you questions and commenting by now, but I really need to at least be able to say this just to get it off my chest. You don’t have to read through my comment and you definetly don’t have to respond. I just need to be able to say something so that I can breathe for a minute.
      So, a few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I were hanging out and he said he wanted to try anal since I always refuse to let him in my vagina or even rub against it. I agreed because I didn’t wanna feel like I disappointed him even though he’s never been the type to make me feel bad for not wanting to do something in regards to sex. We tried for a bit to get his penis in with no success. Then he grabbed some lotion for lubricant and asked if we could try again. I wanted to say yes, but I got spooked and said no, so we finished with hand stuff and sucking and that was that. If it matters, this was right after my period. I mean, it was so close to the end of my period I was still having brown discharge.
      Anyways, ever since that day I have been terrified that I may be pregnant. I know for a fact that he didn’t cum while we were trying to get his penis in me, but I’m not sure about precum. Basically, I’ve been stressing myself out because I’m worried his penis may have rubbed against my vagina with precum on it while we were trying to get it in my ass.
      I’ve been stressing for weeks and now I’m even more upset because my older sibling just got their period today and I have still yet to have mine even though my period usually comes before theirs.
      Something I think I should mention is that this is the fourth month in a row I’m having a pregnancy scare. I wouldn’t say it’s because I keep doing things that could get me pregnant rather it’s because I freak out over every little thing. For example, last month I was scared I was pregnant because my boyfriend and I tried to do anal and I thought he accidentally rubbed against my vagina even though I was on my period and I had a tampon in. Something else I feel like I have to say is that ever since my first pregnancy scare, I have prayed in hopes of getting my period. I’ll be honest and say I don’t really know what I pray to, I just do. Whenever I would pray in hopes of getting my period, I would promise whatever I was praying to a variety of things like ‘I’ll be better’ and ‘I’ll be grateful’. During the pregnancy scare before the one I’m having now that I told you about, I promised that I wouldn’t let my boyfriend get anywhere near my vagina.
      What I’m trying to say is that part of my fear is coming from the possiblity in my head that whatever I’ve been praying to has lost it’s patience with me and is punishing me with pregnancy for breaking promises, being so reckless, being ungrateful, etc.
      I’m really scared because I’m only fifteen. I know that if I got pregnant now, not only would it be a problem for me, but it would be a problem for my entire family and my boyfriend who is only sixteen. I also know that I definetly couldn’t take care of a kid. I don’t want to disappoint anybody. That’s the whole reason I’m in this mess. Because I didn’t want to disappoint anybody and I acted like a w***e.
      I don’t really know how to end this, to be honest.
      If you read all the way through this, thank you so much. Like I said before, you don’t have to respond.
      Thank you,

      1. Hi. There’s a lot going on here but the most important thing to say here is that I don’t think you are stupid and I don’t think that you are pregnant from this. As I’ve explained here Am I Pregnant? it’s very unlikely that you are pregnant. The most likely way for a pregnancy to happen is for full ejaculation to happen deep inside the vagina. Even then the risk of pregnancy from this one act is on average 3.1% (between 0 and 9% depending on when the ovulation happened). IF pre-cum was deep inside the vagina from entry sex (which it wasn’t) the risk of pregnancy is much much much lower than that.

        Periods are random and stress can change when periods arrive. It sounds to me like you are super stressed – here’s some advice on how to deal with that How to Deal With Stress

        If you want to have sex with your boyfriend that involves his penis getting near your vagina (but not in) he could still use condoms. Even though the risk is really low from pregnancy if you don’t have vaginal sex, it’s clearly freaking you out. He could just put a condom on his dick and that might be helpful, especially if you are thinking about trying anal again What Is Sex?

        But it also sounds like your boyfriend is really not pressuring you into stuff. He is just asking for something but that doesn’t mean that you have to say yes. If he is asking in a really good way then he might be able to give you an idea of the kinds of things that you might actually enjoy. How To Ask I know that women are often brought up (and are told in culture) that it’s their job to say yes or no to things and that it’s the man’s job to do the asking, but you can both change that. What kinds of conversations can you have about safer sex How to Talk About Safer Sex and what sex you might want OMG Yes, No, Hmm: work out what kind of sex you like and how you want to do it Have the Best First Time Sex and what you need in order to enjoy it How to Meet Our Needs? If he says he doesn’t want to pressure you, believe him.

        The other thing that I think is happening here is that your sex education has told you that the worst thing that can possibly happen is that you will get pregnant (as well as teaching you that enjoying sex is really not allowed). So maybe you could teach yourself some better sex ed, starting here Teach Yourself Sex Ed – What You’ve Learnt So far It might be that you start to get stressed about something else instead, in which case it would be a good idea to talk to someone about how you can manage your stress (a school counsellor, a doctor etc).

        Let me know how you’re getting on.


        1. Thank you so much for this!
          I think you are completely right by saying my period just moved around a little because of stress. A couple days ago, after talking to my boyfriend who calmed me down a lot, I got my period.
          If I feel stressed about pregnancy again, I’ll make sure to give your Am I Pregnant and How to Deal With Stress article a read BEFORE freaking out.
          I also think you’re right about my boyfriend. Part of the talk I had with him that helped me so much was him saying that he really doesn’t mind if we don’t do anything that includes his penis being near my vagina, especially if it freaks me out. He really doesn’t force me into anything. My brain just likes to play tricks on me to get me to think he’s disappointed when I don’t want to do something he asks for.
          That said, I think this experience has taught me that I have found a person that genuinely does not get upset when being told ‘no’ and that it is perfectly fine for me to do so.
          I’ll make sure to have those conversations that you suggested with him like how to have safe sex, finding different kinds of sex we can both enjoy, figuring out how we want to do it, and making sure we’re both satisfied.
          I’ll also read your other article on sex education sometime as well. I think it would help a lot with the stress I feel about sex.
          Something I’d like to mention is that I am normally a very happy and relaxed person. I just don’t do well with stress, especially when what I’m stressed about could possible include disappointing the people around me.
          Now that I realize this, I’m going to try to work on doing a better job of handling my stress and keeping myself from becoming stressed in the first place.
          Thank you so much for responding to my comment and for making the articles you do. Your commentary really did help me and I’m sure your articles will as well.
          Thank you so much!

          1. I’m so pleased to hear all of this! Perhaps you might be able to do a bit of peer education with your friends when they have a panic about this kind of stuff too. As you can see on here, it’s pretty common!

            Big up, Justin

  137. So im 14 and he is 17. This morning he fingered me and i guess we had sex just it was only about a minute because i pulled away and said that it wasnt safe he had it halfway in i think and there was a little awkward movement between us. This was both of our first time and i dont think he cummed, if he did i didnt notice. I dont know im just really worried about getting pregnant. What are my odds? If it makes any diffrence healthwise im a vegetarian; strictly no meat but i wouldnt say im over healthy im just average and tiny compared to him and he is healthy and not a vegetarian

    1. If he didn’t ejaculate inside you then it’s very unlikely that you are pregnant. More on this here. (It doesn’t make any difference at all if you are a vegetarian)

      Leaving the pregnancy question aside – is he really paying attention to whether you do or don’t want to do some sexual things? He really should be checking in with you about whether it’s okay to do a thing, particularly if you have any concerns about how safe it is. You might both want to have a look at this post about sex talk and communication.

  138. So yesterday me and my girlfriend were having sex. She was on day 3 of her period. I didn’t put my penis inside of her because she had a tampon inside, but my penis had contact with her vagina as I was just moving my penis around her vaginal area(my penis did not go inside her and I didn’t ejaculate anytime) What worries me is that she usually has 28-30 day period but for some reason her period came back after 22 days. And I’ve researched a lot and some sources say that if you have those 22 day cycle you will ovulate within a few days after the end of her period. So my question is will she get pregnant if she was on a 22 day cycle period(still on her period), my penis making contact with her vagina( did not insert my penis inside her nor did I ejaculate anytime)? I was just moving my penis up and down on her vagina and the tampon was inside her. Also she gave me a blowjob before we did this

    1. If she regularly gets a 22 day menstrual cycle then her ovulation time will be around day 11 after her period starts. Sperm can survive inside someone for up to 5 days, so if you ejaculated inside her vagina from day 6 after her period started then she could have a chance of getting pregnant. More on this here. As you didn’t ejaculate inside her, it’s extremely unlikely you she is pregnant. More on this here.

  139. Could i get pregnant if he inserted his penis inside my butt hole…but as he said his penis was dry and i too cheked it to confirm…can i get pregnant from dry penis inside my butt hole for sme 4-5 secs…plz do help me….am really very freaked….plz…and am very sure he did not cum inside me…his penis was really dry…can i get pregnant??

    1. You can’t get pregnant from anal sex.

      Remember for anal sex it’s a good idea to use some kind of lubricant so that it can feel pleasurable and not cause damage (or pain). If his penis was dry it’s a good idea to put some lubricant on the anus.

  140. Hi Me and my boyfriend in the last month had sex unprotected a few times but they all only lasted 30 seconds at most and he never came. My period is 8 days late today and I didn’t get the usual boob soreness until three days ago and cramps have been unusually coming and going because I usually have them a little more before my period. I am extremely stressed out and I hope I am ok. I have a test but I am way too scared to take it. (I am 17). And I also spotted during ovulation which has never previously happened to me. Please please help I am so scared do you think I am ok? My boobs are now extremely sore but I don’t know if it is because of stress that my period is late or what but I want it to start I am scared

    1. I can’t tell you if you are pregnant. If he didn’t ejaculate inside you then it’s very unlikely that you are pregnant. However if you have a test you may as well use it to give you some peace of mind. Look on the instructions to see if your period is late enough for you to take it.

  141. (im rewriting this incase you ddnt get it srry)
    Well anyway me and my boyfriend are 17 and recently like a day or two days ago we didn’t fully have sex there was no pre cum or ejackulation at all we wanted to know what it felt like (even though we knew we shouldn’t and we ddnt have a condom either )but anyway he stuck his penis inside me and it hurted but not alot so we were like that for no more than 10-35 secs or 1-2 mins and went up and down 1-2 (i was on top if it matters) but we decided to stop very earlt in the process cause we both didnt want me to get pregant so now im a little worried even though i did some research and i know there a very slim chance that i could be but anyway you could never be to sure (and if it makes a difference my period is irregular ) but anyway i was wondering can you help me

    1. Hi Lexie

      It’s very unlikely that you are pregnant from this. Even though your boyfriend’s penis was inside your vagina, if he didn’t ejaculate then there is a very very low risk of pregnancy.

      If, after hearing that, you are still really really worried you could get some emergency contraception (in the UK this is free). For more on emergency contraception go here, and for more about sexual health services go here.

      Hope this helps


      1. My boyfriend ND I had sex but it wasn’t that intimate coz when he was about to penetrate I told him to stop and after that he ejaculated on the bed but not inside my vagina
        Is there possibility of me becoming pregnant
        Coz after the sex I saw a little blood on my pant

  142. I’m three days late for my period I dry humped in my knickers on my ovolyatipn day on 20th last moth I was really wet but my boyfriend was dry. What do I do my period isn’t here

  143. I wanted to have sex with my boyfriend yesterday but he didnt have a condom so, he brought out is penis and i sat on top but he didnt put his penis in me n we went up n down for some mints… After that i saw alot of whitish n creamy subs i dont know if its from me or him am so scared and i need ur help… Will that get me pragnant?

    1. If you were on top of him but his penis wasn’t inside you then it’s very very unlikely that you are pregnant. The white substance you are talking about could well be your own vaginal discharge – which is totally totally normal.

  144. Hello, I was wondering me and this guy had sex the Ither night we messed around for a bit then he put his or is inside me. It’s was only 3 thrusts and he took it out cause I told him we needed a condom. I’m pretty concerned I need help asap!

  145. I have a similar situation to this but I was wearing a condom. My girlfriend to was moving up and down a few times. But before that, she gave me a blowjob so my penis was wet when I put on the condom. After the moving we stopped and she bleed down there so we decided to take a bath together. She gave me a blowjob until I came on her body like her neck, chest and thighs. I tried to wash the sperm off her with water but I was scared it will flow down into her vagina because she was sitting down. So I stopped and went to grab tissues for her and let her wipe everything off her body. Oh and when we doing sorta doing it, when I pulled out, the condom kinda slipped a bit. I’m really nervous and kinda freaking out right now. Please help.

  146. Hi my name is T
    I am 17 years old. My boyfriend and I didn’t fully have sex. He just put his penis in me for a coupe seconds. 10-15 seconds max. With no protection.
    He told me he did NOT ejaculate and I believe him.
    After, he masturbated and we rinsed off into the water.
    Could I get pregnant Fromt they 15 seconds or from rinsing in the same water?
    I’ve been stressing out lately and I’m really scared.
    I don’t really keep track of my period but I am pretty sure I’m supposed to get it on October 12. Because the last time I had my period was on September 12.
    Please help

  147. Hello. I really need your help. My boyfriend and I tried to have sex for the first time. He fingered me first with one finger then he used two. It felt painful when he inserted the 2nd finger but then it felt better after a while. So it was great. Then we decided to try penis in vagina sex. But he had no condom, so he just made sure that there were no pre-cum on the tip of his penis. He even “squeezed” the head a little to make sure there would be no precum coming out of him. I went on top then we tried to insert his penis but it was HELLA painful. So I stood up. Then after a few seconds we tried it again, this time he tried to really stick it in. He pushed it in hard. I felt like inside of my vagina was being ripped apart. So this time our genital-to-genital contact was about 15-25seconds. But then I gave up because it was too painful. After that, we continued mutual masturbation instead. He came on my tummy. After maybe 10 minutes, I had vaginal bleeding. I was really scared. The blood was bright red and it was kind of spoonful? Later that same day, my vaginal discharge was sticky and clear. A sign of ovulation. I was also notified by my Menstruation App that I’m ovulating.

    I’m really fucked up. I promised myself not to have sex. But I really missed him & we just went through a fight. It was sort of a “makeup ‘sex'”.

    Can I get pregnant from this? Especially hours after trying to have sex, I found out I was ovulating. Is the vaginal bleeding a sign of implatation? Or is it because it’s our first time penis-in-vagina sex? Please reply 🙁

    Needing your help all the way from the Philippines. Thank you 🙁

    1. Hi Maria

      *waves to the Philippines*

      What really really worries me about your comment is how much pain you were in during sex. Sex should not hurt: first time or any time. You are absolutely allowed to say no and he should be better at stopping when he sees that you are in pain. Perhaps think about whether this is a person who cares about your health but also whether you are enjoying sex.

      If he didn’t come inside your vagina you are very unlikely to be pregnant. The bleeding was because the sex was so rough and you weren’t enjoying it. This meant that your vagina wasn’t relaxed or wet enough and so there was bleeding.

      Can you check out these posts from me? I think they might help you.

      Justin (BISH)

    2. Hi. Me and my boyfriend fooling round last october 31, nov 2 and 3 and we dis same scenarios. He didnt put “it” in. I am just on top of him and grinding above his penis. The “head of his penis is neAr in my clit and grinding on top of him i am scared because of the precum on his penis’ even though we didint put it in. I am scared if the precum could swim. Because we did this grinding thing for the 4th time this november 3. Can I get pregnant? i am so scared and worried

  148. A couple weeks ago my boy friend wanted to have sex i said no but he insisted i kinda got overwhelmed with feelings but we still didnt actually do it he tried to go in me but it was too painful so i pushed him of a bit he was still humping but he wasnt in me he came on my underwear since that i had my period but i feel that i am pregnant my tummy is swollen at bottom right side and my navel is kinda swollen too am just really worried(I am 17)

    1. Hi Tashi

      Sorry to hear about this. I don’t think you can get pregnant from this, but I’m much more worried about you and your boyfriend.

      It sounds like your boyfriend wasn’t really listening to your “no.” It’s really important that if we say no to someone that they listen otherwise it’s not consensual. What you described was not consensual and he has broken the law – if you wanted you could report this to the Police. Even if you are in a relationship with someone they should stop when you say no. Do you feel safe with him? Does he make you do other things? Can you talk to anyone about him? Have you thought about whether you can be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect what you do or don’t want?

      If you want you can ask me more about this and I’ll write you a full response on here. In the meantime maybe you could read the following posts?

      A guide to no
      How’s your relationship?
      Abusive relationships


  149. Hey so a few days ago I think maybe two days ago he only stuck it in for like 30 seconds but we didn’t have a condom and I sort of lost track of my period and now I’m scared, there’s a possibility of pre but we don’t know for sure . I’m only 14 and there’s no one in my family I can talk to for a pregnancy test he didn’t cum in me so I don’t think I am but how can I be sure?

  150. Hi,

    so basically my bf and i were curious and he barely went in (like not even to my hymen) unprotected. there was a little bit of precum on his dick but he had peed before i came over and i heard pee kills sperm? im really worried about getting pregnant, i had no idea precum could get you pregnant and now im freaking out! please help 🙁

    1. we also did it the sixth day i was bleeding on my period, and i have a pretty normal 28 day cycle

  151. Me and my boyfriend had sex and it was only in like 2-3 times and it lasted for a minute with no cum and he said he doesn’t have pre cum but even if he did the last time he masterbated was a little more than 24 hours when we had sex and he peed a lot and took showers. Can I be pregnant ?

  152. hi im 18.. i had an unprotected sex on my 13th day.. i have irregular by the range 28-35.. now im on my 36th day and no period and negative.. i knew and believe he didnt ejacuate in me cause he ejacuate soo many outside .. i believe that my late or miss period is because of the stress and fear of preg.. cause ive been searching and worrying about it untill i search on web 24/7 since i had sex

  153. hi im 18.. i had an unprotected sex on my 13th day.. i have irregular by the range 28-35.. now im on my 36th day and no period.. and yesterday i got negative preg .. we both believe he didnt ejacuate inside i trust him cause after he pulled out hw cum soo many inside .. can i still be preg? cause ive been thinking that stress or fear of preg is the actual reason why im late late cause i keep worrying and searching web more or like 24/7 since we had sex

  154. I am having the same issue. His penis was
    Inside for maybe 30 secs cuz it hurt to bad
    He also had a condom on . I’m sure there
    Is no way I could be pregnant rite?

    1. It’s extremely extremely unlikely that you’re pregnant from this (given that he was wearing a condom).

      However, what I’m concerned about is that sex is hurting you. Sex should not hurt. Have a look at some of the articles I have on here about how to make sex feel really pleasurable for both of you (click on the ‘Sex’ category on the toolbar to see these posts).

  155. I did the same thing with one of my really close friends… We just wanted to try it since we were both virgins. I have been freaked about it and I have been stressing myself out so much. So I think this helps! Thank you

  156. Hi

    It’s very unlikely that you are pregnant because he didn’t ejaculate inside your vagina – but there is a small possibility.

    However I have a couple of concerns about this so I think it might be a good idea for you to talk to people like your mum and your doctor. If you can be open with your mum about your period being late is it not possible for you to be open about the sex you’ve been having? It may also be worth talking to the doctor about using some contraception (this is especially recommended with the drug you mention being prescribed to you).

    If you’re having sex where the penis gets near the vagina you are at risk of STI transmission so I would also recommend that you use condoms (even if the penis isn’t going all the way inside you).

    Also is this kind of sex something you really want? If it is great, but there’s something about your comment which makes me wonder whether he is doing this to you with your knowledge and consent – is he? Is he as worried about the risks of this as you. The age gap could be fine, but sometimes a younger partner might not feel as able to say what they want as the older partner is. Just putting that out there for you to think about.

    Here are some links from my site that might help.

    Hope that helps


    1. The same thing happened me and I went to my doctor and took an emergency contraception pill within 24 hours and he said I am in very low risk in my cycle do you think I could be safe?

  157. Uhmm well this îš new to me.. I’m going to go into a bit of detail now if thats okay.. Im just really stressed out that i might be pregnant.. Im 14 years old and he îš 18.. And i havent really properly have sex yet but my period îš late by 5-7 days-not too sure cause it tends te be either late by a day or two or early in the past, it has been 2 weeks since we have done it and it was about a 1 or 2 weeks after my period finished ..we didnt have sex because of my age and the risk of getting pregnant. He only rubbed his part onto mine for a few seconds and stuck it in at the entrance for less than 1 min ,no movement of up and down.(i found out today that u still can get pregnant even if he just rubs his part against the vagina). He didnt cum or anything since we didnt do it but this late period thing îš really freaking me out.. I’ve been reading and taking online quizzes about the symptoms etc. Besides my period being late i have had none of the rest.Last night in the early morning hours it felt like someone was stabbing me in my appendix? So im not sure if it îš it or cramping from being pregnant. I havent had any cramps since then. My doctor has prescribed a dosage of 40g Roaccutan which this will be my second semester taking. Just thought maybe the increase of dosage might also have an effect on the period thing.. I asked my mom why my period could be late and she just said it could be a normal thing cuz of the hormones etc. i have not taken a pregnancy test yet… Please seeking for some advice and some sort of clearance weither or not this could be a pregnancy?

    1. I am too . Its scary . But its like i have days where i dont stress it at all . Then i have days were i feel as if i am . Its all new to me . I’m scared . Because i know im not ready for a child ..

  158. My question is my boyfriend didn’t ejaculate (we had our clothes on and we touch each other and grinding like dry humped and fingering but he didn’t put his penis inside me) but I did. Is that a chance of getting pregnant?

  159. Okay so I am 15 & I am literally going through the exact same thing . I know nothing happened because he didn’t come in me . He didn’t come at all until later that night when he masturbated . I still am stressing about the fact that I might be pregnant because I got my period a week later , then I haven’t got it since & that was about 3 or 4 months ago . I honestly haven’t gained much weight but I don’t do much working out and there was a routine change because it’s summer vacation . I’m really worried because I still haven’t got it I just don’t see any reason how I could be pregnant . I told my mom (registered nurse) about how I haven’t gotten my period & she said that because of my age , that I could still just be having an irregular period because of it & that stressing out is definitely not a way to get your period back because of the fact that it will delay your period even more so honestly i don’t know . I’m just as lost as you are but I just have my fingers crossed that I’m not .

    1. Irregular periods are common at your age. Stress can make it take even longer to come back. Trust your mom. I have a B.S. in biology.

  160. Its a most common question for the teens who don’t know and aware about the safe sex perfectly, to get rid of the myths and using a precaution is the best idea,

      1. Whoops! Thanks for spotting that. I’ve changed it now, just click on the ‘your questions’ category in the menu.

    1. Hi!! I just want to ask for a friend of mine because she’s so worried if there’s a chance for her to be pregnant.

      She told me that she almost had sex with her boyfriend. There’s no penetration and ejaculation happened, they just rubbed their genitals(penis and vagina) to each other for a couple of minutes. But she’s worried about the ‘pre cum’, if it can make her pregnant? Tho’ she wasn’t surenif there’s pre cum that time.

      I don’t know how to answer her. Could please help me out to help here?

        1. Hi! So last week on Monday, March 23 I had sex with my boyfriend for the first time. At first he used a condom but it broke so he used another one but that one broke also. So we just continued without a condom. We had sex for about 30 minutes I believe, but he didn’t ejaculate. And of course he had pre-cum but he hadn’t masturbated or did anything sexual in over a month for there to be any sperm in the pre cum. I’m on birth control but the day before we had sex which was Sunday, March 22 I missed a pill due to some pharmacy issues but I doubled up on the pill the next day. Could I be pregnant?

          1. If he didn’t ejaculate inside your vagina then it’s very very unlikely that you are pregnant. As I’ve explained in the post above. One thing that concerns me is the condom breaking twice. Maybe if you could read a bit more about How to Use Condoms that would be good. Often for first time sex people don’t realise how wet and relaxed the vagina needs to be. If it isn’t then it can be painful (sex shouldn’t be painful) but also it is more likely to break condoms. Your boyfriend should be more gentle and should not be pushing his penis inside you roughly. Have a read of my stuff about how to have sex, how to make first time sex good, and how vaginas work.

        2. I don’t know if you’re still replying, but Im happy to read your replies you are so patient. I just wanna ask if Im going to be pregnant Im afraid because my parents will be angry. My boyfriend rub his genital to me and I dont know if he has already a pre-cum although he already wiped the pre cum he seen after taking of his pants but he rubbed it twice for like 30 secs. Im afraid to be pregnant because I already read in google that even a pre-cum can cause pregnancy I also dont know if Im ovulating. I want to calm myself but its been two days having an anxiety. Im nauseous, mild cramp, a little backache, feel tired and sleepy. I dont know if it’s symptom of pregnancy or anxiety. My period hasn’t come yet but I dont know my cycle. Help me to solved my problem huhu I wish I can have my period now to stop overthinking. Much appreciated if you reply here.

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